Vodka with ice, only vodka, vodka and soda, vodka alone, with lemon, orange, pineapple, with apple, strawberry, vodka with Coke, with 7Up, vodka through a straw, without straw. In large glass, in small vessels. Vodka with shrimp, clams, vodka, with sausage, potatoes, roasted, cooked, vodka with pickles, with olives, vodka tomato, cream vodka, with peppers. Vodka dressing in the salad, vodka in sandwich, vodka with anchovies, vodka and melon, and watermelon, with crabs, with big crabs, with buffalo and buffalo mozzarella, with tortilla, chili vodka with Peppermint, with Nutella, with Pony Malta, vodka at home, at school and work, on the plane, at the police station, vodkas on the pizza, juice and vodka, vodka with Cola Cao, with Philadelphia, vodka and cheese, pie vodka, vodka biscuits, vodka and mint and mandarin vodka, black vodka, red vodka, vodka and pistachios, much vodka, much kind of vodka, uhmmm, vodka with vodka...
btw, now that I think I took a long time without drinking vodka, it's time to take a long, beautiful and well deserved vacation and fill my stomach with this delicious drink...
[spoiler=>>> Purposes for which it was created this series, and stuff. (Spoiler)]. Pure entertainment. For pure and simple fun. Fun own autonomous. I really enjoyed creating this series, seeing how people enjoyed and competed. Enjoying myself and playing these small maps. Something that also motivated me was to get a demo, a score, and watch some 'Highscorer' doing incredible things and lowered the score to the unimagined. This motivated me a lot.
. To experiment.
. To create something similar to Simple Challenges but from another point of view and style, 3x3 mapping.
. To pay tribute to this type of map.
. In the end, became pure pleasure, pure addiction, and I could not stop making 3x3 maps, to 6 or 7 in a row in one day.
. One of the main reasons for this series, has also been the next: I wanted to have a map file with which to learn to FBF gradually and in the future, when I want to do something of FBF, since I do not know, I can take these maps, I go slowly learning. These maps were created to learn to FBF and that people also can learn and enjoy doing FBF here.
. And another way, was having at the end a series, with which to compete quickly.
. It was also interesting to discover or to work with known glitches in N. This also motivated me.
. And knowing how it works N, better find out in small areas, everything is more precise and is at hand.
. Here there were some interesting maps with mechanics than I ever thought, and other specials, as the first 3x3 Collab in the history of N with 1211, or the Tiniest Thumper Impossible.
. btw, All titles in this Session One, with reference to my real life, the current point of it, to what I experienced and felt this summer.
. Another idea that emerged in the process of creation, have after all, a quick pack of 100 maps, which can play all followed an afternoon (or morning :P) And to compete in 'timer'. More about this in the next spoiler.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=>>> 'Timed' Competition with VODKALOVER's series. (Spoiler)]Based on an idea from DW40 (the timed speedruns by columns), you can play this series as follows:
You can sit at your computer, start N, previously loaded with this series pack in your userlevels, and play the 100 maps in a row without rest, for all the gold. And to make this more interesting, 'time' yourself the time it takes to get all the gold in all the maps from start to finish. Save time and try to beat your own record another day.
Of course, this competition is not based on the quality or excellence of each run, if not the total time of all the gold for the entire series. That is, do not try, do perfects runs, or improve for your great run, if not you should play for the gold planning map after map without losing much time to get a good final score, and without worrying about the quality of each run in itself.
A good timer to do this: http://www.mediafire.com/?nplk68d8b8a1852 (via DW40, thanks)
You put it to work, play, and when you get the objective, there will be your time.
Try to beat you to your own or community another day. This may be interesting.[/spoiler]
Another interesting thing about this series, was the competition that was created with it.
People eager to get high scores and 0ths, both Speed Runs leaderboards and Highscore Runs.
I created the following tables.
A total count only 0ths per player (players who have 0ths on these maps) for both leaderboards NReality, SR and HR.
[spoiler=>>> SPEED RUN LEADERBOARDS (NReality): TOTAL COUNT OF 0ths PER PLAYER (Spoiler)](position - username - total count of 0ths)
note1: One map has no leaderboards in NReality, because it has no Exit, taken the score on NUMA. kyozo has the best underclocked time and Raif follows in realtime.
note2: Players with ties in 0ths number, have been ordered by chronological appearance.
0th - OutrightOJ - 35
1st - Raif - 21
2nd - EddyMataGallos - 13
3rd - Meta_Ing - 7
4th - _Pai_Mei_ - 7
5th - 1211 - 5
6th - swipenet - 3
7th - kyozo_43 - 2
8th - Harveyy - 2
9th - Arctic_Pony - 2
10th - Viil - 1
11th - nadroj347 - 1
12th - ChrisE - 1
Champion with the highest number of 0ths: OutrightOJ
He is an awesome speedrunner.[/spoiler][/color]
[spoiler=>>> HIGHSCORE LEADERBOARDS (NReality): TOTAL COUNT OF 0ths PER PLAYER (Spoiler)](position - username - total count of 0ths)
note1: One map has no leaderboards in NReality, because it has no Exit, taken the score on NUMA. kyozo has the best underclocked time and Raif follows in realtime.
note2: Players with ties in 0ths number, have been ordered by chronological appearance.
0th - Raif - 39
1st - EddyMataGallos - 37
2nd - Arctic_Pony - 5
3rd - swipenet - 4
4th - Meta_Ing - 3
5th - macrohenry - 2
6th - Harveyy - 2
7th - OutrightOJ - 2
8th - duschlampe - 1
9th - romaniac - 1
10th - Kool-aid - 1
11th - _Pai_Mei_ - 1
12th - kyozo_43 - 1
13th - 1211 - 1
Champion with the highest number of 0ths: Raif
I want to add a few words about this leaderboard:
Fierce competition between EMG and Raif, both have much merit, why mention Eddy played very well and has been out (on vacation) in the latest maps and failed to get many 0ths. But mention the winner, Raif, who did an excellent job, started playing the first maps of the series after and managed to steal many 0ths to Eddy and tie as many. So the competition. Congratulations to you both.[/spoiler][/color]
I have enjoyed very, very much making these tables through n.infunity.com, and seeing as 0ths passed from hand to hand, and the scores were being improved by a few frames, I also surprised by the scores of OJ, and seeing the importance of being the first to get a maxed 0th and keep it forever. Artic_Pony is also a benchmark for innovation and discovery routes.
I enjoyed you in NUMA, also seeing fbf demos from rozer and misty, and above all, seeing the excellence of Eddy and talking with Raif about the functioning of N, this was very important to me.
Thanks to you all.
Please, players and highscorers, for future varieties of 0ths or updates to these leaderboards, use this Thread to communicate me the changes. Thanks. Also, play the 'timed' competition that I propose. It's fun!
Now it's time to take my vacation and drink some vodka, thanks for everything. I will see you.