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Postby lifdoff » 2015.04.25 (17:56)


After two months of constant mapping, revising and improving, I am finally happy with the product, and thus, I present you:


10 episodes / 50 maps

It's been a not particularly long time in the making (at least not compared to other packs), but I have neverless devoted many hours to making, improving and ordering these maps, so I'd be glad about any type of criticism / feedback that would come my way.

Thanks to:

- macrohenry, for tirelessly playtesting every single map in the pack, helping me along the way and for contributing to 02-2
- RandomDigits, for playtesting and giving a second opinion on a majority of the maps therein
- Mole/MiBeM, for being available for playtesting pretty much 24/7 and for giving me valuable feedback whenever I asked him to
- Rose, for helping me come up with cool titles
- the entirety of #n-highscores, for playtesting, commenting and critiquing when appropriate (always)
- you, for playing this pack <3

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Last edited by lifdoff on 2016.01.29 (21:47), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby shomman » 2015.04.26 (00:15)

I have downloaded this, and eagerly anticipate playing it. Congratulations lifdoff :D

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Postby macrohenry » 2015.04.26 (00:28)

Yesss, finally it's done! :) Can't wait to download, play and highscore this tomorrow.

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Postby ska » 2015.04.26 (14:51)

Just had a quick skim through some of the image previews, and I've got to say: Looks really good. I've already made a mental note of some of the maps that I think are going to be really fun to play. I love the variety. I look forward to seeking out this pack the next time I decide to listen to some podcasts or audiobooks! (I'm a big proponent of "learn while you play!")

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Postby lifdoff » 2015.04.26 (15:04)

Thanks for the kinda words everyone. <3

Btw, the image on 03-0 is broken, because it uses fake tiles. So don't let the weird thumbnail in the packs discourage you. :D

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Postby blacklef2 » 2015.05.04 (16:37)

In short words. To me this mappack feels like a new and fresh take on classic N level design concepts throughout the years. This mappack also shows your experience in jumpers genre, and to be honest made me like jumpers/minejumpers.

Most favourite

04-1 Constructive Criticism (I love those big leaps you have to take)
07-0 Catholics from Another Dimension (amazing structure, risky and rewarding)
09-4 Parasite Communion (what a way to end a mappack!)
05-1 Transit (superb drone mechanics, puzzling)

Least favourite

03-2 One Step Beside Yourself (tedious, repetitive)
08-2 Joints (I did not liked it with mines, neither without them, its hard imo and not very rewarding)
08-4 A Lazy Metaphor for Consumerism (long, very long. I like it a bit only because its a good metaphor for consumerism)

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Postby macrohenry » 2015.05.19 (13:16)

My highscore runs:

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Postby shomman » 2015.12.25 (12:46)

Okay, I forgot to finish this, whoops.
I really liked this mappack. In a few of these maps you utilise simple tiles, to make maps that are really fun to play, and well designed, which is really cool. When you aren't using simple tiles, you have an enormous variety of tile types.
Ok, here we go, click to expand

00-0 - Perfect introduction. You can do it really fast, or really slow.
00-1 - This is that simple tiles thing I was talking about. I thought I'd get annoyed, but I didn't. Maybe one more and I would have :P
00-2 - Nice.
00-3 - Simple Tiles thing again. Good fun.
00-4 - Enjoyed playing it, although the gold collection could get pretty annoying.

01-0 - Tough and fun. I like the concept a lot.
01-1 - Pretty cool. Simple.
01-2 - Simple tiles again, although I didn't enjoy playing this one so much.
01-3 - Oh yes. Loved this one. Beautiful level. Gold was fun, thwumps too.
01-4 - A bit slow, but not too slow. Good fun, and challenging.

02-0 - Classic Lifdoff jumper. Fun, as they always are. Good position in the pack, getting into the meaty maps.
02-1 - Wasn't very keen on it at first sight, but was a lot more fun than I thought it would be.
02-2 - Fun, from the first fall to the last. Quite challenging though.
02-3 - Harder than it looks. Cool tiles.
02-4 - Cool concept, executed really well. Great fun.

03-0 - Cool idea, but a little annoying to play, and a bit repetitive.
03-1 - Another of my favourites. Really fun.
03-2 - Big, and intimidating. Fun to play, if a little repetitive.
03-4 - Good sniper placement. Cool mine design. Fun.

04-0 - Hard. Fun.
04-1 - Great fun. Awesome lunges.
04-2 - Challenging. Quite a cool design with the tiles and thwumps.
04-3 - Cool idea, but a bit annoying to play
04-4 - Delightful. Thoroughly Enjoyed playing it.

05-0 - Awesome jumper. Great big jumps all over the place
05-1 - Good concept, pulled off well. Also, good title.
05-2 - Loved this one
05-3 - Awesome tiles. They look incredible. Rockets all well placed, challenging and really fun.
05-4 - Annoying rocket, but a good looking level. Far less annoying than I anticipated. Reminds me of That was my favourite episode.

06-0 - Good jumper
06-1 - Delicious Tiles. Delicious Map. A well constructed level.
06-2 - Another awesome map
06-3 - Hard. Very cool design
06-4 - Not a huge fan. Somewhat repetitive. Great title though.

07-0 - Damn good map.
07-1 - Great map. A huge fan of that design
07-2 - Also very cool
07-3 - Cool use of one-ways
07-4 - Very fun. Good challenging. Okay, maybe this was my favourite episode

08-0 - A jumper with speed. Love it
08-1 - Classic lifdoff
08-2 - This was quite good. I really liked the rockets making their way through
08-3 - Hard. Great design, really awesome.
08-4 - This was OK. Looked good, as all your maps do, but it was a bit slow, and really long.

