23 maps
With contributions from 1211, epic4ever, Meta_Ing, lifdoff and b3njamin,
With conceptual feedback from Etothetaui and lifdoff,
Playtested by Meta_Ing, golfkid and lifdoff,
An original N story by RandomDigits.
This mappack would not exist without Lucidium, who invented jumpers and popularized the sub-genre I will now refer to as the "sky-jumper" and b3njamin, who has further explored so many of its possibilities, with great skill and fantastic results.
I cannot thank all of you enough!
A definition:
A subgenre of jumper maps, whose conceptual framework involves the structuring of precise jumps high above the ground, usually with no way to safely reach the ground (or no way to return from it). Object enemies are often peripheral or absent entirely from these maps.
Please download the mappack for additional endnotes.
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WE TOOK TO THE SKY (The World Was Ours, Pt. I)
01.first tier
We took to the sky (first attempt)
We saw stars
Lost altitude
In (stalled) motion.
We rose, unburned, from ashes
On our way to New Inspiration
We explored, with a common goal
The overgrown path
A dinnertime sketch
To test the limits
My formative years.
03.second tier
Now, a risk assessment
Proof of concept (second attempt)
In relief, we celebrate success
It is set in motion
Hold on, fingers crossed (before the third attempt)
The skies fall again and again
(/under) ground (to dust/zero)