=w= wrote:Fuck that. Satellites are poorly manufactured. My family has had two; my own, and an aunt of mine's. Both had chargers that melted, batteries that had problems and incredible amounts of heat generated from the computer - enough to cause shutdowns constantly. We are different users; this is the behaviour you might expect from me, but she is a newbie user who just reads email and chats. And these were different lines!
Something to note is these problems all seemed to happen 2-5 months after we got the computer. That is the only thing for my money that can explain the relatively positive vibe from the critical perspective. And the customer service from Toshiba is retarded.
Oh, I 'm sorry. I've only sold thousands that have lasted years and years without repair. They were probably purchased between three and five years ago, during the time when AMD processors in laptops were actually desktop processors shoved into laptops with insufficient cooling systems. As such, every brand of laptop with said processors in it overheated, not just Toshibas. Keep in mind these things are
electronics. There is no other brand that provides any better customer service or longevity than Toshiba right now, with the exception of Asus at the moment. Satellites today aren't the best, but they are still, percentage-wise, some of the most well-made laptops in existence.
=w= wrote:At the end, the slot where my charger connects to (that is to say, where the metal end of the charger actually connects to, inside the plastic) broke off, which seems almost impossible...
This is actually incredibly common.