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A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.11 (13:57)
by maya
I'm looking to make a joint mappack with about 10 - 15 authors contributing.

If you want to join, then just post here.

EDIT : I know MOA is going on but this is not just a copy (I hope ), i'm trying to make it different.



Furry Ant
Kablamo Boom
Gods Reaper
Natures Peril


Mappack is going to consist of 100 maps, each containing roughly at least 8 from each author. I am aiming for an atmospheric and episodic feel to each level and we will hopefully end up with 100 unique maps. We need a judging system for how good a map has to be considered to pass. It fully depends on how many authors we wil end up on.

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.11 (14:37)
by Seneschal
Sounds interesting.
What kind of maps were you thinking of?

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.11 (15:33)
by maya
I was thinking of about 5 columns of maps, each very atmospheric and unique. Quite episodic in a way, I think.

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.12 (10:00)
by Kablamo
Ill do a couple of levels if you would like.

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.12 (10:36)
by Tunco
I can do a couple of levels if you like.
Tunco wrote:!!!I'm in!!!

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.12 (11:10)
by maya
great, so i assume that you are in kablamo?

and tunco is in :)

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.12 (11:35)
by lord_day
Furry Ant wrote:I was thinking of about 5 columns of maps, each very atmospheric and unique. Quite episodic in a way, I think.
5 columns is a lot of maps. Are you sure that's what you meant?

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.12 (11:48)
by Tunco
lord_day wrote:
Furry Ant wrote:I was thinking of about 5 columns of maps, each very atmospheric and unique. Quite episodic in a way, I think.
5 columns is a lot of maps. Are you sure that's what you meant?
Actually yes, I agree with lord_day.
5 columns is 50 levels. İf you are counting episodic.,
And suppose every autho makes 5 maps.
You will need 10 authors, which is very hard to organize things.
And since everybody can't mke good maps in a short time, so suppose that every author makes 3-2 maps.
You will need 25 to 16.666666666666666666666666666667 authors.
So 5 columns is too much.
Are you sure about that?
25 authors-hard to find-( may change )
-hard to organize-.

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.12 (12:31)
by lord_day
Tunco123 wrote:5 columns is 50 levels. İf you are counting episodic.,
I'm not sure if you meant 50 episodes, because 5 columns is 250 levels.

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.12 (12:36)
by Tunco
lord_day wrote:
Tunco123 wrote:5 columns is 50 levels. İf you are counting episodic.,
I'm not sure if you meant 50 episodes, because 5 columns is 250 levels.
Sorry for that, I meant 50 episodes. And furry ant, it's way too much levels.Even 1 column is enough, but if you are planning a huge project which there will be lots of authors, even then 50 episodes are way too much.

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.12 (13:21)
by maya
Yeah, you're right, about 1 or at most 2 columns is definitely enough.

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.12 (13:44)
by ℎalifax
I'll join when the details are sorted.

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.13 (10:14)
by Kablamo
Furry Ant wrote:great, so i assume that you are in kablamo?

and tunco is in :)
You assumed correctly, you had better move it to the new forum topic location

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.13 (10:39)
by Gods_Reaper
Ill Join Why not.

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.13 (10:53)
by maya
Kablamo_Boom wrote:
Furry Ant wrote:great, so i assume that you are in kablamo?

and tunco is in :)
You assumed correctly, you had better move it to the new forum topic location

Its already been moved


Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.13 (13:33)
by Seneschal
EDIT: OK, I'll join up, but my maps will probably be crap.

Also a couple of questions:
Do they have to be completely original (in other words do we create them from scratch or can we use them from previous maps, mappacks, etc)?
Can they be submitted to NUMA?

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.13 (16:08)
by maya
cheesemonger wrote:EDIT: OK, I'll join up, but my maps will probably be crap.

Also a couple of questions:
Do they have to be completely original (in other words do we create them from scratch or can we use them from previous maps, mappacks, etc)?
Can they be submitted to NUMA?
I really don't mind whether you create them from scratch or if you salvage some parts from another map as long the end product is good.

And you can submit them to NUMA but I would prefer it if this happens after the mappack is finished.

And I'm sure you're maps won't be crap ;P

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.14 (18:11)
by ChrisE
I'm in.


I'm in both MoA and ADS...

this'll be fun :D

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.14 (18:23)
by Cheez
Cheez pleez.

I'll help if you needs it. :D

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.14 (18:30)
by maya
sure, if you want.


Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.14 (18:49)
by Gods_Reaper
So Like what types of maps is the Map pack going to be mainly based on?
like are you going to asign like "Gods_Reaper do map numbers 1 - 5"?????

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.14 (18:55)
by maya
I wouldnt really assign map numbers like that, I think we should first get the maps done, then arrange them into an order that seems right.

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.14 (19:12)
by Gods_Reaper
Also one more question. When we make a map for the map pack.
do we put ADS in the tabs or something along that line?

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.14 (19:27)
by maya
yeah, or just put 'a dying sonata' . Either way is fine.

Re: A Dying Sonata - Mappack

Posted: 2009.04.14 (20:20)
by Gods_Reaper
Im having the worst mind blank this second. i get on N i cant think of anything to make. so i might not be making alot of maps. lol