09-0 - Cool combination of ideas. Nice design
09-1 - I liked this one a lot. Really cool tiles, and good placement of lasers
09-2 - I couldn't complete this one. Couldn't escape from the chamber where the key is above the doors. Apart from that, really enjoyable.
09-3 - Awesome tiles. Good fun
09-4 - Wow. Hard, but very rewarding. The amount of times I fell down...


You're a great mapper lifdoff, and this was a great pack.

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Postby aids » 2017.04.13 (08:12)

I figured I'd check out your pack, since you've been so kind to me.
  • 00-0: Crystal /// Lovely little opener. Userlevel'd.
  • 00-1: Suspended Animation /// Looks pretty but was mostly bland.
  • 00-2: Brad's Pit /// Beautifully made. Userlevel'd.
  • 00-3: Kaolin Booby Trap /// More annoying than clever.
  • 00-4: Greed /// I love how the tiles look like withered fingers. And I love how the drones sync up every so often. Userlevel'd.
  • 01-0: Dividing Lines /// Not a fan. This would have made for a clever thwump puzzle map.
  • 01-1: Another Weakness /// Tricky but not the best. Nice gold pattern though.
  • 01-2: Birds With Broken Wings /// It might not look like much but it's very enjoyable.
  • 01-3: Cave Robber /// Nifty challenge.
  • 01-4: The City Never Sleeps /// I would have liked the drone section to be multi-pathed. Love the gold though.
  • 02-0: Ghost Town /// Man was this tough.
  • 02-1: Gropius' Wet Dream /// This is lame.
  • 02-2: Boundaries /// I love how the drones are asymmetrical.
  • 02-3: Crevice /// This seems like a generic mine pit map, quite sadly.
  • 02-4: Towards the Core /// "Corewards" would've been a sicker name. Probably would be better with more gold.
  • 03-0: Sharkteeth /// As I helped make this, I have no choice but to love it. But the false tiles don't really work. This map should have followed one with an empty bottom half. Either way, userlevel'd.
  • 03-1: It's Carbonation, You Ignorant Douche /// The chaingun is a nice challenge.
  • 03-2: One Step Beside Yourself /// I like it a little, but it's one of those maps which I'd rather look at than play.
  • 03-3: What's the Point of These Patterns? /// It reminds me of my map Funky Bones. I like it a lot. Userlevel'd.
  • 03-4: Waiting for the Worms /// Visually cool, but not much fun.
  • 04-0: Ribbed (For Her Pleasure) /// This seems unusually hard. Like, real hard. Appealing though.
  • 04-1: Constructive Criticism /// I love the aesthetics but don't like the chaingun. Still a ton of fun. Userlevel'd.
  • 04-2: Coil /// Fuck your gausses. This could've been amazing.
  • 04-3: Turquoise Coalition /// The list of all the ways this could be improved would take minutes to read.
  • 04-4: Once in a Blue Moon /// Sorry for the harshness of my previous comments. This map is wonderful. Userlevel'd.
  • 05-0: Calculations of Risk and Reward /// Each individual jump is not so hard that it got annoying. But dadgum you rely on gausses too much.
  • 05-1: Transit /// Good in theory, poor in practice. Needs more variety.
  • 05-2: Technocracy /// I don't like anything about this.
  • 05-3: Love in the Air Tonight /// I loved everything about this except for your choice of enemies.
  • 05-4: Trail of Tears /// Super hard. Didn't like that aspect.
  • 06-0: Trinitarian /// Again, perfect except for the fucking gausses. But still really good. Userlevel'd.
  • 06-1: The Path of Least Resistance /// I got a weird laser glitch. Very difficult.
  • 06-2: Four Huge Douchebags /// Love the level design, but man those chainguns are tough.
  • 06-3: Hangover /// Dumb. Thwumps could have been played better.
  • 06-4: Generic Supervillain Hideout No. 61 /// Here's a map where the gausses are used efficiently. Well-done.
  • 07-0: Catholics from the Fourth Dimension /// Excellent in every way. But a challenge. Userlevel'd.
  • 07-1: Scrap Metal /// Terrible looking and terrible use of a gauss.
  • 07-2: Thorns Rip My Skin /// Awesome left-side, bad right-side.
  • 07-3: LMVDR /// So... again, fantastic map, terrible enemies. But we'll fix that. Userlevel'd.
  • 07-4: Shaken and Swirled /// I helped with this and fuck is it hard. Needs less enemies.
  • 08-0: Zenek /// Rockets are too hard. Grrrrrrr.
  • 08-1: Carpathian Ridges /// Nope, won't even attempt this.
  • 08-2: Joints /// Pretty gold, but that's it.
  • 08-3: Floating Fortress /// Your maps are too hard. Dislike.
  • 08-4: A Lazy Metaphor for Consumerism /// The drones are sweet, the bottom rocket section is pretty, and it's a very nice gauntlet map.
  • 09-0: Art Can Kill /// Chainguns are too hard. Lasers would be better.
  • 09-1: Blood On the Cross /// Yuck. Doesn't look good and isn't fun.
  • 09-2: The Colour of Pain /// It's a fascinating puzzle, but it's not worth the trial-and-error.
  • 09-3: A Test of Endurance /// I'd rather flunk than waste my time.
  • 09-4: Parasite Communion /// With a few tweaks, this would be great. Userlevel'd.
Overall I loved the first half more than the second half, but it was still a solid pack. Have some demos.
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