Sept and Yahoozy Present: The Split

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Postby  yahoozy » 2011.08.16 (17:24)

Geez Louise, take a gander at this here map pack! Fifteen maps by one Yahoozy and fifteen by one Sept produce a thirty-map adventure for your pleasure! Enjoy!
The Split.txt
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Sept Maps.txt
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Yahoozy Maps.txt
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Postby Snuggletummy » 2011.08.16 (17:40)

I might have to redownload N and play this at some point.
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Postby unoriginal name » 2011.08.16 (18:23)

Here's a demo of Data Shed:

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Postby Seneschal » 2011.08.16 (18:42)

Ok, here's a review of the whole pack, with a few demos sprinkled within:

Maps by Sept

Bedsheets bet she’s - Alright. Not terrifically exciting, but well made, with some good mechanics. I didn’t initially like having to go to the exit chamber first, but I don’t mind it so much now. 3/5
Cthlozo - Tedious. Not really anything good about this other than the name. 1.5/5
Down – A short, sharp, shock of a map. 3/5
Ffff her – Interesting use of thwumps at the start, but otherwise this is pretty forgettable. 2.5/5
Friday is a Magic Night – There isn’t anything to this map. The chaingun doesn’t do anything at all. 1.5/5
Howling Fowl – Great tiles, tense, exciting gameplay. I felt like a dirty cheat for running along the bottom at the end, though. 4/5

I saw it yesterday – Some great puzzlish elements here. It felt more like a collection of scattershot ideas than an actual map, but it was pretty fun working it out. 3.5/5
Mt. Obasute – This is great, though it took me longer than I would have liked to figure it out. Clever puzzle, elegantly presented. 4.5/5
Rakshasa – An interesting idea, though I don’t like how it’s pretty much completely luck-based. 3/5
Safe Trip Back – The right hand side if fantastic, and the rest isn’t too shabby, either. Perhaps a tad too easy, though. 4/5
The Pastry Chef – I’m not quite sure why, but this is really cool. Lots of neat little mechanics. 4/5
This place is not a place of honour – Surprisingly not all that bad. That gold piece looks lonely. 3/5
To the West, Kid – I like this kind of map, and this is well made. 4/5
Too many details – ‘Too many details’ pretty much encapsulates what’s wrong with this. 1.5/5
You can play this map – Very fun. The end is really good. 4/5

Average Score – 3.1

Maps by Yahoozy

”Bohegois” – I can never do these ones normally, but this one isn’t actually too hard. Pretty fun, if a little repetitive and long. 3.5/5

Castle – I expect all your maps to be really hard, so this was a bit of a surprise. It’s reasonably fun, and pretty good for highscoring. The tileset is great. 3.5/5
Data Shed – I have reservations about this one. Sure, it looks good, and it’s pleasantly easy, but I feel like you’ve already made this map a couple of times before. In other words, not very original, but good by its own standards. 3.5/5
Forehead – What I said about the last one applies here too, to a certain degree. That’s not to say they’re not fun, however, and I like how they’re easier than your usual numa output. 3/5
Hurry Chamber – Really cool puzzle. The lasers are very well timed. 4.5/5
Mountain – Looks fantastic, and plays pretty well, too. 4/5
New Planet – Up to the exit switch it’s a great little minejumper, but the difficulty curve is ridiculous after that. I’m not even sure it’s possible, to be honest, although I’m sure someone will be able to prove me wrong. 2.5/5
Om Vajra Wiki Witrana Soha – This looks great, and it’s pretty fun to play, although for a while I was convinced that the second switch was impossible to get. Getting it is easily the hardest part of the map, I wish it were a little easier. 3.5/5
Slanted Tone – Lovely gold, looks pretty and it’s great fun to grab. This is a very cool episodic little map. 4.5/5
Something Square – Not much to say about this, other than that it’s a fun map. 4/5
The Breaker – Slick map. I like the chimneying aspect, but gold behind the exit ): 3.5/5

