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Postby DW40 » 2012.02.15 (19:24)

proliferation [176 maps]
a.k.a. The Essential DW40: 2007-2011
A collection of my better maps from the past arranged into 3½ columns. Many maps have been remastered; they are marked with an '[R]'

Also working on a new pack of original maps.
DW40 - proliferation.txt
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Postby zoasBE » 2012.02.25 (21:11)

Here are your best maps of Outer DX and NUMA? how many of them are new or re-edited?
I have also seen that you are immersed in the construction of a new material mappack. I've seen the preview maps in NARC. I have to say that "Grid" is stellar, really different and cool, this become the most innovative and cool map from 2011-2012.
Keep running brother!!!
I hope another 500 maps like Outer DX... :P
[align=center]ZOAS © VODKAS © THE23 © INSATIABLEEEE!!![/align][/font][/color]
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Postby DW40 » 2012.02.26 (09:50)

zoasBE wrote:Here are your best maps of Outer DX and NUMA? how many of them are new or re-edited?
I have also seen that you are immersed in the construction of a new material mappack. I've seen the preview maps in NARC. I have to say that "Grid" is stellar, really different and cool, this become the most innovative and cool map from 2011-2012.
Keep running brother!!!
I hope another 500 maps like Outer DX... :P
Yeah these are my best maps from OUTER DX, NUMA and memoirs. There are around 25 or so re-edited maps.
Glad you liked Grid dude, thanks. 500 maps is a bit much this time around. I'm trying to make about 1 map per day and I'll see how long I can keep that up.

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Postby zoasBE » 2012.02.26 (12:43)

Hi man!
Now,I'm very immersed mapping and I have many ideas and motivation.
I don't know if you like my maps or you know my style or stuff?
I write to tell you that it can be a good idea for me to collaborate in this package. I can collaborate with 250 maps if you like. Simples or not, both, great mechanics and gameplay and cool looking. Then if I collab, and you make another 250, possibily this is a great 2012 500's mappack.
Tell me if you like my proposal and and you want this to become something big.
Also, I've PM you a Free Preview of 5 maps from my new mappack (finishing, contains 50 maps) untitled CORaN to give you an idea of ​​what I'm doing right now, of course not the best, the best are reserved for the surprise. :P
I wait your response.
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Postby Paradox » 2012.02.26 (13:16)

That's our robot zoas

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Postby zoasBE » 2012.02.26 (15:18)

Paradox-Dragon wrote:That's our robot zoas
[align=center]ZOAS © VODKAS © THE23 © INSATIABLEEEE!!![/align][/font][/color]
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