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Postby Universezero » 2009.01.14 (22:14)

Turiski wrote:@ universe: Okay, first. Are you zer0 from the old forums? Cause if so, you've matured a lot since you first posted.
No, I remember him from the old forums, and to memory I'm not him.

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Postby Turiski » 2009.01.18 (17:44)

@ uni: Congrats on making keeping your spot in the Y&BB.

@ dark (comment): I'm... flattered! It's like that one time when ECNES joined to give <3 to my comic, but for real!
@ dark (PM): I'm working on it, okay? I promise. I've just worked so hard to build up this world that it's hard for me to... you know...

@ all: It's time for my regularly scheduled Sunday Update! And you thought I wouldn't stick to it.

But more importantly, I'm going to be urging comments this week. Not because I'm an attention whore (well, not any more than usual), but because today's comic hits you, you as a reader of The .sol of N. I blame darkandroid for this, as it's something I've been meaning to do for a while but he really, really opened my eyes last week and inspired me to get working.

After extensive testing, I have come up with 5 copies of The .sol of N comic #93, each scanned using a slightly different, easily repeatable technique. All of these techniques I have approved of on my non-hi-def screen and in my opinion, all fix the problem of "disappearing Katie" and "floor/wall fade." But I'm not the one who has to read my comics online.

You may continue to comment on the substance of the comic. However, I am going to be looking for NUMBERS in your posts: 4, 5, 6, 7, 12 or 0. The first 5 of those will represent the clearly labeled comics below. If you do not like any of them, please pick 0 and tell me what you think should be changed. I can get surprisingly specific using the scanning program, so all comments are appreciated.





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Soon as in later. Probably post-December. However, aperture and I are in contact, so rest assured we are at least thinking about it.

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Postby Darkandroid » 2009.01.18 (18:19)

i can't tell the diffrence, so 0?
good comic though.

Made by Wumbla

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Postby bhz » 2009.01.19 (10:26)

uhh. 12 for sure
<Izzy> Who are you?
<Meta> I'm meta?
( #n-highscores )

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Postby Sithmaster » 2009.01.19 (16:56)

quotes of the old forum

Blue_Tetris: Wait, wait wait. Does this mean I can break the rules to provoke a reaction and not get banned?
...awesome! The next few days are gonna be some fun.

Someguy: Eagles may soar in the sky, but weasels never get sucked right into a jet engine

Steven Colbert: I see patterns where they don't where they don't exist!!!

Mosh: Fishing for fish only works if the fish are hungry. Don't ask the fish why they don't bite. Rather, consider why they aren't biting.
Or simply chuck a grenade in the lake, pick up the dead fish, and call it a day.

capt_weasle: Mare is actually reagan who is really Tsukatu, who is actually just God. And you can't say he isn't because that would mean he doesnt believe in himself. He just has a low self esteem. Poor guy.

Palemoon:thanks, maestro. Now i can stop smearing paste on my face with a broom

Animator:Eat those poor gingerbread men? For shame. Do you know how many widows are in a gingerbread family? Millions. They have been fighting a war with humanity ever since they were made just to survive and live, with no luck! Think of the children, man! Those poor gingerbread children who are orpahns now, because their moms and dads were eaten, AND THEY WILL SHARE THE SAME FATE TOO! It's saddening. Please, go out there and raise money to save this ever-endangered reality of sugar and bread. Please, for the sake of this kind... think of the oven.

Player 1:You may very well be the first person on the planet to have his faced caved in by a fistful of turkey. Congratulations.

Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!
Get your own at Pokeplushies!
Tsukatu Twilight Rant

BELLA parks her car and enters the school.
EDWARD: "Hello, Bella. I am very awkward, and I am a vampire."
Freeze frame: the text "protagonist, and also a vampire" appears, and an arrow pointing from the text to EDWARD blinks a few times.
BELLA: "I am infatuated with you." (she turns to the camera) "I am unaware that Edward is a vampire."
EDWARD: "I am infatuated with you, too, and I am a vampire."
BELLA: "Let's be awkward together." (she turns to the camera) "I am still unaware that Edward is a vampire."
EDWARD: "I completely agree, and I am very clearly a vampire."
(EDWARD does vampirey things.)
BELLA: "Thank you for saving my life."
EDWARD: "No problem, and I am a vampire."
BELLA: (to the camera) "I am beginning to suspect that Edward is not human."
EDWARD: "I am a vampire."
BELLA: "Are you a superhero?"
EDWARD: "No, I am a vampire."
BELLA: "What are you then?"
EDWARD: "I am not the good guy; I am the bad guy." (he turns to the camera) "That was a lie. I am very much the good guy." (he turns back to Bella) "Specifically, I am a vampire."
BELLA: (to the camera) "I am beginning to suspect that Edward is a vampire."

JACOB: "Hello, Bella, and I am very clearly a werewolf. Look at my wacky canines."
BELLA: "What do you have against Edward, anyway?"
JACOB: "I am a werewolf."
BELLA: "I am convinced that you are a normal human being."
JACOB: "Everyone in my tribe is a werewolf. I am in my tribe; I am also a werewolf. We are all werewolves."
BELLA: "I have no reason to believe that you are more than human."

And what exactly is Bella's problem? Why does she fall head-over-heels with an anti-social, almost preternaturally awkward, whiny, mascara-wearing emo cunt?


I guess the guy who wrote XKCD was right. You can't be too stupid for youtube.


When i say 'Abortion is murder' i mean just that; it is the taking of life - in that, from conception, a fetus is as definably life as is a bacteria, a puppy, or Stephen Hawking. This is how i think it differs from contraception, masturbation, and not screwing Dave.

Blue_Tetris quotes (all taken from a topic on abortion)

Eating vegetables instead of meat lowers your sperm count, clearly killing potential children. Vegetarians are murderers.

If a chair comes into my house and I don't want it there, I do everything in my power to remove it. What makes you think you have more rights than a chair when you go into someone else's home unannounced?

If I'm sleeping around without a condom, I'm likely to have a child too. When I wear a condom, I prevent the likely child I would have. Condoms are for murderers. I'm good at picking up dates and getting them into the sack, so if I restrain myself from going clubbing then I am prventing a potential child. Non-socialites are murderers.


What ever happened to the purpose of Christmas anyway, I thought it was about elves smacking each other over the head with a shovel whilst Santa drank whisky and egged them on.

I give you a laser printer and set it to stun


Deathconsciousness: "Deism is closer to atheism than theism."
Demonz: "Oh? How's that?"
Deathconsciousness: "Well, deism is the belief that there's a-"
Demonz: *grabs airhorn* *FNNNRRRRRRRRTT*
Deathconsciousness: "..."
Demonz: *puts down airhorn* "Sorry, you were saying?"
Deathconsciousness: "...a being that created the uni-"
Demonz: *grabs airhorn* *FNNNRRRRRRRRTT*
Deathconsciousness: "..."
Demonz: *puts down airhorn* "Please continue."
Deathconsciousness: "Are you going to let me finish this time?"
Demonz: "Given that I had to stop you twice just now in the same sentence, I don't think that's likely."
*Tsukatu wanders in*
Tsukatu: "Anyone seen my airhorn?"
Demonz: "Yeah, it's right here. I needed to borrow it for a sec. I knew you wouldn't mind."
Tsukatu: "Oh, yeah, that's fine. I'm just about to head into the Okay With Gays thread."
Demonz: "Here you go." *hands Tsukatu the airhorn*
Tsukatu: "Thanks." *exits the thread*
Demonz: "Where were we?"
Deathconsciousness: "I was saying how atheists also believe th-"
Deathconsciousness: (startled) "What was that?"
Demonz: "Sorry, I don't have the airhorn anymore. Do go on."
Deathconsciousness: "..."
*an airhorn sounds in a nearby thread*


a lack of belief is still a belief that something in itself is lacking. please dont be arrogant.


What the jesus balls are you talking about?

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Postby Turiski » 2009.01.23 (14:56)

@ responses: Thank you, you have chosen 12 . 12 was the original of the updated ones, I put the others up with higher brightness and lower contrast because I personally thought it was too high. But it is better in this format than it was in the previous one, right?
@ all: 3 people? 3 people read my webcomic? I find that hard to believe... feel free to voice your opinion.

