A sequel to Earth. This map includes 50 levels (10 episodes / 1 column). All special thanks are in the Wasteland text.
There are two files attatched: Wasteland is the one with all the thanks, and then there's the D & G version. Plus, there's a series of completion demos to be attatched when ever I get around to compiling them into a text file.
This mappack has been in the works for 3½ months, so I'd appreciate any kind of constuctive criticism, or any kind of feedback based on the levels. A few notes:
--This pack was started in early February, right after the completion of Earth. I worked on it diligently, until March, in which I semi-abandoned it. Then, I got back into it in Early April. That's why you see a difference in tilesets after about episode 12.
--I'll admit, the tilesets / aesthetics are pretty similar in the first 15 levels. They then start to change up a bit afterwards. However, that does not mean you should skip the first 3 episodes. There are still good levels in those episodes.
--This is the largest cause of any cease of mapping in the past 2 months, besides school, because most of any maps I made went towards this pack, as you can tell.
--The amount of time I spent on each map definitely varied. Especially as the maps got harder. For example, maps like 13-0 were 10mm, while maps like 16-3 took like 2, or more hours. o_o.
Well, that's it. And without further ado, I present to you Wasteland!
EDIT: Fix to 15-3, and a little typo. Enjoy!