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Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.06 (01:51)
by Riobe
Simple comic type thing, I'll try not to bail out on this one like I did with "Down With The Stickness".
I made 7 comics to begin with, and I'll keep updating as I make more. Here they are, for your reading pleasure. Most of these so far are inside jokes, I'll try to branch out more as I get more inspiration. For now, enjoy these, and keep on the lookout for more.
Season One
#1 -
bro lissen part 1
#2 -
bro lissen part 2
#3 -
bro lissen part 3
#4 -
bro lissen part 4
#5 -
bro lissen part 5
#6 -
#7 -
#8 -
real man's game
#9 -
avatar change
#10 -
Season Two
#11 -
new furniture
#12 -
new font
#13 -
can't you wait till christmas
#14 -
#15 -
your mother
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.06 (01:52)
by Leaff
Funny stuff.
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.06 (01:56)
by sidke
u mad?
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.06 (02:00)
by Izzy
Bitch, do you fucking think that using a whole fucking shitload of "fucking" will make you comic funny?
I like the "fuck yo couch."
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.06 (02:02)
by Riobe
Haha, not neccesarily, but you know, it helps sometimes.
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.06 (02:27)
by yungerkid
The first one is quite original. I like it. The things degrade slightly from there, but are still good. This comic looks to be promising.
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.06 (02:43)
by Pheidippides
bro lissen
i like this comic most of these were pretty funny especially the fuck-yo-couch but the toast one was over the top
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.06 (02:59)
by Riobe
Pheidippides wrote:bro
bro lissen
i like this comic most of these were pretty funny especially the fuck-yo-couch but the toast one was over the top
ahahah, I agree that toast one was kinda bad. :p
HOWEVER, I tried to get the best set up for that final line (which is actually a reference to one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite songs. ;) ). It was also dedicated to one of my friends who wanted me to make a toast comic. So yeah, but you shouldn't expect as much profanity in the future.
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.06 (16:00)
by Tunco
Izzy wrote:I like the "fuck yo couch."
fuck yo couch
Nice comics. Eheh.
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.06 (16:29)
by Riobe
Made in a 30 minute comic session yesterday.
real man's game
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.06 (18:42)
by T3chno
bro lissen
why the fuck are you using comic sans ms as text?
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.06 (19:00)
by Riobe
cause comic sans ms is the shit bro
nah not really I just decided on a random font. Do you have a different font to recommend?
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.06 (20:40)
by T3chno
Riobe wrote:Do you have a different font to recommend?
bro lissen
use papyrus
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.08 (03:44)
by Riobe
ahahah, maybe some other time bud. :D
#9 - avatar change
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.08 (04:38)
by Ignate
bro lissen
don't use papyrus, it's likely to gimp up if you use it on a small font size so just to be safe use something else like i dunno berlin sans or something
Memes aside, these comics are great. Well, except for the toast one.
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.08 (05:00)
by Riobe
Thanks, although I don't have Berlin Sans on here...
At least, the font doesn't show up in Paint.NET anyway. Also, SEASON FINALE. Talk about a quick season. Oh, and also, I fixed up the panel layout for the comics, so it looks much neater and nice now. Enjoy. :D
(Based off a true story. I got the vaccine and everything, no biggie. The needle was indeed very long, but it didn't hurt very much at all. So, two days later [not three, my bad; today], I took off the band-aid. Man, that's some painful shit right there. I was this close to crying. o_o)
EDIT: OMG I am on a roll. :o
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.08 (07:00)
by Pheidippides
The bloody couch: Now an official Riobe comic theme? Troubling.
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.09 (00:07)
by Leaff
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.11 (00:44)
by Riobe is thanked for the new font. Enjoy.
new font
can't you wait till christmas
Bonus Conversation:
<Leaff> :<
<Leaff> i might bug my dad to let me get this album
<Leaff> if my dad lets me get this I will be like
<Riobe> he'll probably be like
<Riobe> "you'll get it for Christmas"
<Leaff> NEW MSG
<Leaff> "Could you wait two weeks for Christmas?"
<Leaff> oh wow
<Leaff> riobe you are so right
<Leaff> =_=
<Leaff> you FUCKING
<Leaff> adhgkajghJAGHJAKG
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.11 (00:47)
by Leaff
Cool beans.
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.18 (06:12)
by Riobe
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.18 (06:29)
by Pheidippides
Haha, nice ones, Riobe.
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.18 (07:24)
by aids
Faved. These are great. I love the Connect Four one.
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.21 (22:37)
by Riobe
Thank you, guys. I really appreciate the support. :3
your mother
Re: Simple Sketchings
Posted: 2009.12.23 (00:02)
by Leaff
Haha, these are great.