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Posted: 2009.08.12 (00:02)
by Riobe

This is part three of a series I have been working on for quite a while now. All these maps were compiled between sometime after Wasteland and 8/11/09. I'd like to thank a few people especially:

::: Pheidi for all the inspiration.
::: yungerkid, for episodical structure and level feedback.
::: Leaff & toasters for playtesting certain levels.

Some of these maps will be submitted to numa. Below are:

::: The pack, please download first.
::: A download and go pack. Only levels, no other text. Though please, read the Special Thanks section in the normal download if you can).
::: A text file including all of the rejects.

Now, without further ado, I present to you, Construct.

EDIT: I can't believe I went 2 and a half months without noticing that I had spelled "Construct" as "Constuct". I'm such a noob. ~_~

Re: Construct

Posted: 2009.08.12 (00:04)
by Leaff
I am -very- glad to say that I participated in the "beta testing" of this pack. It is excellent.

Wonderful job, Mr. Riobe.

I'll add more in a little.

Wait what.
Constuct? That isn't my title. Hehe. :3
Comments. Yay.

20-0: Loved going around it, fantastic pack starter.
20-1: Cool buildings. ^^ Gameplay was all right. Nothing amazing.
20-2: Nice and simplistic. :3
20-3: I literally said "aldjkadhkjwfwadwdasfaefaf" out loud when I saw those tiles. Amazing.
20-4: I love jumpers like this. Pulled off excellently. :3
21-0: I like the gold and thwumps thing. Pretty cool.
21-1: Oooh, laser. Simplistic fun.
21-2: Love those tiles. Nice gameplay.
21-3: I love maps where you jump outta somethign then fling upwards and fall to the next section. Dunno if that makes any sense. I like it, there. :3
21-4: Oooh drone race thing. I ususally don't have the paitence for these, but this one is cool enough. :3
22-0: Now THIS is awesome. The oneways remind me of spudz for some reason. I love the vertical sections a lot, and it's really satisfying to beat it.
22-1: I think I really understand the mine thing we talked about the other day now. Thanks. :3
22-2: Pretty nice. Cool gold.
22-3: Nice tiles, sweet drones.
22-4: That is some nice chaingun usage.
23-0: HMM I WONDER WHAT INSPIRED THAT GOLD. :P But you used it originally and made a sweet water effect. Very cool.
23-1: More cool gold. I like this one better. Awesome.
23-2: This is okay. It just doesn't seem to click with me. :/
23-3: Some nice jumps. The rocket was following me for all of the time it could and it was so tense through the jumps that I died like four times from just not focusing. >_>
23-4: I remember this. I still love it. :DDD
24-0: Zomg a tree. I like the tunnel.
24-1: Nice tiles. Gameplay could be a bit better, but not bad.
24-2: Oooh. I like this one. Fun going around. :D
24-3: HMM THOSE LAUNCHPADS REMIND ME OF A CERTAIN MAP BY ME THAT YOU HELPED WITH. Of course, this map is much better then mine. The mines really do make all the difference.
25-0: Nice drone mechanic, pretty gold.
25-1: Afafadafaef chainguns<333 Although I feel like they could be used more effectively. :/
25-2: Cool mechanic but it should've been 25-3 so I'm sorry 0/5
25-3: Pretty cool but it should've been 25-3 so I'm sorry 0/5
25-4: Yay floating floorguards :DDD
26-0: Haha I remember this. You've done a lot since then, though. The drones under the bounceblocks are cool and the angel is very pretty. :3
26-1: Cool spire thingy, nice curves.... That last part doesn't sound right. >__>
26-2: Reminds me of that one map you did for LMC3. The one that I really loved that you said was mintnut inspired.
26-3: Nice open rocket dodging.
26-4: Ahhhhhh I love drone trains. :3
27-0: Awesome gold, love the five tiles. :3
27-1: More spudz-reminding one ways, more greatness. :D
27-3: Nujabes<3. I really like this, it's different then a lot of your other stuff.
27-4: I made you submit this for a reason. :3
28-1: That gold is attractive. Love the bounceblocks.
28-2: I like tilted stuff, so fun zooming around the edges. :D
28-3: Jakdjalkjsdljkgkl;dfjhldfkjgdlfkjgdlfjjlkdjfg *dies* *keeps trying* *three years later, reaches the first exit* YES!
28-4: Awesome awesome awesome awesome.
29-1: Awesome seekers, love the top section. I wonder who named it. :P
29-2: YES. Just... YES.
29-3: Shifted expeirences are good, I guess. :3