I've been writing comics at a fairly alarming rate, so I'm going to be updating today and tomorrow as well as Sunday! Number 94 was produced using the 12-technique. Does it look like it or do I need to bump up the contrast?

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Soon as in later. Probably post-December. However, aperture and I are in contact, so rest assured we are at least thinking about it.

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Postby Darkandroid » 2009.01.23 (23:00)

only thing I can say is get one of those blending sticks, it'll help on the walls.

Made by Wumbla

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Postby ninja143 » 2009.01.24 (16:26)

hey, just got caught up and wow what a turn, i hope they get out of the map. this is going to be interesting to find out :D

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Postby Turiski » 2009.01.24 (19:05)

@ dark: Eh. It's not that I don't care, it's just that it's not worth it. I could do a lot of things to make my comic "better."

I could really, really tinker with the brightness/contrast pairings, I could outline everything in black so it's easier to see, I could use color for the gold and drones, I could make an effort to make C(onner) the same shade of grey every time, I could use N poser so that I always get the anatomy correct, I could smooth out the darkness of the main character's body parts. I could use a ruler for my panels and border, I could develop a standard "font" for use in the title, I could make a greater effort to regulate the size of the objects in relation to the ninja.

I could also develop subplots to move the main story along, I could work at enriching the characters out of the fiction cliches, I could try and get inside the minds of my characters so I can make them react to what IS happening, rather than what I know is happening, I could smooth out dialogue so it doesn't sound scripted, I could develop intricate backstories.

There is a reason why I don't do the former and I do do the latter.

@ ninja: NINJA!!!!! Good to see you back. I'm assuming you liked 12 also, but could I just have some confirmation?

@ all: As promised, I present 95.


EDIT: My NEW favorite thing about my scanning software is that it shows the same picture on the same screen with different amounts of blue.
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Soon as in later. Probably post-December. However, aperture and I are in contact, so rest assured we are at least thinking about it.

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Postby Riobe » 2009.01.26 (00:14)

Took half an hour, but I finally caught up!

I still like it quite a bit. :)

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Postby Turiski » 2009.01.26 (01:44)

@ Riobe: I thought you've been reading, but good to see that I still impress. Oh, and:
@ people (esp Riobe&ninja): Yeah, I'm still taking opinions. See the top of the page if you don't know what I'm talking about. 12 is currently the unanimous opinion; if you like something better you have to say something! I think I'm going to close it down at the end of the month, so make sure to get your vote in!

@ all: Well, here's the standard Sunday update! And despite what the name may claim, this comic really was supposed to exist in the original storyline. It's not 96 because I seriously screwed up the numbering system about 94-99 and I said that real 98 was 97 and then I wrote an extra one that I numbered 96 because I thought real 95 was 94 and I was going to put real 95.5 as 95 but 95 was already taken by what I thought was 94 and I tried to take 97 out but it really didn't make a lot of sense when I did that and in general it was a big mess.

The moral of the story is don't number your comics before you write them. Or have them on hand. Or have a good eraser (seriously, my eraser is sort of ballsy).

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Soon as in later. Probably post-December. However, aperture and I are in contact, so rest assured we are at least thinking about it.

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Postby Riobe » 2009.01.26 (02:38)

Haha, sweet.

I also think that 12 is the best one.

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Postby Turiski » 2009.02.01 (19:36)

@ riobe: good to know.
@ all: I've changed the formula slightly, because it's much easier for me to make sure it's right this way. Pretty sure it looks similar though.

@ all again: Well, I got myself embroiled ins some forum drama this week and completely neglected to update. However, I also didn't make any. So I'll give you two today and we'll call it even.

And best of luck to the two new comics that started ;)

Commentary - 97: If you understand the joke then you probably have a good understanding of how the characters feel about each other.


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Soon as in later. Probably post-December. However, aperture and I are in contact, so rest assured we are at least thinking about it.

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Postby Riobe » 2009.02.01 (19:54)

Woo, new comics!

