Gallimaufry: A Mix Of Styles Presented To You By Hooha!

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Postby Hoohah2x2sday » 2009.12.31 (17:54)


Gallimaufry: n., A jumble; a hodgepodge

And that's truly what this pack is all about.


I got the initiative to start this mappack more than a year ago. At the time, I had pretty much been in a mapping slump, and I really needed something that would help me transition between the style I had currently been in and a new style that wasn’t getting old and over-used.

Enter: Gallimaufry.

By making a collection of maps of varying difficulties, gameplay, and aesthetics, I successfully managed to shift from the old Hooha to what I’ve grown to today. Hopefully, you all think so too :)


In this pack you will find a collection of 50 maps, in the general order of ascending difficulty. They are layed out in a 5-column format, with 0-1 starting the pack off, and 4-10 closing it out. If you don't have the time to sample the entire pack (which would insult me :p), I've gone ahead and picked out what I consider to be the top 10 maps that you have to play:

0-3; Sibilant Simian Tintinnabulations Appraise Thee

0-4; Juvenile Chipotle

1-8; Magma Ascender

2-6; Dentrefleur

2-10; TurboProp

3-1; Tundra Terror!

3-4; Kraken

3-9; Intravenous Bombardment

4-3; Skyway of Glass and Such

4-10; Rust Deluge

As a note, I will be posting all 50 of these maps to numa over time.


And now I must spend at least a paragraph expressing my many many many MANY thanks to Yungerkid. Without his well of inspiration and determination, this mappack would be much suckier and probably less complete than you find it today. For every hour that I put into this pack, Yungerkid probably contributed 3 times as much editing, playtesting, and organizing it. Every level you see in this pack has been scoured tenfold by Yungerkid's masterful glance. I owe Gallimaufry's success to him. Thanks man :)

And now, without further ado, I present to you Gallimaufry. Enjoy, and tell me what you think!

Theatrical version and normal userlevels version included.

Oh, and I don't want to sound like a complete idiot here, but I can't seem to figure out how to add userlevels to N...a quick explanation would be absolutely wonderful :)
Gallimaufry (Normal).txt
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Gallimaufry (Theatrical).txt
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Last edited by Hoohah2x2sday on 2010.01.03 (22:59), edited 5 times in total.
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Postby UndeadPie » 2009.12.31 (18:08)

I will play it all :D

I've made maps for this one

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Postby yungerkid » 2009.12.31 (18:32)

Very nice, very nice! I very much enjoyed playtesting this pack, and I think it's a great pack overall. I'll play the whole thing once more just for the fun of it ;)

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Postby otters~1 » 2009.12.31 (20:10)

Haven't been this excited about a mappack since Pheidippisodium.
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Postby PALEMOON » 2009.12.31 (20:15)

Hoohah2x2sday wrote:
Oh, and I don't want to sound like a complete idiot here, but I can't seem to figure out how to add userlevels to N...a quick explanation would be absolutely wonderful :)

1.Open up your Userlevels .txt.
2.Type '&userdata='
3. paste in the level data.
4. save
5. Open the userlevels in N - it should work.

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Postby otters~1 » 2009.12.31 (20:24)

PALEMOON wrote: 2.Type '&userdata='
Actually, the "&userdata=" should already be written at the top, and you only want it once.
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Postby Hoohah2x2sday » 2009.12.31 (20:47)

I honestly can't get it to work. I tried with and without the &userdata= thing. Idk what im doing wrong tho. Anyone wanna screenshot me an image of what their userlevel file looks like maybe?
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Postby Scrivener » 2009.12.31 (22:05)

daaaaaaamit. i just wrote a review for each of the first 25 maps. then ninjarobotyeti decided i wasn't logged in so it didn't remember any of my post. ;_;
just know that I played the first 25 and am working on the rest. Loved them.
Favorite so far was 2-1, Equalizer Cactus.
btw i was Minion_of_Pi, so no, I'm not some noob who doesn't know who you are.

happy new year's eve/day!

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Postby Hoohah2x2sday » 2009.12.31 (22:21)

Haha thanks man...too bad about the reviews :P glad you like it
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Postby Scrivener » 2009.12.31 (22:27)

wait... i might have a solution for you userlevels problem
what i do is just save my original userlevels file as userlevels1 or something
then save gallimaufry as userlevels
but if you want gallimaufry IN your original userlevels.... just make sure you only have 1 &userdata=
and that all the levels are formatted properly ($,#,#,#,#)
also, im not sure if this is always the case, but I can't view my userlevels using nreality... i have to use regular n. idk why.

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Postby Scrivener » 2009.12.31 (23:10)

and hey. just so ya know.
you might want to change the levels to 0-9 format instead of 1-10. in userlevels the 10th map comes before the 1st.
just so ya knowz.

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Postby moonlight » 2010.01.01 (20:52)

Wow, cool pack. I couldn't find much in the pack that I disliked

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Postby MattKestrel » 2010.01.01 (21:27)

Excellent pack, I feel truly inspired.

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Postby ChrisE » 2010.01.04 (10:04)


That's all I have to say.

I loved it. Lovedlovedloved it.

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Postby yungerkid » 2010.01.08 (02:45)

Favourites were Santiago, Static Flare, Support Force, Station Uplink, Half-Life, and Rust Deluge. I think I'm forgetting some, too.

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Postby otters~1 » 2010.01.21 (18:01)

Wowowowow. Dude. Wow.


0-9 Hush, was awesomely cheatable. I loved the drones in 1-6 Idolize. 1-8 Magma Ascender is my favorite map out of the first two groups. 1-9 Precious Metals is well-enemy'd. Watch this demo made on 1-10 Digital Clapperclaw. The beginning is unbelievable.

Will edit in my thoughts on the rest later. So far, absolutely flawless.

EDIT: Yeah, finished it up, or near enough--very impressed.
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Postby Hoohah2x2sday » 2010.01.22 (12:06)

Thanks man! Tell your friends! lol :p
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