By BluePretzel
Half of the levels are easy, half of them are hard, and I'm willing to say a few of them will agitate you. Hopefully you'll find at least some challenge within it.
If not, well holy shit.
This mappack is puzzled-based. 00-10 are thinking puzzles, 11-21 are action puzzles.You wake up in what appears to be a prison cell. You can vaguely remember that you were captured
while on a mission for LoN, the group of ninjas you work with. The markings on the cell walls are
all too familiar from the countless training exercises you have completed.
This cell is for those who are going to be publicly executed.
You must escape this place… or die trying.
22 and 23 are pretty much just story-driven.
Big thanks to EddyMataGallos for playtesting!
Hope you guys enjoy, and don't be afraid to let me know what you thought of it! =D