Lost Memories

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Postby macrohenry » 2015.07.29 (17:02)

Hey guys, my first mappack is finally finished! It includes 15 high-quality atmospheric maps. I put quality over quantity for this pack and spent several hours on some maps. I hope all the work paid off.
Thanks to lifdoff for always being available as a playtester whenever I asked.

Lost Memories.txt
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Postby lifdoff » 2015.08.02 (16:43)

Yay! This looks super cool, I downloaded it and will definitely give it a play after I've finished judging the Swerve maps.

Grats on your finished mappack!

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Postby blacklef2 » 2015.08.08 (11:32)

Great job, macrohenry. I like this a lot. Very vast & atmospheric.
Some of my top picks:

On your own
Sweet Temptation

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Postby _danielr_ » 2015.08.19 (18:49)

Hey Macro, great pack. Although the level layouts suggest primarily a highscore audience, I thought you might be interested in some rough speedruns -- with comments! :P

00. Nice and simple.

01. This is a fun one.

02. God damn I couldn't get up the right hand side. Am I missing something??

03. I had fun with this one too.

04. A bit more freedom with the routes on this one. What is the purpose of the second door up on the left, by the way?

05. Lots of corner jump practice here.

06. Tricky gold capture for the highscorers, I imagine.

07. Considering the lengths you've gone to prevent short cuts, I'm surprised I was able to get the start on this.

08. Lots of freedom on this one, I like it.

09. A pleasant change of style here, I think.

10. This one is a bitch. Great idea for the gauss - is it your own?

11. An easy job for the speedrunners, at least...

12. I spent a while on this one; couldn't think of a suitable route. Nice idea.

13. Quite a chaotic style with the scenery, considering the lack of playability in these areas. How long did you spend sculpting this?

14. A lot of route choice on this one.

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Postby macrohenry » 2015.08.23 (16:09)

Many thanks, lifdoff, blacklef and dan!
@ 02. Super cool corner jumps in your run, good job. The switch is only there to set the player on the wrong track since the easy way is up the left wall. It seems to have confused you at least. ;)
@ 04. Mostly for aesthetic reasons.
@ 07. I'm aware that this map is still cheatable but I think if someone pulls off two corner jumps as you did or finds an easy way to get up to the second half of the map it's totally deserved.
@ 10. The gauss-placed-outside-the-borders-thingy has been done before. Check out I Don't Know How To Move by Yahoozy for a prominent example.
@ 13. At least 2 hours I'd say.

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Postby Vanquish » 2015.08.28 (12:43)

Dude, this is awesome!

Can't believe I missed this. You really do have an amazing style. Each map is very well structured and I can see that a lot of thought and effort went into making them.

Turning Point and Free Will are my two personal faves.

Good Job on your first map pack!

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Postby Tempus » 2015.08.29 (23:37)

Just played through a few, and I'm loving them. You've got such a wonderful style — it's obvious how much thought goes into these. Free Will is phenomenal. Congratulations, and thanks for a lovely pack!

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Postby shomman » 2015.12.24 (02:39)

This mappack's been in my list for a while.
I love many things about it. The enemy placement is just excellent. There are little satisfying flowy run parts in the levels, which make everything feel really nice to play.
Your tile style is really cool. Atmospheric is the perfect word for it.
From playing them, you can tell how much time you spent on this pack.

My favourites were:
02. On Your Own - Just super fun. The mines seem chaotic when you first look, but when you play it you realise that they're not. Awesome tiles.
09. Rushed - Perfect use of a machine gun. Short but sweet level. And as ever, great tiles.
10. Free Will - Cool sniper, very elegant tiles. Great fun

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Image Thanks Nyan!

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Postby aids » 2017.04.11 (03:27)

I've been meaning to play these.
  • 00. Unshakable Hope // While it's very tough, I loved the three jumps to the exit switch. Userlevel'd.
  • 01. Revival // Pretty little map with fun enemies and a nice floorguard trick.
  • 02. On Your Own // You rely hevily on gauss, and I don't think they work here. Also, the locked door switch is in a strange location.
  • 03. Turning Point // I'd make some tweaks but it's pretty fun. I like the route to the exit.
  • 04. Diplomacy // Rather constricting given the openness of the top section.
  • 05. Adrenaline // This map is a lot of fun and very replayable. Userlevel'd.
  • 06. Playing With Fire // Very good-looking, but I didn't like the drones.
  • 07. Breakthrough // I didn't like this one that much. Not a fan.
  • 08. Between Two Worlds // It's a nice layout but the enemies clash. More bounceblocks and a well-placed rocket would be better.
  • 09. Rushed // This one's a treat.
  • 10. Free Will // Very Yahoozesque tiles, but I'm not really into hidden enemies.
  • 11. The Decision // Again, too many gausses. Laser was nice. Silly tile squeeze.
  • 12. True Fidelity // I remember this from NUMA and I didn't like the dual lasers.
  • 13. Sweet Temptation // I like the bottom chaingun, but the middle would be cool with a rocket instead.
  • 14. A Great Time // I like the oneway motif, but it's not very organized.
And have a few demos.
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