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Super Sawnic

Posted: 2011.09.03 (12:50)
by Broghan
Hello, folks. It's been a long time since I have put a new pack up, so here it is. This is Super Sawnic, the latest in a line of Quick Map series by yours truly. The basic premise is that each map has been made in under five minutes. If a map wasn't finished in time, it was chucked out. So the result here is 22 fun-sized pieces of mapping goodness, designed to push my skills and to force me to try new ideas. I hope it worked, and I hope you enjoy it.
I will link to the other packs at a later date, as I can't currently access the old forum topics.
Also, expect something bigger from me soon!

Re: Super Sawnic

Posted: 2011.09.04 (14:27)
by Sunset
Fuck me, now I have three mappack of the year nominations.

Expand on Cascade, please.

Re: Super Sawnic

Posted: 2011.09.12 (01:00)
by otters~1
Dude why wasn't I informed

Re: Super Sawnic

Posted: 2011.09.12 (09:12)
by Broghan
boustrophedon wrote:Dude why wasn't I informed
Because this place is a popularity contest, and I ain't popular. :P

Re: Super Sawnic

Posted: 2011.09.13 (11:10)
by aids
I wasn't really a fan of this. I usually like your maps much more. EDIT: Oh, they're all five minute maps? 'Don't make five minute maps' is what I'll take away from this.
  • All About The Benjaminz >> A bit linear for me, but nice use of enemies.
  • Alteration >> Hmm, simple, but I like it. The bounceblocks were especially good.
  • Are Ewe Paying Attention? >> Didn't like this one. The chainguns were boring, the double doors were tacky and it was too easy.
  • Bamboozler >> A lot of shit going on, not fun at all. You could have polished up the gameplay, especially the top.
  • Bantha Fodder >> What a waste of a gigantic space. You could have had much better gold placement.
  • Boids Of Da Wada >> No variation in gameplay makes this a bad map.
  • Boozeberry >> Boooring. Nothing interesting about the layout.
  • Cascade >> You object placement baffles me. The gold here is great, but why are there normal doors? The drones aren't even necessary.
  • Chromatic Chimera >> This felt like a blue_tetris map. While the map wasn't hard as a whole, the chaser room and the laser side went together extremely well.
  • Dangerous Side-effect >> Getting back down to the exit was the worst part. The bounceblocks were a nice touch.
  • EV Training >> This had a very nice Metanet-esque feel to it. Not highscorable though.
  • Hi Jerks, I'm Awake >> Wow, this is just lazy mapmaking on your part. I mean, the left side is complete shit compared to the right side.
  • How I Conquered Your Planet >> Strange level design, damn fun to highscore. Userlevel'd.
  • Incision Of Precision >> Could have been much, much better. The oneways were good, but the rocket/floorguard combo wasn't.
  • Shake Well >> One of the better levels. Good for both speedrunning and highscoring. Userlevel'd.
  • Steady Build-Up >> Meh. I found it easy to be honest. The single-gold piece was the only bad part.
  • Super Genius >> Very peculiar level design. The rocket was perfect complement for the floorguard area though.
  • That Old Time Sass Trap >> Good-looking, but not fun at all.
  • The Lost Cause >> Surprisingly linear. I would've like to see more route possibilities.
  • This Is One Of Those! >> I dunno, on one hand the bottom sections were shit, but on the other hand, the floorguards and rocket went together like peas and carrots.
  • Woo Me >> No organization whatsoever. Skipped.
Here are demos for all but three maps.
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