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Thunder 1; My First Map Pack :D
Posted: 2009.12.17 (23:35)
by Winter_Red_Snow
Hi, i'm Winter_Red_Snow, or just Winter, or Redsnow, or whatever.
This is my first map pack on the forums, and it's an assortment of short maps. they aren't too big, so don't fuss too much 'bout them.
It has 5 maps, and they are relatively short and good for speed running. N-joy :D
Re: Thunder 1; My First Map Pack :D
Posted: 2009.12.18 (07:04)
by aids
It's pretty cool. Your style is eerily similar to
Addicted_Ancestor's. Any relation?
Here's a properly-formatted version which is easier to use.
00-0 Russian Coldspike: Funky tiles, but it was bearable.
00-1 Young Man Blues: Astounding use of the one-ways with the laser.
00-2 Unorthodox Seperate: (spelled wrong :P) Not that unorthodox, but good. The locked door is on the wrong level though; it doesn't match the tiles.
00-3 Magic Blue Box: Small and to the point, but lame.
3.5 rounded down.
00-4 Fly Through the Sky: Great use of the chaingun, but the drone was too pesky. It had a very high difficulty curve compared to the other four.
Overall, I felt this is like a CD album composed of five thirty-second previews. It needed more material.
(And copy the below text into your signature. It will link the picture to this thread.)
Code: Select all
Re: Thunder 1; My First Map Pack :D
Posted: 2009.12.18 (20:18)
by aids
Inspired wrote:I agree entirely with the above post. Down to the last little fullstop.
I love you, but it's called a period. :)
Re: Thunder 1; My First Map Pack :D
Posted: 2009.12.19 (20:11)
by 29403
Not in England it isn't!
Re: Thunder 1; My First Map Pack :D
Posted: 2010.02.24 (01:28)
by notsteve
no relation
Re: Thunder 1; My First Map Pack :D
Posted: 2010.02.24 (01:43)
by Rhekatou
29403 wrote:Not in England it isn't!
Mate, the server is in America (I think). So go eat your tea set at a fullstop!