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Re: nReality: Uprise

Posted: 2010.01.05 (18:34)
by Tunco
The white text hurts my eyes. Other than that, I like it more and more every comic, wondering where this will go , keep up the good work.

Re: nReality: Uprise

Posted: 2010.01.06 (07:49)
by numa_ninja
Oh, hey everyone. Bad news. The comic won't be updated today, due to unforseen social activities. I know, I should have put this comic before my social life, but, eh. :P

Hiatus Wednesdays has a nice ring to it, by the way.

Re: nReality: Uprise

Posted: 2010.01.07 (04:50)
by numa_ninja
Hey, wouldn't you know, it's already Double-Post-Comic-Update-Because-No-One-Appears-To-Care-About-My-Temporary-Hiatus Thursday!


And yes, they are that eccentric. Or it would seem..

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.10 (07:41)
by numa_ninja
Euh. If people are going to stop commenting, then there really isn't much point in continuing with this. I've pretty much lost all of my motivation for this, and franky, with what I've seen, no one would care if I stopped. :/


"Man, does it have to be this steep?"



EDIT: BLEUH! Forgot to re-colour Carr's font colour. Fix'd.

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.10 (09:02)
by Tunco
numa_ninja wrote:Euh. If people are going to stop commenting, then there really isn't much point in continuing with this. I've pretty much lost all of my motivation for this, and franky, with what I've seen, no one would care if I stopped. :/
Whoa whoa whoa, stop there. I think this is one of the best comics ever made -and I'm not being sarcastic- and I think you should continue this. And because people doesn't live in internet they might not have time to comment to this topic. So if you be a gentleman about it you won't mind it much.

Anyway, keep up the good work.

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.10 (16:59)
by Izzy
I still <3 it. Plx don't stop.

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.10 (17:44)
by DarkN
I love what you're doing with this. Don't stop.

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.10 (23:00)
by numa_ninja
Hey, thanks a lot guys. It was just that I'm planning on this comic to be really huge and in-depth, but I think I'm just running out of steam for ideas to fill in before it really gets into it. All I'm doing now is explaining things so it makes sense later on. So, the only remedy for that is to keep on making comics to finally get to the good parts.

Oh, and to keep you occupied for a while until the next comic comes out, here's a character list for R-BON Hack Team 00.

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.13 (05:19)
by numa_ninja
Comic update! Plus awesome holograms!


Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.13 (13:40)
by Unreality
can't wait for the next one :) good work!

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.13 (15:30)
by Luminaflare
You doing this in photoshop? If so put a 1pixel line around the edges of all your text (There's a tool for it)in something dark to make it easier to read, as is the lighter coloured characters have hard to read text.

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.13 (17:55)
by Tunco
Nice. Can't wait for the next one. :D

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.13 (23:15)
by numa_ninja
Luminaflare wrote:You doing this in photoshop? If so put a 1pixel line around the edges of all your text (There's a tool for it)in something dark to make it easier to read, as is the lighter coloured characters have hard to read text.
Nup, Paint all the way. But, I'll see what I can do to help readability.

Oh, and thanks everyone else! I'm glad you like it Unreality!

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.14 (04:57)
by Turiski
I'm a little bit late to be part of the save-this-comic campaign, but I'm going to have to agree with Tunco. There have been a few comics recently that have made me say "Damn, I wish I could do that" and yours is one of them.

Trust me, I know that not getting coments is discouraging, but you have to see it from our persepective: nobody wants to be the one spamming "i like it keep it up" after every strip.

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.15 (01:33)
by numa_ninja
Yeah, I get your point Turiski. I guess I over-reacted a bit at the time, but I now know that I'm definetly continuing with this through think and thin.

Now, the important stuff. I will be away for a while and will be back on Sunday, so hopefully I'll get back on making the comic then.

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.15 (04:21)
by Unreality
I like this comic, no matter it consists of NReality mod or not. But I'm wondering... will this NReality comic eventually consist of anything related to the NReality program? :)

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.16 (06:53)
by Ignate
Awesome, haven't read this in a while. Nice development here.

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.17 (02:28)
by numa_ninja
Unreality wrote:I like this comic, no matter it consists of NReality mod or not. But I'm wondering... will this NReality comic eventually consist of anything related to the NReality program? :)
Oh, we'll just wait and see. ;)

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates regularly

Posted: 2010.01.19 (05:46)
by numa_ninja
Long-needed update!


Oh, and for all of you extreme awesome explorers out there, here's the level they're playing:

It's supposed to be a side-scrolling level, so there's no exit per se - it just keeps on scrollin'.

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates (ir)regularly

Posted: 2010.01.20 (18:03)
by Unreality
um.. doesn't really like hell to average highscorers I guess?

edited/added: I like the storyline :)

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates (ir)regularly

Posted: 2010.01.21 (00:53)
by Leaff
I like it keep it up

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates (ir)regularly

Posted: 2010.01.23 (06:41)
by Ignate
First, I'd like to say that it's great that you make your comic based on screenshots, and some taken mid-game, even. Even when you could have drawn the floor and call it a day. Being slightly lazy with my backgrounds, I admire the extra effort you put in.
Secondly, nice.

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates (ir)regularly

Posted: 2010.01.23 (21:43)
by Erik-Player
Keep it up. This is nice!

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates (ir)regularly

Posted: 2010.01.27 (06:30)
by numa_ninja
Bad news everyone. I haven't updated the comic in a while due to my procrastination, and plus, school's starting tomorrow. So, I'll be back here with a new comic perhaps over the weekend.

Re: nReality: Uprise - Updates (ir)regularly

Posted: 2010.01.27 (13:43)
by Unreality
I'm checking this topic everyday