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Arborist's Epilogue: Now Downloadable!

Posted: 2009.06.09 (15:10)
by MattKestrel

I universally thank Laurie for playtesting every single one of these beforehand. He gets an achievement worth 0g. Screwed.

It's that time again. We've been through the Arborist's Notes, which to be frank weren't that great, and when left to my own devices I seemed to repeat the same stuff over and over. The Edition has been and gone, which I liked, but looking back was kind of incohesive. And generic, but that was expected.

And now, The Arborist's Column is pretty much ready. It's the ultimate compilation of my work so far, with the original levels and another 25 to be had. All of these are on NUMA, so really the txt is for convenience's sake. However, many of these levels have been changed whilst those on NUMA haven't. So it's worth checking out for the best experience.

So, why should you bother looking over this series again?

> It's the Epilogue: I can guarantee you this is the last you'll ever see from this series. So you won't have to keep downloading new stuff all the time, and you'll get the biggest, best package right now. I promise :)
> I've spent more time on it: The last pack was pretty much made in the space of a single month, with half of them being made on a family trip to Devon. Whereas, this chapter's been spread over the space of five months, so you'll see more polished stuff, less rushed, and way more of a style being developed.
> It actually resembles a series: One of the problems I had with the last chapter was that none of the maps seemed to really slot into the same aesthetic or gameplay category. However, this time around, I've had more time to develop it, and you'll have a much more cohesive experience going on overall.
> The editing fetish returns!: Once again, I'll be combing through each of the maps on NUMA, looking for faults and fixing them to make sure they work as well as possible, or just look a damn sight better. And this time, some of the more incomplete maps I've made had disabled ratings, so you'll be able to find the edited version of them on NUMA as well.
> That reminds me: The donwloadable will contain a number of important edits that, unfortunately, you won't be able to see on NUMA for certain maps. So, if you want the best experience with this, you'll find it in Notepad.
> I've gotten rid of the runts: Looking through, I noticed ther were quite a few levels in there which are just pretty lame overall. I've either omitted them completely, sparing you the effort, or I've remixed them into the final episode for just for the hell of it. I think I've eliminated... 14 in total. Yay me!
> I've reorganised everything: Basically, I've put the easier, simpler maps at the beginning, and the harder, remixier maps at the end. So there's actually a difficulty curve this time instead of an effing wall.

So, yeah, here it all is. Download it if you feel like it, I've included the notes as well if anyone cares. That's the last you'll hear from this.

Re: Arborist's Epilogue: Now Downloadable!

Posted: 2009.06.09 (18:54)
by Ampersand
Oooh, snazzy. I'ma enjoy this.

Re: Arborist's Epilogue: Now Downloadable!

Posted: 2009.06.11 (05:23)
by yungerkid
just played through the notes. about a third of them were good. the first two were the best. overall it was ok, with a few great spots. i'll play the episode tomorrow, or when i have time.

Re: Arborist's Epilogue: Now Downloadable!

Posted: 2009.06.11 (21:53)
by Aphex
wow, i really like these :)

good job GTM

Re: Arborist's Epilogue: Now Downloadable!

Posted: 2009.06.12 (13:48)
by Tunco
Almost every map had a different gameplay, different concept, you've always comed with different ideas, I really loved this pack.

Re: Arborist's Epilogue: Now Downloadable!

Posted: 2009.06.13 (13:42)
by Flycatcher