into space

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Postby Sunset » 2011.02.19 (18:20)

the last map is meant to be uncompletable don't badger me about it
into space.txt
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Postby atomizer » 2011.02.19 (19:15)

You forgot &userdata=

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Postby aids » 2011.07.19 (03:08)

Here I am again, playing your mappacks.
  • 44 Run >> I love this map more than I'll admit to. The gold in the tile is the only downfall to this perfect level. Userlevel'd.
  • Amazing what you'll find >> Horribly disorganized map. The rocket area was terrible and the gausses were sloppy.
  • Could this be my understanding? >> Played on NUMA. I hate the squeeze.
  • Darkness rebound >> You must get off by adding impossible gold. As good as it looks, it needs to be acessible.
  • Emotion >> Not that bad of a map. The drones are fun to dodge and the rocket covers the inside well.
  • Fax rename it. >> The launchpads were a lazy addition to the map. The top section was also poorly-designed.
  • Flashlight >> The gold under the oneways were the only part I didn't like. Really nice rocket area.
  • Holy nights >> A very ramshackle map. The gauss corridors were fine, but the chaingun/thwumps part was too contrived.
  • It's a reflex (Dana nana) >> Eww. I hated backtracking to the exit.
  • jdfjsdf >> Why the hell would you include a map like this?
  • Justify >> I did not like getting trapped behind the thwump. Or going back up the rocket side.
  • One more time we're gonna celebrate >> the top gold was much too difficult to get. I really liked the tile structure though.
  • Powerslave >> Very boring. There wasn't much I could do to route the map.
  • ReReReReReverb >> Good concept, horribly executed. The laser and chaingun were too powerful and you used the oneway setup too much.
  • The hit >> Not too bad for an exitless map. Fun drone paths and decent setup.
  • The kids tried >> Lemme get this straight. You just take some of your maps from NUMA, throw them in a pack with other news maps, and call it a pack? That's a piss-poor way to go about it.
  • The sleep is still in my eyes >> I had much too hard a time getting a good demo. The rocket area needed a bounceblock.
  • This halfed-ass thing i3kej >> Name says it all.
  • We gon' move 'till you need it >> Once again, the gameplay is contrived. The chainguns didn't do much, nor did the rocket.
  • WX Y63X >> The two leftmost gold were unnecessary and not worth getting. You could've even added some gold to the top area.Good map otherwise.
Mostly AGDs.
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