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Eleven Squared
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Postby nevershine » 2009.10.25 (16:23)

[align=center]<<< [ NITROGLYCERINE ] >>>

contains 30 maps, including 1 special collab with Jugglekid. (Sun Nova)

Please notice: This pack is //OLD// and therefore not the best. Don't have too high expectations. :)

special THANKS to:

brainstone and
for playtesting.

furry ant
for the awesome sig!

have fun, feedback would be much appreciated.[/align]
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Last edited by nevershine on 2011.08.07 (14:26), edited 7 times in total.

<~blue_tetris> First off, making a game and calling it the sequel to Tetris is like making "Butter 2: Revenge of Butter".
<~blue_tetris> And it's actually margarine.

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Postby Seneschal » 2009.10.25 (22:47)

I love it. Every map is an adventure: exciting, dangerous, beautiful, and oodles of fun. The old ones felt as fresh upon replaying them as the new ones. Excellent job all round!

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Postby nevershine » 2009.10.26 (13:02)

thanks! means a lot man ;)

/edit/ anyone for some more feedback?

<~blue_tetris> First off, making a game and calling it the sequel to Tetris is like making "Butter 2: Revenge of Butter".
<~blue_tetris> And it's actually margarine.

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Postby Destiny » 2009.11.09 (14:01)

<3 The End

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Postby aids » 2011.07.20 (02:41)

Not the best mappack by you. :/
  • Adventure in a cheeseball >> While it did feel like an adventure, I didn't enjoy its cadywampous atmosphere. Nothing felt right about it.
  • Aztec Riddle >> That was a cruel trick you used on an otherwise good map. Just move the trapdoor trigger down to the floor.
  • Beach Paradise >> I recall this being the very first map of yours I played on NUMA. Very much like something I would make.
  • Between Goliath's legs >> This was featured on NUMA. But it isn't refined enough for me. There isn't any structure to the placement of the inside mines/gold/triggers.
  • Christian's Inferno >> I don't want to get mad at you, but I hate this level. It's horribly linear and ramshackle.
  • Criminal Cactus >> There was a time and place for this type of map (2006 on but has now passed.
  • Crystl Rosz >> Minejumpers aren't my favorite genre, but this one wasn't too bad. A bit spare on gold though.
  • Disadvantages of eternal life >> I had an extremely hard time with this map. The composition was a bit sketch, but the enemies were decent.
  • Elvis >> I didn't bother to complete it. Not enjoyable.
  • Finally, the story of a new hero! >> This was a very convoluted map. It all played decently, but didn't have much organization.
  • Glacier Crack >> Another map that wasn't very organized. The drone part was okay, but the rest of the map felt incomplete.
  • God put a smile upon your face >> Backtracking to the exit was not necessary, but everything else was good.
  • Iridium City >> Whew, tough map to highscore. While it wasn't polished enough, it played fairly well.
  • Last Night on Earth >> You didn't really need to block off the rocket, but that was the only con. Good map otherwise.
  • Let's build something BIG >> This was anothr map where nothing felt right about it.
  • Marble, Stone and Iron >> If you were to come back to this one and clean up the gameplay, it would be an excellent map.
  • Monument Breakdown >> Superb map. Everything worked. Userlevel'd.
  • Nitroglycerine >> I lucked out on finishing this map. I wasn't really watching the drone. Pretty neat design though.
  • Peacemaker (race) >> Skipped.
  • Phoenix >> Another map which was too long. You should only need to go around the top once.
  • Skycastle Ruins >> I didn't like the start because I couldn't get all the gold. The rest of it wasn't good either.
  • Specters in my Dreams >> Way too difficult. Less rockets and no chaingun.
  • The joke >> I really enjoyed this. It could be a Metanet level.
  • The machine that makes my maps >> There was a lot of extra objects in the map, but it was well-made.
  • The Starscream >> Hmm, not enough structure. If there was flow, I couldn't find it.
  • Time Galleon >> The lack of consistency in the map annoyed me way too much. I couldn't enjoy playing it.
  • Zeta (Epilogue) Eternal Flight >> This map felt slapped together. The drone is only good for one dodge, and the thwumps are rather stupid.
  • Zeta (Epilogue) The End? >> Interesting map. While I didn't bother highscoring it, I did like the rockets.
  • Zeta (Epilogue) Towards the Evening Star >> Another sparse map. It didn't really feel finished.
  • Bonus : Sun Nova >> I played this on NUMA a long time ago. The gold was the only thing I didn't enjoy.
And as always, here are some demos.
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