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Boeing Boeing Bone!
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Postby Amadeus » 2010.07.30 (05:30)

All entirely new material, with the exception of a few remixes. I put a lot of work into this over the last few months. Not sure how many maps there are, I didn't bother counting.
(userlevel friendly version)
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Last edited by Amadeus on 2010.07.30 (17:43), edited 1 time in total.
People write to me and say, "I’m giving up, you’re not talking to me." I just write them a simple message like, "Never give up," you know? And it changes their life

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Postby otters~1 » 2010.07.30 (05:34)

I take it there are not 143 maps.
the dusk the dawn the earth the sea

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Boeing Boeing Bone!
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Postby Amadeus » 2010.07.30 (05:41)

SBD wrote:I take it there are not 143 maps.
haha, no, like 25ish?
People write to me and say, "I’m giving up, you’re not talking to me." I just write them a simple message like, "Never give up," you know? And it changes their life

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Postby aids » 2010.07.30 (08:01)

Userlevels doesn't like "Fyrsta Fealbrð" you might want to rename it. Also, please add "&userdata=" to the first line. I'll comment soon.
/143/ - ganteka

A lot of good maps, all which were in your style. But they got old fast. 3. By the way, is ascent even possible?
  • aint no grave can hold my body down: great tiles, great rocket placement, and the gold was fun to get
  • Fyrsta Fealbrð: the oneway trick was awesome, except for the middle one, which was a bit too hard to get through
  • i wish i could see the future in a crystal ball like we all wish we could, and i wish i could change the past in a time machine like we all wish we could: neat little floorguards you got going on there
  • pillars in the sky: snazzy little square map, but I didn't like the gauss
  • x3: very simple, but great for highscoring
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