Thank God Sometimes You're Naked [pack posted!]

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Postby fingersonthefrets » 2010.02.05 (13:38)

'Thank God Sometimes You're Naked'

Hey guys! The pack's done! You pumped? I am. It's REALLY GOOD... and it took over a bloody year. So you should toootally play the pack like. Now.


Want three extra maps?!
There are 19 maps in total. The 16 main maps are included in the attachment (including one bonus map, my first nreality map ever) and then based on feedback I will pm or irc people the three extra maps

-A brief comment on the pack overall warrants a extra map
-map by map things and more detailed comments like that the warrant all three extra maps
-somewhere in between will get you two.

oh! also.

Thanks to the many playtesters :)

edit: map only file added.
TGSYN basic.txt
(32.11 KiB) Downloaded 386 times
Thank God Sometimes You're Naked.txt
(33.31 KiB) Downloaded 453 times
Last edited by fingersonthefrets on 2010.03.03 (01:15), edited 15 times in total.

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Postby aids » 2010.02.05 (13:53)

If the map I playtested is in here I'll be PSYCHED! Otherwise, blah.


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Postby fingersonthefrets » 2010.02.05 (13:58)

It will be, I forget when you playtested or what you playtested because a heap of people have been playtesting random maps, but if it was in like. the past year and a quarter i've been making the pack, and the maps not on numa, than it'll probably be in the pack :)

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Postby origami_alligator » 2010.02.06 (09:26)

Well hello!

Pretty excited to see some new material from you, dude.

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Postby T3chno » 2010.02.06 (18:20)

This is one of the few mappacks I really hype for, but I'm really looking forward to this one.


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Postby otters~1 » 2010.02.12 (16:26)

Cannot wait! Been too long since you've done much on NUMA.
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Postby fingersonthefrets » 2010.02.15 (09:25)


i didnt re-playtest them when i put them into the userlevel form or and copied and pasted them from another file or anything, so if there are any fuck ups let me know :) thanks!

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Postby fingersonthefrets » 2010.02.17 (11:55)

guys, some comments would be really nice. I posted party bones (1/2) on numa too:

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Postby  yahoozy » 2010.03.01 (12:36)

I liked The Purple Bottle before it was cool.

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Postby otters~1 » 2010.03.03 (00:05)

<_< at the format. Not individual-NED friendly.

(This spot reserved for detailed critique later.)
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Postby fingersonthefrets » 2010.03.03 (01:08)

added a map only file to make you guyz'z lifez eazierrrz

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Postby toasters » 2010.03.03 (04:19)

Favorites: Life In Marvelous Times, Proof of Youth, She Sells Sea Shells, Sneaky Red
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Postby aids » 2010.03.03 (07:16)

I'm very letdown. The only good maps in the pack were Life in Marvelous Times and to an extent, What Would I Want? Sky. I dunno, I just didn't like them. :(

Demo for aforementioned map:

Code: Select all

$Life In Marvelous Times#Fingersonthefrets#Thank God Sometimes You're Naked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|5^468,564!7^468,528,3!7^444,528,3!7^492,528,3!7^516,528,3!7^420,504,0!7^420,504,3!7^396,504,3!7^396,504,2!7^324,504,0!7^324,528,0!7^396,528,2!7^324,504,3!7^300,504,3!7^396,456,3!7^420,456,3!7^444,432,2!7^444,432,3!7^468,432,3!7^468,432,0!7^468,456,0!7^540,456,2!7^540,432,2!7^492,480,3!7^372,456,3!7^348,456,3!7^324,384,1!7^300,384,1!7^276,384,1!7^252,384,1!7^228,408,0!7^228,432,0!7^228,456,0!7^228,480,0!7^252,504,3!7^276,504,3!0^354,522!0^366,522!0^366,510!0^354,510!10^456,444!7^516,528,0!7^516,552,0!7^516,576,0!7^300,432,1!7^276,432,1!7^252,432,1!0^264,420!0^276,420!0^288,420!0^300,420!0^312,420!7^276,552,3!7^252,552,3!7^228,552,3!7^204,552,3!7^180,528,0!7^180,504,0!7^204,480,1!7^228,480,1!0^222,558!0^234,558!0^246,558!0^258,558!0^498,438!0^510,438!0^510,450!0^498,450!7^540,432,3!7^564,432,3!7^564,432,0!7^564,456,0!7^564,480,0!7^564,504,0!7^636,480,3!7^660,480,3!7^564,528,0!7^660,480,0!7^660,504,0!7^660,528,0!7^660,552,0!7^660,576,0!7^588,552,3!7^612,552,3!7^636,528,2!7^612,480,3!7^588,480,3!7^516,480,3!7^300,96,2!7^300,144,2!7^300,144,1!7^348,144,1!9^216,516,1,0,11,5,1,0,0!7^396,216,3!7^372,216,3!7^348,216,3!7^324,216,3!7^300,216,3!7^300,192,2!7^300,168,2!7^180,528,1!7^156,528,1!7^132,528,1!12^204,480!7^180,552,0!7^180,576,0!12^564,372!7^276,192,3!7^252,192,3!0^342,186!0^330,174!0^330,186!0^318,174!0^318,186!7^420,216,2!7^492,360,3!7^516,336,2!7^516,312,2!7^468,360,3!7^444,360,3!7^420,360,3!7^396,360,3!7^372,360,3!7^420,264,2!7^348,288,3!7^324,288,3!7^300,288,3!7^276,288,3!7^228,288,3!7^204,288,3!7^348,336,0!7^348,312,0!7^348,288,0!7^372,264,1!7^396,264,1!12^372,264!7^300,120,2!7^108,528,1!0^120,552!0^120,564!0^132,552!0^132,564!0^144,552!0^144,564!0^156,552!0^156,564!12^180,528!12^108,528!12^156,528!12^132,528!11^48,564,318,126!7^324,432,1!7^228,408,3!7^204,408,3!7^180,408,3!7^156,408,3!7^132,408,3!7^84,552,0!7^84,576,0!7^84,528,0!7^84,528,3!7^180,384,0!7^180,360,0!7^396,264,0!7^396,240,0!7^396,216,0!12^432,240!7^420,240,2!9^600,522,0,0,7,12,1,0,0!7^252,288,3!9^432,312,1,0,11,6,1,0,0!12^408,576!9^600,522,0,0,7,13,1,0,0!7^180,336,0!7^324,144,1!7^732,540,2!7^732,564,2!0^690,552!0^702,552!0^690,540!0^702,540!0^690,528!9^216,372,1,1,20,14,0,0,-1!7^228,456,3!7^204,456,3!7^180,456,3!7^156,456,3!7^132,456,3!7^108,456,3!7^324,408,0!7^324,432,0!7^324,456,3!7^300,456,3!7^276,456,3!7^252,456,3!12^252,456!9^432,312,1,0,10,6,1,0,0#1573:97587473|17895765|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|219223505|107374183|107374182|35791462|35791394|35791394|17825794|17895697|89480465|89478485|89478485|17895697|17895697|107435357|107374182|107374182|107374182|107374182|107374182|35791462|35791394|35791394|16777216|17895697|69905|36064256|139810|0|35791360|35791394|2|0|33554432|107374306|107376166|71583062|71582788|17895684|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|89478609|89478485|89985365|89478485|89478485|89478485|89478485|89478485|17895697|35655953|35791394|35791394|35791394|52568610|97587475|89478485|17896789|17895697|17895697|17895697|89478609|17896789|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|97587473|71582788|71582788|71582788|71582788|17913156|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|35791633|35791394|35791394|35791394|35791394|35791394|35791394|35791394|35791394|35791394|35791394|35791394|107405858|36071014|107374190|107374182|107374182|36071014|17895682|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|22371601|107374545|107374182|26214|17825792|69905|35782656|33554432|35791394|17895458|17895697|4369|139810|17895697|17895697|89985297|89478485|17895697|1118481|35791360|35791394|35791394|35791394|17895458|17895697|89985297|89478485|89478609|89478485|17896789|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|97605073|89478485|71587157|107374182|35808870|35791394|17834530|17895697|17895697|17895697|105137617|107374182|107365478|107374182|107376166|107374182|107374182|115484262|107374182|107374182|17913158|1118481|0|17895680|89510161|89478485|107365461|107374182|107374182|107374182|36071014|2236962|17891328|17895697|17895697|17895697|89480465|71582788|35790916|35791394|139810|0|35782656|34|71584768|107374182|107405926|107374182|35808870|17895730|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|4369|0|17895424|69905|0|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|17895697|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Postby fingersonthefrets » 2010.03.03 (07:37)

toasters wrote:Favorites: Life In Marvelous Times, Proof of Youth, She Sells Sea Shells, Sneaky Red
surprised by a couple of them, thanks
I'm very letdown. The only good maps in the pack were Life in Marvelous Times and to an extent, What Would I Want? Sky. I dunno, I just didn't like them. :(
:/ far out. okay. I dunno why. but mm. at least you liked two of my favs from the bunch heh..