You're approaching 100, make it totally sweet!

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Postby Sithmaster » 2009.02.01 (22:01)

can't wait for 100
quotes of the old forum

Blue_Tetris: Wait, wait wait. Does this mean I can break the rules to provoke a reaction and not get banned?
...awesome! The next few days are gonna be some fun.

Someguy: Eagles may soar in the sky, but weasels never get sucked right into a jet engine

Steven Colbert: I see patterns where they don't where they don't exist!!!

Mosh: Fishing for fish only works if the fish are hungry. Don't ask the fish why they don't bite. Rather, consider why they aren't biting.
Or simply chuck a grenade in the lake, pick up the dead fish, and call it a day.

capt_weasle: Mare is actually reagan who is really Tsukatu, who is actually just God. And you can't say he isn't because that would mean he doesnt believe in himself. He just has a low self esteem. Poor guy.

Palemoon:thanks, maestro. Now i can stop smearing paste on my face with a broom

Animator:Eat those poor gingerbread men? For shame. Do you know how many widows are in a gingerbread family? Millions. They have been fighting a war with humanity ever since they were made just to survive and live, with no luck! Think of the children, man! Those poor gingerbread children who are orpahns now, because their moms and dads were eaten, AND THEY WILL SHARE THE SAME FATE TOO! It's saddening. Please, go out there and raise money to save this ever-endangered reality of sugar and bread. Please, for the sake of this kind... think of the oven.

Player 1:You may very well be the first person on the planet to have his faced caved in by a fistful of turkey. Congratulations.

Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!
Get your own at Pokeplushies!
Tsukatu Twilight Rant

BELLA parks her car and enters the school.
EDWARD: "Hello, Bella. I am very awkward, and I am a vampire."
Freeze frame: the text "protagonist, and also a vampire" appears, and an arrow pointing from the text to EDWARD blinks a few times.
BELLA: "I am infatuated with you." (she turns to the camera) "I am unaware that Edward is a vampire."
EDWARD: "I am infatuated with you, too, and I am a vampire."
BELLA: "Let's be awkward together." (she turns to the camera) "I am still unaware that Edward is a vampire."
EDWARD: "I completely agree, and I am very clearly a vampire."
(EDWARD does vampirey things.)
BELLA: "Thank you for saving my life."
EDWARD: "No problem, and I am a vampire."
BELLA: (to the camera) "I am beginning to suspect that Edward is not human."
EDWARD: "I am a vampire."
BELLA: "Are you a superhero?"
EDWARD: "No, I am a vampire."
BELLA: "What are you then?"
EDWARD: "I am not the good guy; I am the bad guy." (he turns to the camera) "That was a lie. I am very much the good guy." (he turns back to Bella) "Specifically, I am a vampire."
BELLA: (to the camera) "I am beginning to suspect that Edward is a vampire."

JACOB: "Hello, Bella, and I am very clearly a werewolf. Look at my wacky canines."
BELLA: "What do you have against Edward, anyway?"
JACOB: "I am a werewolf."
BELLA: "I am convinced that you are a normal human being."
JACOB: "Everyone in my tribe is a werewolf. I am in my tribe; I am also a werewolf. We are all werewolves."
BELLA: "I have no reason to believe that you are more than human."

And what exactly is Bella's problem? Why does she fall head-over-heels with an anti-social, almost preternaturally awkward, whiny, mascara-wearing emo cunt?


I guess the guy who wrote XKCD was right. You can't be too stupid for youtube.


When i say 'Abortion is murder' i mean just that; it is the taking of life - in that, from conception, a fetus is as definably life as is a bacteria, a puppy, or Stephen Hawking. This is how i think it differs from contraception, masturbation, and not screwing Dave.

Blue_Tetris quotes (all taken from a topic on abortion)

Eating vegetables instead of meat lowers your sperm count, clearly killing potential children. Vegetarians are murderers.

If a chair comes into my house and I don't want it there, I do everything in my power to remove it. What makes you think you have more rights than a chair when you go into someone else's home unannounced?

