I put a lot of work into this pack and probably won't ever produce any maps of such quality again. Because of that plus the fact, that I won't have much time for N in the future, I also see this as a kind of farewell present to the community.
The pack itself contains 44 maps, that's exactly twice as many as in my first pack Pictures of a forgotten world.
Blurred Blue is like a book - every map is a kind of chapter.
It is in the fantasy of the player to be creative, let a story evolve and experience the maps as a vivid adventure, full of atmosphere, lively pictures and exciting challenges.
Furthermore every 4 maps belong together in a theme frame and have connections to each other.
Wither, Cacti Castle!
Grow, Empire Of Treen!
A Succession,
Like An Olive Grove Facing The Sea.
Through The Thicket You Can See
An Alpine Glacier.
Suddenly - A Blizzard.
You Find Yourself In Terra Hiberna,
So Take A Bath In Frozen Lakes.
As You Walk On - Complications On The Way:
An Automated Border Protection Post.
On The Other Side: A Silent Hypostyle Hall.
A Citadel At Dawn.
Let's Go Up The Hill
And Descend To Ascend.
Now We're Climbing K2 - And I Forgot My Rope.
I Lose Ground,
An Explosive Kiss, Then Complete Darkness.
Wake Up In A Ruined Kingdom,
Underwater - Novaya Zemlya.
Plutonium Everywhere,
All Things Mutate!
Apocalypto, The Laserhorse,
Meet Yrr, The Enemy From Below,
Meet Your Nemesis,
Meet It!
Enter The Sewers -
A shock: Hydroelectricity,
A Font Magica.
Outside Again - A Moonlit Bay.
Night Dies Away, Sun Rise Light Flies.
Find Yourself In The Lion's Den,
Evade a Nosediving Eagle,
Run To Where The Kraho Live.
Cross The Faron Woods For A Trip To Hyrule.
Places Rush By: The Palace Of Twilight,
The Sacred Grove, The Deku Tree.
Go Back To The Roots.
Don't Believe Deceptive Dreams.
Break Out: Up, Up And Away,
In My Rocket Balloon.
Special thanks goes to the following people, who helped playtesting and were a source of inspiration for me:
aetherium (Mutate!)
Meta_ing (Deceptive Dreams)
EddyMataGallos (Explosive Kiss)
So now go and play it, my son, it is (literally) about time.
As this will most probably be my last work in terms of N, I'd love to receive some critical feedback, to get an impression of the real value of the pack.
Thanks, people, don't forget I love you all!
P.S.: Special prizes for the following achievements:
The Writer))
Everyone, who gives feedback on every map of the pack, will get a ded (in the form of a map).
The Runner))
Everyone, who complete's every single map and posts their completion demos either here or on the submitted map on numa (all maps will be submitted) gets a special user bar, eternalising their triumph.
The God))
Everyone who gets an AGD on every map gets a ded + a userbar + a comment&rate on every map of the author on numa!!!
The Early Bird))
Be the first to complete one of the above challenges and get a special surprise.
Maps submitted to NUMA: http://www.nmaps.net/browse?q=blurredblue.
Please rate, if you like the maps.