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Posted: 2010.12.06 (19:02)
by nevershine

So, I've been very inactive in the last few weeks, and this is the reason why. Well, basically. However, this time I was going for more of a "composition" than for a classical pack with a division into episodes, a difficulty curve, et cetera. Instead, I tried to string maps together which particularly match in terms of atmosphere or style. Another reason to play them one by one! :)

In the txt.file, you'll find 24 maps. Some of them are sorta refined or slightly reworked numa maps, but overall there are still 14 completely new maps which certainly belong to my favourites of all time.

At the end I'd like to thank zthing for general support and being cool. Thanks bro.
Have fun!

Re: ShowDown

Posted: 2010.12.06 (22:57)
by Sunset
Gate Spell's beginning was annoying as shit. just saying

Re: ShowDown

Posted: 2010.12.07 (00:22)
by otters~1
My Mappack noms are fillled, but I'll definitely play this at some point.

Re: ShowDown

Posted: 2010.12.07 (14:02)
by nevershine
Hero wrote:Gate Spell's beginning was annoying as shit. just saying
it's hard, but it can be extremely satisfying if you're able to manage that first thwummp the right way. :p (watch meta's demo on nreality)
g-knobe wrote:My Mappack noms are fillled, but I'll definitely play this at some point.
nevershine wrote:remember this was never meant to be a "real pack"!
well, Megalith was. thanks though bro! :)

Re: ShowDown

Posted: 2010.12.08 (08:36)
by aapse
Radiance was by far my favourite; that thwump area underneath was just incredible.
a second play of Warrior Planet made me rethink my previous opinion of it, and i enjoyed both parts of Anderswelt.
i'm yet to play all the maps thoroughly, but i'll get round to it sometime in the near future.

cool stuff.

Re: ShowDown

Posted: 2011.07.18 (04:33)
by aids
I love your maps, and this is a very good pack.
  • 00 Overture >> The drones are below the mines, but even so it was a fun map. The laser was effective and the rocket was protective.
  • 01 All in my Eyeshot >> Fractured gameplay. There was not uniting theme or purpose.
  • 02 Warrior Planet >> A rather butch layout. The chainguns were good enemies, but I didn't like the trapdoor. It felt tacky.
  • 03 Sunlight hits the Shelf >> It took me a while to figure out how to get the switch. But the gold was bland and uninspired.
  • 04 Maori Shrine / Where their Elder Spirits Rest >> The drones bopped around, but I didn't feel threatened my them.
  • 05 Gate Spell >> Somewhat convoluted and pointless. While the laser was good, none of the other enemies were.
  • 06 Radiance >> The mine above the exit was cruel, but a very fun map. The lower section was brilliant.
  • 07 A Day in the Deeps >> I really didn't like the floorguard area. The chainguns were a bit too much as well.
  • 08 November Switch >> It was a cool structure, and the drone were good. The rocket wasn't effective enough for me. A laser would have been better.
  • 09 Anderswelt Pt. 1 (Expedition) >> It was a cool jumper-esque map. The drones were good and the gauss had a wide range. Not very replayable though.
  • 10 Anderswelt Pt. 2 (Witchcraft) >> While it was barren in some places, it had a great atmosphere and was enjoyable. Userlevel'd.
  • 11 Hydra Fight >> This was an infuriating map. I couldn't enjoy it.
  • 12 Veilworld >> The laser was too powerful. Maybe if it was a rocket.
  • 13 Night at Pirate Bay >> Boring. The gold was horrid and there wasn't any objective to the map.
  • 14 Across the Void v2 >> A simple map, but it wasn't that fun.
  • 15 Flashlight (Cool Interlude) >> I liked the asymmetry of it, but it was a bit too long.
  • 16 Shred Master >> Those drones were bad. There was no easy way to follow their paths.
  • 17 Sprout >> I felt like I was spelunking in a crystalline cave. I hated the locked doors and being forced to go back through the middle.
  • 18 What Glows Down There >> I played this on NUMA and loved it. It's still just as good. Userlevel'd. (I'll forgive the drones being under objects this time.)
  • 19 Autumn in Silico >> Also on NUMA. Grats on the feature.
  • 20 Budoka's Gorge >> Hands down one of the best mine jumpers ever. I'm not even a fan of minejumpers, but I loved this. Userlevel'd.
  • 21 Tombstalker >> Also on NUMA. Numacon too.
  • 22 Under the Waves (Sharkpower Edition) >> The chasers were too persistent for me. I couldn't get a good demo.
  • 23 Hysteria >> I don't like minefloor maps, and this isn't an exception. Too much going on in the map for me to route it.
And some demos.
(43.45 KiB) Downloaded 250 times

Re: ShowDown

Posted: 2011.08.07 (14:30)
by nevershine
Thank you! Looking forward to watching your demos.