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Comic fonts!

Posted: 2010.08.22 (21:49)
by scythe

I suggest you all get some of these and use them.

Re: Comic fonts!

Posted: 2010.08.23 (11:26)
by Universezero
I'm sorry to say this, but all-caps Comic Sans is just not how we do this shit anymore. Still, a lot of other good fonts there.

Re: Comic fonts!

Posted: 2010.08.23 (17:37)
by T3chno
Universezero wrote:I'm sorry to say this, but all-caps Comic Sans is just not how we do this shit anymore..
What. If anything, I only see 4, maybe 5 fonts that even slightly resemble Comic Sans.

Great resource. Thanks scythe.

Re: Comic fonts!

Posted: 2010.08.24 (04:13)
by Vyacheslav
Yeah there are tons of good fonts for comicing. I'm going to bookmark this. Thanks!

Re: Comic fonts!

Posted: 2010.08.24 (04:43)
by Izzy
I've had these for quite a while but I didn't like them much. :/

Re: Comic fonts!

Posted: 2010.08.25 (08:09)
by Universezero
Techno wrote:
Universezero wrote:I'm sorry to say this, but all-caps Comic Sans is just not how we do this shit anymore..
What. If anything, I only see 4, maybe 5 fonts that even slightly resemble Comic Sans.
Then allow me to clarify:


All caps, non-geometrically precise fonts. I prefer something a little less... comic-y? Calabri, Aller, Helvetica, etc.

Re: Comic fonts!

Posted: 2010.08.25 (09:13)
by sidke
scythe wrote:Comic fonts!
Universezero wrote:I prefer something a little less... comic-y?


Re: Comic fonts!

Posted: 2010.08.25 (13:57)
by Vyacheslav
I was listening to ESPN radio the other day in the car... the guy goes "Yeah I send all of my emails in size 14 Comic Sans font."

M$ should just ban the use of that horrible font.

Re: Comic fonts!

Posted: 2010.09.19 (10:17)
by Lenny
Naw; I like ACME Secret Agent. It's cool and look similar to my handwriting, except it's legible and not cursive.