This pack is out to kill you... but the rewards are great if you survive - golfkid
[spoiler=MAP PACK INFO (Spoiler)]>> More Info map by map on the .txt file.
>> Here are 63 maps and a bonus map making a grand total of 64.
>> As follows, 3 openers, 11 episodes containing 55 maps, a final episode with 5 maps and the bonus map.
>> All the gold is possible in the whole pack.
>> These maps are from the mid to late 2011.
>> Even prior to my fifth column in NUMA. Also to my VODKALOVER's current series, and also prior to my 100 Vehemence 4 Maps.
>> The whole package has been ordered by golfkid.
>> I am enormously grateful to him and his patience.
>> Some Featured authors here like:
>> Sunset, trance, lsudny, krusch, kyozo_43, miststalker06, PALEMOON, EnviousArachnid, golkid, remm and some others.
>> Thank to you all.
>> There have been many hours of work and playtest.
>> Feedback and criticism are very welcome. Cheer up.
>> And eNjoy!!![/spoiler]