Postby otters~1 » 2010.12.21 (19:26)
00: Elegant tiles and perfect gameplay. Episodic, if not terribly replayable. 5aved.
01: "In full view, that's among the most beautiful things I've ever seen in N." 5aved.
02: Trademark Pheidi. Charming tiles that create a unique landscape, reasonably linear gameplay with little twists and pinpoint enemies. 5aved.
03: Same as previous. You've got an immediately effective enemy, a tileset so interesting it might as well be alive and several awesome pockets of action. On top of that, you threw in some freeform elements and spiked the difficulty. 5aved.
04: Another fabulous, whimsical tileset. And you pulled off something only the best mappers do often, which is allow roving enemies to become more difficult to pass as time ticks away. Good pathing of some truly fucking ferocious chains. 5aved.
05: Fun, fun map. Smooth and swoopy. Once again the tileset and structure perfectly fit the atmosphere you created. 5aved.
06: I've seen that hair before! Filler but still obviously had thought put into it. 5aved.
07: My least favorite so far, but I appreciate what you were trying to do. I hesitate to penalize because I could never quite find the flow, but I did feel that parts were unnecessarily precise. 4
08: This was great fun, and superbly tiled of course, but I never hit a spot where I was threatened by both lasers at once, and I thought that might have been more interesting. As it is, the action was a bit stop-and-go, so I never felt threatened. 5
09: Much more difficult (or annoying) than it looked. Tiles didn't bowl me over like usual but I suspect that's because I had seen them before. (Thought: shouldn't this have been a Valentine's Day pack?) 5aved.
10: I got a super-slick AGD of this map, which no doubt added to love for it. Great tiles and intricate gameplay within them. The far-right section I thought didn't have as many options as the rest did, but that's a small quibble. 5aved.
11: Best map yet, excellent tiles. And once again, the enemies got more interesting the longer I took; the left gauss/laser area was one of the coolest action sequences I've ever seen. On my fastest run, as I flew over the octagon toward the exit, one of the lasers incredibly nailed me through the 5-tile gap between the "hand" and the "umbrella." 5aved.
12: Did everything right with this map, gameplay- and aesthetics-wise. Loved it, especially the gold room. This is getting old, but 5aved.
13: Another masterpiece. Things I loved about this include: taking risky, arching jumps that usually lead to my feet being cut off; the lighthouse aspect of the tiles; how it took forever to get all the gold up top because of perfect lasers; and finally, how the lighthouse was incorporated into the map instead of being dead space. 5aved.
14: Good simple action map. Again the tileset is woven into the map with no awkwardness. 5aved.
15: Neat idea, with somewhat original execution. However, the middle room didn't play all that well going up or coming down. Enemy choice caused a lot of pauses. 4
16: Liked the switches, liked the gold, loved the right side tileset -- but hated being chased into those spikes by drones. 5aved.
17: Perfect finish. Emblematic of Carologue in so many ways. Rocket followed me everywhere. 5aved.
This pack ought to be required playing for all new mappers. Merry Christmas and thanks for creating this gem.
the dusk the dawn the earth the sea