Better than brainfuck.
Posted: 2009.10.02 (21:39)
Welcome to the Metanet Software community.
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`CB]V?Tx<uVtT`Rpo3NlF.Jh++FdbCBA@?]!~|4XzyTT43Qsqq(Lnmkj"Fhg${z@> was so difficult to understand when it arrived that it took two years for the first Malbolge program to appear. The program was not even written by a human being: it was generated by a beam search algorithm designed by Andrew Cooke and implemented in Lisp.
Really? That kind of makes it even more disturbing to me. One of these days I should learn functional programming...scythe33 wrote:Python? Nah, it was Lisp: was so difficult to understand when it arrived that it took two years for the first Malbolge program to appear. The program was not even written by a human being: it was generated by a beam search algorithm designed by Andrew Cooke and implemented in Lisp.
*cough* *sputter*jean-luc wrote:One of these days I should learn functional programming...
I recommend J.jean-luc wrote:Really? That kind of makes it even more disturbing to me. One of these days I should learn functional programming...scythe33 wrote:Python? Nah, it was Lisp: was so difficult to understand when it arrived that it took two years for the first Malbolge program to appear. The program was not even written by a human being: it was generated by a beam search algorithm designed by Andrew Cooke and implemented in Lisp.