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winter muses

Posted: 2011.01.30 (00:15)
by njitsu

My first map pack... in 4 years... lol. It's just a small collection of 8 maps with somewhat minimalist objects and very detailed, wintery tiles.

The theme is derelict industrial sites frozen over during an ice age brought on by global warming.

Here is the preview I submitted on NUMA:

Re: winter muses

Posted: 2011.01.30 (07:29)
by Serg
8 maps? i see only 7...
why so few maps? all maps from this are pretty nice.
'core industry' and 'inoperational' - just great!
make more it

Re: winter muses

Posted: 2011.01.30 (15:44)
by njitsu
I don't want to wear out the theme that's all

Re: winter muses

Posted: 2011.02.05 (08:53)
by lsudny
Uhm, where can I download it?

Re: winter muses

Posted: 2011.02.05 (18:49)
by Sunset
Not sure if downloadable

or just incredibly forgot

Re: winter muses

Posted: 2011.02.27 (18:39)
by njitsu
For some reason the txt file went away...