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Some Spectacular Shit!

Posted: 2009.12.07 (18:11)
by MattKestrel

> New map-pack from MattKestrel/GTM.
> 16 maps, and an epilogue! Would be more, but I figured it'd mostly be filler.
> Plot, following it is optional.
> Released! Contains quite a range of levels, but none are easy by any respect.
> Special thanks to Mintnut, Riobe, Cahu, Skypanda, Erik-Player, Nevershine and Seven_Two!

Re: Some Stranger Secret: Hype?

Posted: 2009.12.07 (20:35)
by nevershine
you have a good taste in games, Mr Kestrel.

I'm really looking forward to this. Your arborist's episodes were great.

Re: Some Stranger Secret: Released!

Posted: 2009.12.19 (13:23)
by MattKestrel
Pack released! See first post for details.

Re: Some Stranger Secret: Released!

Posted: 2009.12.19 (14:27)
by aapse
cool pack. i really enjoyed the first 8 or so maps, especially Assault on the Control Room and Day 4, but found the maps to get a bit repetitive towards the end. there was a thin line between a cool atmosphere and an uninteresting play with the last few maps, and while some felt alive and exciting, others were dull.

but on the whole, it was a pretty exciting pack. nice job.

Re: Some Stranger Secret: Released!

Posted: 2009.12.22 (16:23)
by SkyPanda
Captured! (the one with the lasers) was soo awesome.
played them yesterday, great pack.

Re: Some Stranger Secret: Released!

Posted: 2010.01.07 (14:01)
by nevershine
SSS = Some Spectacular Shit


Re: Some Spectacular Shit: Released!

Posted: 2010.01.30 (21:21)
by MattKestrel
Haha, only just saw this! Excellent suggestion.

Re: Some Spectacular Shit!

Posted: 2010.01.30 (21:49)
by Tunco
Whoa. I enjoyed all of the maps, this is my favorite GTM map-pack so far. And this is the best and the hardest map-pack you've ever made!
