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The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2009.12.01 (17:46)
by Maligus
Gonna take a chance here and post the comic that i've been working on really long time. Skipped a few pages that weren't good til i found a good beginning. Admittedly very strange at the beginning but i promise it gets progressively better (hence the topic title). Submited one page at a time. Lots of comments to help me make 'em better.
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EDIT: Fixed....I hope

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Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2009.12.01 (17:58)
by Vyacheslav

It's hard to read.. I like your artwork, but make it larger.

Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2009.12.01 (18:58)
by ChrisE
It is very strange... I don't watch Invader Zim... :(

Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2009.12.01 (21:29)
by Maligus
ChrisE wrote:It is very strange... I don't watch Invader Zim... :(
honestly, it has almost nothing to do with Invader Zim....just character reference.....cause he looks funny

Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2009.12.02 (08:01)
by ChrisE
Hehe, fair enough.

Its a very fast-paced comic, right... Sometimes it is too fast for me, and I lose track of what is going on. But nice work.


Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2009.12.04 (14:36)
by Maligus
ChrisE wrote:Hehe, fair enough.

Its a very fast-paced comic, right... Sometimes it is too fast for me, and I lose track of what is going on. But nice work.


well i just think ill say this:

"The Comic That Gets Progressively Better"

Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2009.12.07 (14:18)
by Maligus
this weeks two pages are out! huzaaaaah!

EDIT: well then....hmm....i dont suppose everyone else is as excited as i am....but once again, the comic gets "progressively better" other words you may think this and last weeks sucked but you need to read them to get whats going on in the rest of pages to get over it...

EDIT AGAIN: c'mon! the new pages are out! ((and i do NOT want to triple post, i got in trouble last time i did that))

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Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2009.12.14 (21:08)
by Maligus
New page out!!!!! the smudging was so horrible that i had to restore it.....its not so great now but you'll get the picture.

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Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2009.12.14 (21:40)
by Drathmoore
I can say that comic 5 is much better than the others in terms of overall structure - I couldn't read the end of number 4.

As for the plot... Eyyeeh... It's not bad, I'll put it that way. I'm more of a fan of comedic comics, myself (which is why I find most of the comics on this forum pretty boring...), but I won't say "OMG UR COMIX SUK!!!1!" just because it lacks comedy.

Invader Zim. A pretty unique idea, I must admit. =D

Overall... It's getting progressively better. I'm a bit interested to see where it goes from here.

Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2009.12.16 (15:23)
by Maligus

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Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2010.01.04 (17:32)
by Maligus
more comics soon....been on winter break...comments and ideas...thanks

Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2010.03.22 (14:48)
by Maligus
there is something you must know about page 9....i made two page 9's...the first was for if McCain won..the second was for if Obama won....both make fun of the coresponding candidate so do not be like..."oh Maligus! youre being racist" or "oh Maligus! youre a douche"...given, obama is screwing us over...i made fun of both candidates as equally as possible

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Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2010.04.28 (16:25)
by Maligus
new pages....and for the love of all that is N, please comment

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Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2010.04.28 (19:37)
by lord_day
Dude. I won't pretend I can understand anything that isi happening in your comics... O_o
Perhaps have fewer panels, and make them larger so that it can be clear what is happening in the comics?

Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2010.04.28 (20:06)
by Maligus
my comic can get somewhat random and i did change the box size starting on page 15

Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2010.04.30 (17:53)
by Maligus
comments are nice...they make me happy...they also prevent me from F***ING KILLING YOU B****!!!
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Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2010.05.01 (14:38)
by Turiski
I kept saying I would read this, but it fell off my radar for a couple months.

Yesterday I actually got around to reading this. It's very random but you've got something going here.

Re: The Comic That Gets Progressively Better ((Gir Comics))

Posted: 2010.05.03 (14:45)
by Maligus
i know its random...but i cant help it...i hate drawing short comics so i draw comics in composition books and its just continuous string of comics and its hard to come up with a story line that keeps going for some 100 pages