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< < < The Return

Posted: 2010.01.21 (03:38)
by Amadeus
yeah yeah yeah!

Re: < < < The Return

Posted: 2010.01.21 (03:43)
by Scrivener

i think you screwed up the last map by putting # in the name.

you also left out &userdata=

ima just play em, k?

best maps i evar did play. i loved them all. way too long though. it took like five hours to download.

Re: < < < The Return

Posted: 2010.01.21 (04:47)
by Pheidippides
Downloaded FIVE HUNDRED AND FOUR TIMES? Gawd. Next time I feel like playing N, I'll give these a spin, ya dig?

Re: < < < The Return

Posted: 2010.01.21 (04:55)
by Scrivener
heh. those were /all/ me. i use chrome so i didn't even /actually/ download them. hehehe. don't ask why, i just felt like it.

heh. over 1,000.