Wait. What? It's over? ;_____________;
That was fantastic. It's definitely one of the best non-PALEMOON N experiences I've ever had.
Thanks, Riobe. Thanks for this amazing mappack. :D

Re: Construct

Posted: 2009.08.12 (00:11)
by Rose

I'll play this soon :D

Re: Construct

Posted: 2009.08.12 (00:17)
by moonlight
Very nice. All the maps are good. :D

Re: Construct

Posted: 2009.08.12 (00:48)
by Amadeus
In my opinion, the best the best mappack of 2009, thus far. Every few days I'll play and review a few levels, probably and episode. So starting off with the 20s.

20-00 Way cool map. The difficulty is perfect for a 00, and it has great theming, aesthetics, and gameplay.

20-01 Again, you're really keeping a great difficulty curve here. Its so different from the first map, but still has that 'Riobe' touch.

20-02 The ease of completion and the gauss' blind spot maintained difficulty superbly. The map didn't feel as you, but still had solid gameplay and aesthetics.

20-03 Started getting harder to AGD at this point. Loved that heart, and whatever was growing on it.

20-04 A bit of a dispappointment. The tiles felt fat and ugly, the oneways looked misplaced, and the gameplay felt short, crampled, and difficult.

No demo...

Overall, great so far. I can't wait to play more.

Re: Construct

Posted: 2009.08.12 (05:31)
I've played most of this and i can say that it really is quite enjoyable from start to finish. props, riobe!

Re: Construct

Posted: 2009.08.12 (08:04)
by MattKestrel
Wow. This really puts pressure on my soon to be series :P

Nice job, the starter was fantastic. Especially the tileset. I'm having babies as we speak.

Re: Construct

Posted: 2009.08.12 (20:20)
by blackson
They all looked nice, and had real high aesthetic value, but I found them to be pretty lacking in gameplay and replay value. They all featured this very cramped and awkward gameplay. It's obvious a lot of work was put into this, but... :/

Re: Construct

Posted: 2009.08.12 (22:38)
by yungerkid
I thought underling had a pretty good concept. Sure, the execution was bad, but it had potential.

Re: Construct

Posted: 2009.08.12 (23:04)
by otters~1
Registering my positive attitude toward this pack. Thank you.

EDIT: "Banana Hammock" and the one which you used twice (once as a race) were my favorites. Also whichever one I mentioned earlier, can't remember the name or position.

Re: Construct

Posted: 2009.08.22 (10:40)
by Aphex
The tilesets are sexy.
The maps are fun.
One of the best mappacks i've played ;)

keep up the good work!

Re: Construct

Posted: 2009.08.22 (12:57)
by Pheidippides
Riobe, you prolific thing, you. I'll have to give this a play.

Edit: Just finished playing through. The first half is immaculate. I loved every bit of it. The second half had a few maps that I found a tad too frustrating, but in general it was also really solid. Plenty of interesting concepts throughout. Aesthetics were consistently good (and a bit more diverse than Wasteland, which was a plus). Most of the gameplay was engaging and worthwhile. My one critique is that you use too many mines. A few for aesthetic purposes can come in handy, but some of your maps were unnecessarily flooded with them. Aside from that, though, this was awesome. Really great job, Riobe. :up:

Re: Construct

Posted: 2009.09.28 (14:53)
by Leaff
Played through this again just because. Just as epic the second time. :3