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TheRealN Webcomic Archival

Posted: 2016.09.13 (01:08)
by Universezero
Hey y'all,

Considering the community has been solely reduced to reminiscing about pre-2009, I thought now would be a great time for me to upload my copy of Dave's legendary webcomic, TheRealN... webcomic.

Files are hosted on my own website, which will be up for the next 12 months, but after that I can't promise anything, so I would recommend saving a copy.

Images can be viewed one by one, if desired, using the following urls:

Comic 128 being the last one I have. Not sure if it was the last one made, but it must have at least been close. Someone ask Dave if they see him.

Here's the zip file with all the comics:

Re: TheRealN Webcomic Archival

Posted: 2016.09.13 (01:17)
by Vyacheslav
Wow, that takes me back. Fun times.

Re: TheRealN Webcomic Archival

Posted: 2020.02.13 (21:41)
by EddyMataGallos
Late post, but thanks for the archival, copied.