If I'm sleeping around without a condom, I'm likely to have a child too. When I wear a condom, I prevent the likely child I would have. Condoms are for murderers. I'm good at picking up dates and getting them into the sack, so if I restrain myself from going clubbing then I am prventing a potential child. Non-socialites are murderers.


What ever happened to the purpose of Christmas anyway, I thought it was about elves smacking each other over the head with a shovel whilst Santa drank whisky and egged them on.

I give you a laser printer and set it to stun


Deathconsciousness: "Deism is closer to atheism than theism."
Demonz: "Oh? How's that?"
Deathconsciousness: "Well, deism is the belief that there's a-"
Demonz: *grabs airhorn* *FNNNRRRRRRRRTT*
Deathconsciousness: "..."
Demonz: *puts down airhorn* "Sorry, you were saying?"
Deathconsciousness: "...a being that created the uni-"
Demonz: *grabs airhorn* *FNNNRRRRRRRRTT*
Deathconsciousness: "..."
Demonz: *puts down airhorn* "Please continue."
Deathconsciousness: "Are you going to let me finish this time?"
Demonz: "Given that I had to stop you twice just now in the same sentence, I don't think that's likely."
*Tsukatu wanders in*
Tsukatu: "Anyone seen my airhorn?"
Demonz: "Yeah, it's right here. I needed to borrow it for a sec. I knew you wouldn't mind."
Tsukatu: "Oh, yeah, that's fine. I'm just about to head into the Okay With Gays thread."
Demonz: "Here you go." *hands Tsukatu the airhorn*
Tsukatu: "Thanks." *exits the thread*
Demonz: "Where were we?"
Deathconsciousness: "I was saying how atheists also believe th-"
Deathconsciousness: (startled) "What was that?"
Demonz: "Sorry, I don't have the airhorn anymore. Do go on."
Deathconsciousness: "..."
*an airhorn sounds in a nearby thread*


a lack of belief is still a belief that something in itself is lacking. please dont be arrogant.


What the jesus balls are you talking about?

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Postby Turiski » 2009.02.04 (14:53)

@ Riobe, Sith: If all goes well it'll be on Sunday :)

@ all: Okay, here is my weekday update to t.soN!

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Soon as in later. Probably post-December. However, aperture and I are in contact, so rest assured we are at least thinking about it.

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Postby Leaff » 2009.02.06 (21:10)

Ha. I love these comics. Keep up the awesome work!

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Postby Turiski » 2009.02.09 (14:53)

@ Mikey_ninja: Thanks!! (woah, I just gave you two exclamation marks)

@ all: Uhm..


I'm sorry about this, especially since I did sort of make a big deal about it. It's not Sunday, and I... I don't have an update. I'm stuck at school without a scanner. But I swear, you will have 100 in less than 24 hours!
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Soon as in later. Probably post-December. However, aperture and I are in contact, so rest assured we are at least thinking about it.

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Postby Turiski » 2009.02.10 (03:29)

Sorry for the double-post, but this is a fairly momentous moment!

I present to you comics number 99 and 100 of the .sol of N!


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Soon as in later. Probably post-December. However, aperture and I are in contact, so rest assured we are at least thinking about it.

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Postby squibbles » 2009.02.10 (05:12)


You really couldn't wait until next week to make two big releases, could you? ;)

Tsukatu wrote:I don't know what it is, squibbles, but my brain keeps inserting "black" into random parts of your posts these days.
I totally just read that as, "I'd hate to be the only black guy stuck using v1.4."

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Postby blackbelmoral » 2009.02.10 (14:22)

yah! that was great!
took me forever to catch up.
29403|?NicNac?| Kablamo
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Postby SlappyMcGee » 2009.02.10 (15:16)

Congratulations, brah'. You've 64 comics in this series than I've ever made. :) Grats.

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Postby Turiski » 2009.02.15 (19:33)

@ Slappy: :/

@ black: Well, you're still faster than *NAME DELETED*. She still hasn't given me my book back yet :(

@ squibbles: Well, it was supposed to be Friday-Sunday, but that whole weekend just got shot by homework.