The Edge of Anatomy – This feels really generic. Found it quite boring on the whole. 2/5
Tokyo – Simple, elegant, lots of fun. 4.5/5
Wabi-Sabi – Pretty dull to be honest. 2/5
Western Stereotype of the Male Ballet Dancer – Fantastic concept, executed to perfection. Huge fun! 5/5

Average Score – 3.6

General comments: Although there are a fair few quite bad maps in here, this is on the whole pretty good. Not the best work of either author, but there are a few gems to be found. I had fun
Last edited by Seneschal on 2011.08.16 (20:44), edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Sunset » 2011.08.16 (19:36)


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Postby aids » 2011.08.26 (22:24)

Yahoozy had the better maps.
  • "Bohegeois" >> I almost gave up, then I beat it. It was decent, but would've been really nice as a multipathed map.
  • Bedsheets bet she's >> Such great tiles wasted on shitty gameplay. I don't even think it's beatable with that trapdoor.
  • Castle >> Decent, but there wasn't enough Yahoozy in it.
  • Cthlozo >> Lazy mapping on your part. He's made better 1-tile maps.
  • Data Shed >> Backtracking to the exit was the only bad part. The rest is primo hooz. Userlevel'd.
  • Down >> Lousy filler map. No vivacity at all.
  • Ffff her >> It's like you made the beginning and then gave up completely. Waste of time.
  • Forehead >> Mediocre in every way. You must be losing your touch.
  • Friday is a Magic Night (Shave Your Legs) >> Ugh. Could've been soo much better if you had utilized the chaingun more.
  • Howling Fowl>> Hahah, you call this a level? This is disastrous.
  • Hurry Chamber >> I enjoyed this one a lot. I'm not sure if you really needed the lasers though. Userlevel'd.
  • I saw it yesterday >> At first I thought I had to jump between the mines, so I did. But the I got my current demo. Interesting map, but the second floorguard is stupid.
  • Mountain >> Quite an adventure. Needed more gold though.
  • Mt. Obasute >> It was cool at first, but I hated waiting for the top thwump.
  • New Planet >> That one mine on the corner of a tile was extremely cruel. I couldn't beat it.
  • Om Vajra Wiki Witrana Soha >> The rightmost trigger was pretty challenging, but nothing else was.
  • Rakshasa >> Conceptually it was nice, but you could've gotten the same effect with half as many thwumps.
  • Safe Trip Back >> What terrible use of floorguards.
  • Slanted Tone >> The idea was good, but there was too much gold, and the exit/switch were in poor locations.
  • Something Square >> Boring and uninspired.
  • The Breaker >> This is an ugly motherfucker. Not worth playing.
  • The Edge Of Anatomy >> The two mines on the bottom are the only bad part to this epic jumper map. Userlevel'd.
  • The Pastry Chef >> What a fucking contrived map. Awful.
  • This place is not a place of honor >> Ahahah, fuck you too.
  • To the West, Kid >> Meh, it was cool for highscorig, but it was not fun or challenging.
  • Tokyo >> You could have used the oneways better to utilize the rockets more, but it's decent as is.
  • Too many details >> Sept, you're really just not trying anymore, are you?
  • Wabi-Sabi >> Really nice for highscoring. Userlevel'd.
  • Western Stereotype of the Male Ballet Dancer >> The rocket/gauss combo was terrible. I liked the gold and launchpad setup a lot though.
  • You Can Play This Map >> Yeah, but you can't make me enjoy it.
Here are some really nice demos.
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Postby scythe » 2011.09.28 (19:14)

I actually thought Too Many Details was a great level -- insanely hard, but clever. Took me an hour to finally beat the goddamn thing. I disliked Ffff Her.

This demo is slow and crappy, but it was hard enough to beat the first time, I'm not going for a second. Demos for the rest of Sept's maps are in there but they're pretty easy.
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Postby scythe » 2011.10.04 (22:03)

Sweet Jesus. I've been trying to beat this for a week -- and finally. Yes, New Planet is possible. Though I had to take some wacky Russian nootropic to pull it off (is this the first case of doping in N?).

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