Bellbound. Vol 1

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Postby Vanquish » 2017.03.04 (07:32)


Welcome, to my first ever completed mappack.

So when I came back to NUMA I was going map crazy and because the Hot Maps page was running so slowly I couldn't upload as often, so I funneled all my mapping motivation into making this 20 level mappack.
It's hard to sum up the theme of the pack cause there isn't one.
Just some weird little maps to play in your spare time.

I had a lot of fun making this, so I am planning on making some sequels in the future.

Anyway, enjoy!
Bellbound. Vol 1.txt
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Postby aids » 2017.03.05 (03:41)

Hey, this is when I do my thing.
  • 01: . . , . --- I like simple strings of jumps.
    02: Bellbound --- Maps with repeating patterns are cool.
  • 03: end my s u f f e r i n g --- This one is really cool. I love the jump up to the exit switch. Faved.
  • 04: Oh. --- I love these tiny little maps a lot.
  • 05: Ballon}} --- Eh. Not visually appealing or that enjoyable.
  • 06: Small Talk --- Now, this is awesome in theory. With a few tweaks it would be perfect.
  • 07: Luvly --- I'm not really a fan of this design.
  • 08: flos, --- I had a hard time working out the correct way up the left-hand side, so I improvised.
  • 09: 09: --- This is damn clever.
  • 10: Street Lights --- Awwww, they're so cute. Faved.
  • 11: Birds on a Wire --- Kind of boring.
  • 12: Unicorns Don't Exist So Neither Does This Map --- Cool tiles, but the bottom was rather dull compared to the top.
  • 13: ponytail_trip.jpg --- Very pretty tiles.
  • 14: FIREBALL PHYSICS --- This one was too annoying for me.
  • 15: Lasers and Salers --- Very clever.
  • 16: "nobody likes you" --- Any map which lets me stretch my high-scoring muscles is a keeper. Faved.
  • 17: pyoro. --- Tough and not fun enough.
  • 18: An Unoriginal Take on Modern Art --- It's fine.
  • 19: Happy Garden --- I might have cheated a bit, but this was a lot of fun.
  • 20: test level (DO NOT PLAY!!!) --- lolololol you're funny
Here are my demos.
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Postby Vanquish » 2017.03.05 (08:56)

Thanks for the map reviews aids. They'll come in handy for when I make volume 2.

Nice runs too by the way. You found some slick tricks I hadn't even considered while making the maps.
Especially the one for 19: Happy Garden.

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