Postby numa_ninja » 2010.04.16 (04:23)
Hmm. Well, I'm really not sure about this pack. Yeah, sure it has maps in it, and there's ninjas too, but that was all that I really got out of it. There wasn't really any variety, me personally speaking. But, there were some nice ones that I found.
I liked 3-2 because it played quite simply, but was cool to move around in with all of those slopes and stuff. The mines were good also. Another one I liked was 3-4. Really simple too, but that rocket dodging was nice, and that drone there was good also. It was almost like it was brutally honest with the way it played. No sort of one-ways or little clever door-y things, just a map that played well. 5-3 was another of these maps. The laser was well-placed, with the rocket to clean up any scraps left over when you passed by. The next level after that was also nice. I thought if there was a little less chaingun, and- oh, it's a survival. Man, this should totally be a map! What happened? :( Moving swiftly on, 6-1 was pretty sweet. I liked that bounceblock concept thing, but I was hoping it would have been more easy to squeeze past. Either that, or I suck. But yeah, I do understand what you were pulling off with that area, and how it lures you in to your death, hence the name of the level. Cleverly done. Chechnya Waterfront surprised me greatly with those tiles, and that rocket looked frankly exciting! Hell, it even plays well. Rocket was good as expected, and those drones forced you into the middle where you were at the mercy of the rocket. Good job on that one. 8-0 was another one I liked. The thwump stops you at the most innapropriate time with that gauss staring you down. Then there was that gold. Haha, it was pretty intense knowing that the chaingun will eventually tear you to shreds. 9-2 was also a favourite. Little sections of the map provided different challenges as you progressed onwards. I also like how you had to go around when you got the exit key if you wanted the gold and the extra challenge. The next map onwards was a nice change of pace. Wait, after playing it, it turns out it was an angry beast in disguise. Well played. Drones were really used at maximum efficiency, with the gausses pressuring your efforts to steal their gold. If some of the smaller maps that I liked here were expanded upon, this would have been a really great pack for me, at least.
Although those maps were good, I saw that most of the big maps played the same. Utilising these new concepts to get the door key, which really only involves like one or two keys to get to it, and then some laser or chaigun or something like that in the middle. And of course there's that line of oneways which are good for the first two tries, but you know, they kinda become a cheap gimmick after a whole column. I guess because of this there really wasn't anything that shone through, except the ones I liked, because you know when I saw these different maps I almost woke up and thought Woah, something different! Maybe I'll like this one, but with the others it's just the same and you really don't give the player any opportunity to think if they'll like it or not because it's just the same thing. I'm not really sure if this is supposed to be some sort of secret metaphor for Russian history, because I have no clue about that.
Aaguhfd. I apologize if I was a horrible reviewer, it's just that why download this pack when you've got the whole mahi archive to explore on NUMA? I've found myself horribly biased when I did this review, but mostly because I wasn't particluarly hot-to-trot on the whole radium/mahi bandwagon to start with. I'm sorry if I come off as a jerk or anything in this. :/
Aaa, overall I really don't know how to rate this map pack. I guess because I haven't really enjoyed this and really gotten into it I don't really have an opinion on what to rate it. I mean, a whole lot of words is a lot more than just one number, so I guess you're stuck with this then. :/