@ golfkid: If you're reading this, say something! We've already brought back the rest of the gang, Sith and squibbles, ninja and riobe. It's like you and destiny and we'd be set! We've got some new friends, too.

@ all: Aha! It is Sunday once again.
Time flies. Sort of. I alternated between being very tired and very alert all week. So it was a little odd.

Here is 101, for your viewing pleasure, but I have a bigger announcement coming tonight...
Script (!!)

??: ugh
I don't belong here
How will I get back?
??: <free flowing text becomes rigid> I must find a way...
??: <pixels> Computer?


EDIT: *thunderous silence*
Ah well, 101 can't ever recieve the same treatment as 100. In any case, I've had complaints about that being hard to read for my real life friends, so here's the first-ever script on the new forums. *adds*

More importantly, I wrote the second-last bright orange self-referential Thursday. I tossed around the idea with ECNES Eternal Boredom aperture about starting a new series on different-colored paper to meta-talk about my comic, and of course having no original ideas of my own I "remixed" a famous piece of history to become the name for my very first Turiski's Fireside Chat. However, it soon occurred to me that the visuals would be even less exciting than in t.soN, which is probably not what I want to be known for (Least Exciting Visuals Dronie, Please!) so I decided I'd actually, you know, chat. As in talk. As in a podcast.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I couldn't find a site that would take mp3s that these forums would accept with the {mp3] tag. I've PMd Lenny, I figured he'd be the first to know, but if you know of a website, drop me a pm or a response and I'll be sure to move them there. In the meantime, you just have to listen it here: Turiski's Fireside Chat One

Nothing I said in there I couldn't have said right now, but eh, us artists* are weird like that.
* the term "artists" is not meant to imply any degree skill level.
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Soon as in later. Probably post-December. However, aperture and I are in contact, so rest assured we are at least thinking about it.

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Postby Sithmaster » 2009.02.17 (04:09)

love this
quotes of the old forum

Blue_Tetris: Wait, wait wait. Does this mean I can break the rules to provoke a reaction and not get banned?
...awesome! The next few days are gonna be some fun.

Someguy: Eagles may soar in the sky, but weasels never get sucked right into a jet engine

Steven Colbert: I see patterns where they don't where they don't exist!!!

Mosh: Fishing for fish only works if the fish are hungry. Don't ask the fish why they don't bite. Rather, consider why they aren't biting.
Or simply chuck a grenade in the lake, pick up the dead fish, and call it a day.

capt_weasle: Mare is actually reagan who is really Tsukatu, who is actually just God. And you can't say he isn't because that would mean he doesnt believe in himself. He just has a low self esteem. Poor guy.

Palemoon:thanks, maestro. Now i can stop smearing paste on my face with a broom

Animator:Eat those poor gingerbread men? For shame. Do you know how many widows are in a gingerbread family? Millions. They have been fighting a war with humanity ever since they were made just to survive and live, with no luck! Think of the children, man! Those poor gingerbread children who are orpahns now, because their moms and dads were eaten, AND THEY WILL SHARE THE SAME FATE TOO! It's saddening. Please, go out there and raise money to save this ever-endangered reality of sugar and bread. Please, for the sake of this kind... think of the oven.

Player 1:You may very well be the first person on the planet to have his faced caved in by a fistful of turkey. Congratulations.

Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!
Get your own at Pokeplushies!
Tsukatu Twilight Rant

BELLA parks her car and enters the school.
EDWARD: "Hello, Bella. I am very awkward, and I am a vampire."
Freeze frame: the text "protagonist, and also a vampire" appears, and an arrow pointing from the text to EDWARD blinks a few times.
BELLA: "I am infatuated with you." (she turns to the camera) "I am unaware that Edward is a vampire."
EDWARD: "I am infatuated with you, too, and I am a vampire."
BELLA: "Let's be awkward together." (she turns to the camera) "I am still unaware that Edward is a vampire."
EDWARD: "I completely agree, and I am very clearly a vampire."
(EDWARD does vampirey things.)
BELLA: "Thank you for saving my life."
EDWARD: "No problem, and I am a vampire."
BELLA: (to the camera) "I am beginning to suspect that Edward is not human."
EDWARD: "I am a vampire."
BELLA: "Are you a superhero?"
EDWARD: "No, I am a vampire."
BELLA: "What are you then?"
EDWARD: "I am not the good guy; I am the bad guy." (he turns to the camera) "That was a lie. I am very much the good guy." (he turns back to Bella) "Specifically, I am a vampire."
BELLA: (to the camera) "I am beginning to suspect that Edward is a vampire."