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Postby numa_ninja » 2010.03.19 (09:56)

I've had a good ol' playthrough, and well, seeing as you need some:


An Envoy To The Open Fields
Very nice thwump action here. I would have liked that gauss part to be a little less tense, because it sucked really bad if you were so close, and then you screwed it up. The tiles are great too, as is the gold. Perfect difficulty, if not a little too hard for my liking with all those mines everywhere.

Between Love And Hate
Fantastic use of teleporters here. I was bewildered for a while as to where to go, but I figured it out in a while. Nice use of drones here, and the tiles were really light and refreshing. Gold was great to collect, as were the gausses fun to evade. Top stuff.

Tiles were a bit simple, and gameplay was slow in this level. Gold was okay to get, and the gausses could get frustrating after a while. Nonetheless, this map is really nice gameplay wise. Really relaxed and everything.

Herstory Of Glory
Gold patterns were questionably, but it was really fun to collect. Couldn't figure out how to get the top right gold, but eh. Had some really nice jumper elements to it, and the thwumps were really nice too.

Ibi Dreams Of Pavement (A Better Day)
Woah. Nice tiles here! Really contemporary and cool-looking. Gameplay was great too. That gauss under the thwump got me scared for a second, but I got past it okay. Gold was heaps fun to collect, with all parts of the map having seperate challenges. Really nice going here!

Kidney Theif
Tiles are nice, and the gausses get this map going and off the ground. Bit too hard for me, though. Maybe you could have softened-up this map a bit, perhaps? Mines were a tad awkward, too. Pretty okay map overall.

Life In Marvelous Times
Been done heaps of times before, but I really like this version. It was extremely intense at some parts, and all gold was really fun! The tiles there were there were really nice too, as they added to the feeling of the map. Great job!

Monosodium Glutamate
A very interesting map you've got here. Liked the gauss room, but I couldn't get past that chaingun room. Bottom left looks deceptively difficult, but it's really nice and relaxing. I liked it. I also liked how you cleverly switched the action into the rocket room from rocket dodging to a more puzzling part to get to the top.

Party Bones (1/2)
Intense gauss action in this level. Gold was really fun to collect in this level. I liked how the route down was blocked off and you had to go through the more hard way to get back to the exit. It flowed really well with the level. Good job.

Proof Of Youth
Great tiles yet again! Rocket room was nice, and the concept great, too. Execution was nice also. Gold at some parts was a tad hard to get, but that's fine. Liked the chaingun, but didn't really like getting back over that big spike-y thing. Too much going on with the chaingun and gauss. :/ And plus, sometimes you mis-timed the jump and hit that pesky mine just there. Anywho, really liked the aesthetics here. Clean and crisp.

She Sells Sea Shells
Real nice feel to this map. Tiles fit superbly with gameplay, and I liked how the rockets were used with the launchpads. The launchpads were edited in such a way that it didn't quite get you out of there, and thus leaving you prone to attack. One of your more peaceful maps from this pack, and my personal fave.

Sneaky Red
Just looking at this, and I know I'm going to enjoy it. Gausses were really light and fluffy, not restricting and angry like in other levels. I would have preferred only one gauss on the right-side and then more mines or something to compensate. The map? Do want.

Sunshine Emulator
That bottom tunnel was the best part of this map. The gauss combined perfectly with the rotational mechanism with the drones to make for a really fun, yet challenging, all gold, uh.. challenge. :P Rocket part felt a little usless, but it was fun dodging it and nabbing the gold anyway. Niiice.

The Christian Brother's Lighthouse Caper
Liked how fast you needed to be at the start with that gauss, and how it immediately opened up to some really unusual tiles. The gausses work perfectly with the awkwardness of the tiles, and add a great challenge. Sometiles a bit too challenging, but a challenge nonetheless. I also liked how you can just take your time instead of rushing at the start so you can get all of the gold. On the subject of the gold, it is adorable. Nice work, and good job.

There's A Cobber At Your Door
Loving these drones here. Liked how it actually turned out very flowy in some places, if you timed the drones properly. Rocket area was fun. I would have preferred some more awkwardly-placed gold up there, like near the mines, or something so there's more of an element of rocket dodging, but that's just my personal preference. Nicely done here.

What Would I Want? Sky
The rockets here are great! Tileset's nice as per usual. I was confused at first, because some of the objects hinted that this map was a race, but it turned out not to be. Some parts were frustrating, but aesthetics-wise, you've got it nailed. All gold's a bugger, too.

