Brainwash - part two released

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Postby OneSevenNine » 2009.06.09 (20:27)

brainwash parts 1 and 2.txt
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Last edited by OneSevenNine on 2009.07.03 (14:57), edited 2 times in total.
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Postby MattKestrel » 2009.06.09 (20:39)

So far so fun. It feels a little odd, but that'll pass. Keep it up, I'd love to see more.

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Postby otters~1 » 2009.06.10 (19:49)

This is exciting--so many good packs are coming out. I'm actually behind in playing them.
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Postby Rhekatou » 2009.06.10 (23:39)

#1 feels awkward, but I liked #2 a lot. Keep it up!

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Postby OneSevenNine » 2009.06.15 (15:48)

Part one's up.
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"Whosoever dies with his art on the most hard drives, wins." - Michael W. Dean

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Postby yungerkid » 2009.06.17 (20:53)

my favourite one was the last one, Marin.

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Postby toasters » 2009.06.20 (00:25)

My favorites: 2-2, 3-0, 3-4, and 4-4. I felt some of the level ordering was a little messed up, but the levels were great. Can't wait till part 2.
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Postby OneSevenNine » 2009.07.03 (14:57)

Part two, better than part one.
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Postby sheganican » 2009.07.04 (03:11)

I like the application of your tileset in the last map.

and so it goes, and so it goes, and so will you soon i suppose.
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Postby toasters » 2009.07.27 (17:54)

Oh snap, didn't realize part two was released. Updated list of favorites: 2-2, 3-0, 3-4, 4-4, 5-0, 5-3, 6-3, 7-4, 8-3, and 9-3. Fun stuff man.
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Postby T3chno » 2009.07.27 (20:54)

This is a great pack. Maps definitely get better as you progress through the pack.

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Postby aids » 2011.07.28 (16:50)

I really have come to love your mapping style.
  • 0 - 0: every place you are >> I hate levels for the sake of. This isn't an exception.
  • 0 - 1: hold on >> Not what I expected. Very boring and uninspired.
  • 0 - 2: hole >> A bit bland, but fun to highscore.
  • 0 - 3: hardwood >> I think this was on NUMA. It's familiar.
  • 0 - 4: morning haunt >> A repetitive map. Dumb.
  • 1 - 0: a simple request >> Awesome map, but a bit short. Maybe if there was another level to it. Userlevel'd.
  • 1 - 1: root two over two >> Doing our math homework, are we? I liked the jumps here.
  • 1 - 2: spider pride >> Interesting map, but not fun at all.
  • 1 - 3: undoing >> Fun to highscore, but could've been better.
  • 1 - 4: huxley >> Strange object placement. Not that fun though.
  • 2 - 0: cold town >> Whoo, excellent map. The replay value isn't that high, but it was great fun.
  • 2 - 1: acoustics >> There's definitely a piece of gold under a bounceblock, which is awesome. Userlevel'd.
  • 2 - 2: the sundance hostage >> Nifty map layout, but a bit cramped.
  • 2 - 3: the butler >> Another nice level design, and the laser was a good enemy choice.
  • 2 - 4: the burrow >> Didn't like it. Too sloppy of a map.
  • 3 - 0: attitude test >> The drone paths were clever, but the gold was eh.
  • 3 - 1: friction >> I remember this map as well. The triple lasers were good, but the floorguards were fairly boring.
  • 3 - 2: cloudy day >> I managed to get the rocket to go through the locked door, and I almost shat myself. Too bad I couldn't get the death demo. :(
  • 3 - 3: riot room >> This one was a bit tame to be called 'riot room.'
  • 3 - 4: savvy >> Yep, NUMA. Fun launchpads though.
  • 4 - 0: heavy snowfall >> I didn't like the gold placement.
  • 4 - 1: deranged division >> Yuck, what an awful level.
  • 4 - 2: sticks, no stones >> The flow was nice, but it was so empty.
  • 4 - 3: every wall in heaven >> The drone paths were intelligent, but the tiles suffered because of them.
  • 4 - 4: marin >> I didn't like this one. The laser was not enough for the top section.
  • 5 - 0: aubade >> A very melodramatic map. Yeah, it has enemies, but it's not like they're threatening.
  • 5 - 1: false sunset >> A map with more objects than it needed.
  • 5 - 2: gorgeous stuff >> Meh. The chaingun didn't do it for me.
  • 5 - 3: buffering stream >> The only thing this needed was a launchpad on the the tiles between the bottom mines.
  • 5 - 4: hanging lattice >> Routing this wasn't as fun as I expected. The mines were too close.
  • 6 - 0: celebrate politely >> Horribly disorganized. No fun at all.
  • 6 - 1: breaking bones >> Eh, linear maps which pretend to be action maps are never good.
  • 6 - 2: stressed >> The oneway was a cheap trick in an otherwise good map.
  • 6 - 3: break that bridge >> Very Metanetesque. The one gold above the rocket was bad though.
  • 6 - 4: nightlife >> This one was a bomb to highscore. Userlevel'd.
  • 7 - 0: a two-chambered map >> Getting back into the top chamber was too difficult.
  • 7 - 1: orwellian >> Didn't like this one. The pocket gold looked bad.
  • 7 - 2: the sundance scare >> Another weird level design. Fun to highscore though.
  • 7 - 3: terminal velocity >> What a tough map. Better than the first version though.
  • 7 - 4: maw >> Damn, what a fantastic highscoring map. Userlevel'd.
  • 8 - 0: bad hospital >> Not really that fun. The linearity killed it.
  • 8 - 1: thwumphaus >> These post-modernist maps always confuse me. Why the locked doors?
  • 8 - 2: tarnished >> The gauss setup was bothersome, but overall a fun map.
  • 8 - 3: silent industry >> Whoo! I love me some playground maps. This one was a bit different though.
  • 8 - 4: crystalline >> Thanks for letting me get two of my favorite bounceblock tricks on this map. But it was cluttered.
  • 9 - 0: dissonance >> Eh. Filler minejumper.
  • 9 - 1: let go >> Once again, your 'revisitations' to older maps are a bit tacky.
  • 9 - 2: parapet >> If I had to describe this map with one word, that word would be 'slovenly.'
  • 9 - 3: the future's pretty cool >> Very Sunsettish. If this was on NUMA I'd remix it. *hint hint*
  • 9 - 4: someone else's paradise >> Bravo. What an excellent closing map. <3
And demos for all but four maps:
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