JACOB: "Hello, Bella, and I am very clearly a werewolf. Look at my wacky canines."
BELLA: "What do you have against Edward, anyway?"
JACOB: "I am a werewolf."
BELLA: "I am convinced that you are a normal human being."
JACOB: "Everyone in my tribe is a werewolf. I am in my tribe; I am also a werewolf. We are all werewolves."
BELLA: "I have no reason to believe that you are more than human."

And what exactly is Bella's problem? Why does she fall head-over-heels with an anti-social, almost preternaturally awkward, whiny, mascara-wearing emo cunt?


I guess the guy who wrote XKCD was right. You can't be too stupid for youtube.


When i say 'Abortion is murder' i mean just that; it is the taking of life - in that, from conception, a fetus is as definably life as is a bacteria, a puppy, or Stephen Hawking. This is how i think it differs from contraception, masturbation, and not screwing Dave.

Blue_Tetris quotes (all taken from a topic on abortion)

Eating vegetables instead of meat lowers your sperm count, clearly killing potential children. Vegetarians are murderers.

If a chair comes into my house and I don't want it there, I do everything in my power to remove it. What makes you think you have more rights than a chair when you go into someone else's home unannounced?

If I'm sleeping around without a condom, I'm likely to have a child too. When I wear a condom, I prevent the likely child I would have. Condoms are for murderers. I'm good at picking up dates and getting them into the sack, so if I restrain myself from going clubbing then I am prventing a potential child. Non-socialites are murderers.


What ever happened to the purpose of Christmas anyway, I thought it was about elves smacking each other over the head with a shovel whilst Santa drank whisky and egged them on.

I give you a laser printer and set it to stun


Deathconsciousness: "Deism is closer to atheism than theism."
Demonz: "Oh? How's that?"
Deathconsciousness: "Well, deism is the belief that there's a-"
Demonz: *grabs airhorn* *FNNNRRRRRRRRTT*
Deathconsciousness: "..."
Demonz: *puts down airhorn* "Sorry, you were saying?"
Deathconsciousness: "...a being that created the uni-"
Demonz: *grabs airhorn* *FNNNRRRRRRRRTT*
Deathconsciousness: "..."
Demonz: *puts down airhorn* "Please continue."
Deathconsciousness: "Are you going to let me finish this time?"
Demonz: "Given that I had to stop you twice just now in the same sentence, I don't think that's likely."
*Tsukatu wanders in*
Tsukatu: "Anyone seen my airhorn?"
Demonz: "Yeah, it's right here. I needed to borrow it for a sec. I knew you wouldn't mind."
Tsukatu: "Oh, yeah, that's fine. I'm just about to head into the Okay With Gays thread."
Demonz: "Here you go." *hands Tsukatu the airhorn*
Tsukatu: "Thanks." *exits the thread*
Demonz: "Where were we?"
Deathconsciousness: "I was saying how atheists also believe th-"
Deathconsciousness: (startled) "What was that?"
Demonz: "Sorry, I don't have the airhorn anymore. Do go on."
Deathconsciousness: "..."
*an airhorn sounds in a nearby thread*


a lack of belief is still a belief that something in itself is lacking. please dont be arrogant.


What the jesus balls are you talking about?

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Postby DoctorAperture » 2009.02.17 (22:51)

so... are you going to get rid of the -Number 100 in the topic title?

kinda misleading

oh and hey! first script in a while
random stuff

Thanks tp pawz and GTM for the sig

obligatory ad for my comic(s)


LittleViking wrote:Oh, sure. I just hope this doesn't open the door to new jokes instead, you know? I'd hate for this to shed some light on more name-related puns. Maybe now they can focus their efforts elsewhere.
Awww, so cute!


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