What program is used to make N?

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Postby Ors » 2012.12.10 (13:15)

What program does programmers use to make this game? I´m interested about unofficial modding very much.
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Postby 乳头的早餐谷物 » 2012.12.10 (14:41)

M E A T N E T 1 9 9 2


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Postby Rhekatou » 2012.12.17 (06:43)

Ors wrote:What program does programmers use to make this game? I´m interested about unofficial modding very much.
Meh, it's not worth it. Actionscript (Flash's programming language) isn't compiled (it's a scripting language). Hence, it's run in Macromedia (Adobe?)'s virtual machine and doing any reversing worth time is pretty annoying. I've reversed the object drawing function, which makes for some interesting stuff, but meh.

As with any interpreted language, it can be decompiled (Unreality has done this, ask him for the source if you want). I haven't tried as I don't know flash/don't care enough, but M&R said they'd release the source if they ever release 1.5.

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Postby Leonidas » 2013.01.14 (23:29)

Really? I thought n was programmed in python

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