Overall, this mappack was really enjoyable, although it was a bit too hard for me sometimes, but that's me that needs improving on, eh?! But, on a serious note, some of these maps were a nigh too hard for even good players, I'd say. Oh, and sorry that I didn't comment earlier, I just couldn't find the time to play through all of these maps and then post constructive criticism. 0_o

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Postby fingersonthefrets » 2010.03.22 (09:07)

wow, thanks for that numa, i'll try and get a response for the response together and those 3 extra maps heh.

side note: we broke up :(

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Postby otters~1 » 2010.04.08 (14:32)

Finished, good pack. :D

An Envoy To The Open Fields: Thwump section had just the right difficulty, need to spend more time on this one to get a feel for the top. 4
Between Love And Hate: Those tiles lend themselves brilliantly to arching jumps. Best was the chaingun section. Never seen teleporters "disguised" quite like that, also. 5aved
Bonsai: Wow that jumper puzzle really snuck up on me. Thought this was filler until I tried to get out of the damn pit. Took several tries with those well-placed gausses. 5aved
Herstory Of Glory: Something about the yellow of gold, the blue of thwumps and the red of mines is really pretty in this map. Played well, too. I like how each of these so far has had some "reach" gold in it. 5
Ibi Dreams Of Pavement (A Better Day): Awesome map. Each clump of gold had an individual challenge and an individual enemy involved in a great way, making the map a nice little progression.
Kidney Thief: Wanna play with this one a bit more. Top tunnel was fun. 4
Life In Marvelous Times: Love all the second chances here, and the tiles were so nice. 4
Monosodium Glutamate: Least favorite so far. Felt like an unedited Administrong (RIP) map; none of the parts fit together at all. In some ways, that was cooler than normal, because it made the map seem huge. Unfortunately the squeeze was unpredictable (though the best part of the map involved lining up the chains so you could get a clear fall through the doors). 3
Party Bones (1/2): Too quirky for my taste, but the tiles held together better than in the previous. Drones at the end were annoying; you either slowed and watched to get a feel for their paths, or dove in and got fried and SHIT FUCK I just stepped in my fucking plate of spaghetti that I made for my fucking self. 3, minus twenty because dammit I don't have anything else to eat and I'm pretty sure I'm going to just pull the sock threads out and eat this shit.
Proof Of Youth: Dropping down into the core to grab that gold added a rush to this otherwise unglamorous but solid map. Nice tiles, I wish you'd found a way to pull off that floorguard gimimck without the one-ways, though. To be fair I'm in a really bad mood at this point and hungry as fuck. 4
She Sells Sea Shells: Suave little map that was bigger than the sum of its parts. Good tileset and some excellent gameplay selections, especially the slide below the fish skeleton and the awesomely-dinky little launchpads. 5
Sneaky Red: Easy but incredibly fun. Looked and played like a Barabajagal map. My favorite part was the temptation to dive continually in and out of the double-gauss tunnel until fate caught up with you. 4
Sunshine Emulator: I swear to god I've played this before, and if you bother to read all this I'd like an explanation there. I think this is my fave from the pack so far (though I question that it was from the pack originally, I've seen this somewhere, I know it), the drones work well, the top is a good prelude to the bottom, the ascent is also fun, and by fuck this is a run-on sentence. 5aved
The Christian Brother's Lighthouse Caper: Good title. Glad you didn't put mines all over those spikes, would've completely ruined the fun of launching yourself up and bouncing harmlessly into the seaweed. 4aved
There's A Cobber At Your Door: This also had "reach" gold, but there was nowhere to land when you reached for it. 3
What Would I Want? Sky: Seemed like a long and less practical epigone map. The first gold was annoying to get, which pretty much set the tone for the rest. 3

Neat overall. Now for the bonus maps.

EDIT: These were great, first and third were featurable. Even if the pack itself had been trash, would've been worth it to play these last.

SECOND EDIT: Ahahah fuck yeah, I was right about Sunshine Emulator. My god what a memory.

THIRD EDIT: I promise to feature a map from this to give it (even more) attention, unless someone beats me to it.
Last edited by otters~1 on 2010.04.11 (01:58), edited 5 times in total.

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Postby fingersonthefrets » 2010.04.09 (03:15)

What I meant is separate the maps with spaces so I can c/p into NED
i thought i did that? maybe it turns up differently when you download it or something. idk.
I posted (001, etc.) in the order they appear in my userlevels, which may be alpha, sorry. I'll edit in titles when I play some more this afternoon.
thanksssssssss yeah. I don't even know how to work userlevels haha. I've been here for about 3 1/2 years yet I still dunno.

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