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SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2010.06.14 (19:51)
by rocket_thumped
///SOLAR BEATS solar beats///

50 maps by toasters and me. Be sure to sort by level name. PALEMOON, southpaw, sept, and skyline all playtested to some extent. toasters is off on vacation. I've had a rough couple months... I hope you guys like it.
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2010.06.14 (20:54)
by Izzy
So that's what the image was for. :3
Anyway, loving the few maps I've played so far. Some nice contrast between you guys' styles.
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2010.06.15 (03:02)
by rocket_thumped
I forgot, Izzy helped by removing some stuff from the stock of my image. Thanks dude.
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2010.06.15 (18:20)
by unoriginal name
Ooh, I've been looking forward to this. Downloading.
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2010.06.15 (18:59)
by lsudny
Awesome maps, guys. AWESOME. I love them. All. Perfect.
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2010.06.16 (03:26)
by moonlight
Really great maps so far that I have played, another great pack it seems from r_t and such.
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2010.06.16 (15:11)
by Pheidippides
About halfway done now. toasters, you're coming across as a modern-day Ngaged, and I'm totally loving it. r_t, you're very much on your form as well. I'm really enjoying the pack, guys. Nice work.
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2010.06.16 (18:10)
by otters~1
Downloaded. Edit later.
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2010.06.23 (02:20)
by ENT474
like really great. PRFECT.
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2010.09.10 (18:56)
by Radium
i liked the pack quite a bit.
my favorites are:
Spirit Tracks
Johnny, are you queer?
and everyone is going to the beat
i really like both of your styles. very signature. very nice work guys, i enjoyed this pack. not every map, but most.
keep it up!
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2011.01.21 (13:04)
by our_account
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2011.01.21 (13:24)
by Sunset
our_account wrote:Thanks
??????????? Is this you, rocket_thumped and toasters?
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2011.01.21 (18:48)
by rocket_thumped
Tommy wrote:our_account wrote:Thanks
??????????? Is this you, rocket_thumped and toasters?
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2011.01.23 (18:14)
by otters~1
Finally started playing through this and I love it. Mostly how each map is so different.
Re: SOLAR BEATS /// solar beats
Posted: 2012.03.27 (14:58)
by aids
Hooray, more six word map reviews!
- 000 All Alone >> What fantastic use of those 2-tiles.
- 001 The Oscillating Temple from the Beyond >> Surprisingly tough for the second map.
- 002 Tikwid >> Really nice tiles, but lackluster gameplay.
- 003 Spiderman >> The asymmetrical gold was very annoying.
- 004 shake yer butt >> Nice 3-tiles. Gauss was a bitch.
- 005 I.C.T.O.A.N.F.T.M. >> Those were hellish mines. Tough map.
- 006 I could dress up as a diamond! >> Awful level. Looks ugly, plays terrible.
- 007 2:48:33 until... >> The enemies clashed, especially the rocket.
- 008 We Tiger >> But tigers don't have webbed paws.
- 009 bullet hell boss in time of repose >> The drones could've been better imo.
- 010 Ubiquitous Eucalyptus >> Pretty bland map. Sparse in gold.
- 011 Zzz >> Such a toasters map. Great fun.
- 012 Moon Witch Cartridge >> Different, but very fun to highscore.
- 013 Houston, we have lauchoff >> The symmetry worked against this map.
- 014 moments and waves >> That laser was extremely fun. Bravo.
- 015 Birds can fly. >> Sloppy design. Wasn't fun at all.
- 016 high voltage robots are the worst gatecrashers >> Wow, hard map. Damn that rocket.
- 017 there is a light that never goes out >> As a puzzle it kinda sucked.
- 018 gated community >> Too much going on to enjoy.
- 019 register is closed... >> Another one with too much shit.
- 020 no roll jumping here >> The single golds pissed me off.
- 021 snapshot of the aftermath - winter '59 >> Again, enemy overload. Looked good though.
- 022 bank heist >> Somewhat strange. Very interesting to play.
- 023 peace pipe >> Everything about this map works. Userlevel'd.
- 024 play with fire >> I totally glitched through this one.
- 025 this little voice keeps calling me >> I couldn't find a route anywhere.
- 026 It's raining again. >> Awesome tiles. Gameplay was not good.
- 027 soulless, mechanical eyes >> Interesting design, and fun to play.
- 028 I'm a New Day Rising >> Foo Fighters, eh? Loved the drones.
- 029 DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! >> Wasn't a fan of the 5-tiles.
- 030 Tatooine Dreams >> It lacked finesse but looked fantastic.
- 031 Guiding This Mind >> Almost like juggling with steak knives.
- 032 Banquet >> Chaingun was a horrible enemy choice.
- 033 clenching my fist, the earth falls away >> The gauss made it too difficult.
- 034 well done, Judas >> Phew. I enjoyed the lower left.
- 035 Johnny, are you queer? >> The only good puzzle are cheatable. :(
- 036 amphetamine Beat poetry >> Waaay too many enemies, once again.
- 037 Spirit Tracks >> Played on NUMA. Very hard map.
- 038 Salizar >> Minejumpers aren't my thing, ya dig?
- 039 crimson carousel o' carnage >> I got the sickeest speedun. Userlevel'd. EDIT: And a sub-700 AGD! Boo-yah bitches!
- 040 and everything is going to the beat >> (Passion Pit.) This is too hard.
- 041 OOOOOHEEEEEEOOOOOOOOHHHH >> The rocket area was a bitch.
- 042 Shootout at the Sundance Saloon >> I couldn't cheat it. Fun layout.
- 043 le >> The best-looking fuck I've ever seen.
- 044 This Modern Love >> I cheated this one too. Sorry.
- 045 rock climbing 101 >> All three enemies work well together.
- 046 plug n' chug >> A simple idea taken too far.
- 047 Don't Get Lost in Heaven >> Getting the gold isn't worth it.
- 048 absurdly asinine apparatus >> I took awhile to understand it.
- 049 Hypermagic Mountain >> I gave up. Twice in fact.
Definitely watch the demos. 039 took me at least two hours.