The Conclusive Column
Posted: 2012.09.23 (19:27)
It is done.
Welcome to the Metanet Software community.
That map was a trip and a half, and it's not alone. I'm through six episodes now, and I feel like a fair few of them have been well outside the box, or at the very least quite clever. Good work, l_d.Losttortuga wrote:The entire pack is great but Palace in Wonderland is one the coolest maps I have played in a long time.
Here is small demo showing how to come down a pipe.mintnut wrote:OK then l_d, any chance of a demo for 29-5? I can get up the pipes, but no idea how you're supposed to get down?
I really enjoyed the early episodes, but some of the later maps were much too difficult for my taste.
If you are still struggling with Rigged to Explode, I posted a solution here.Seneschal wrote:Between getting a new laptop and not playing in a long time, it turns out I've become pretty shit at this game, so I've only completed a few of these. That said, virtually all of these maps are terrific (though fuck you for making Rigged to Explode, that map is seriously irritating)
Oh. Ohhhhhhhh. Ok, I'm dumb and was playing this wrong, I assumed the point was to judge the falls in such a way that you landed on the mine platforms without exploding. Your way makes a lot more sense.lord_day wrote:If you are still struggling with Rigged to Explode, I posted a solution here.Seneschal wrote:Between getting a new laptop and not playing in a long time, it turns out I've become pretty shit at this game, so I've only completed a few of these. That said, virtually all of these maps are terrific (though fuck you for making Rigged to Explode, that map is seriously irritating)
QFE. That one was so quirky and original. It made me smile.centerƒire wrote:people who think 21-0 is a filler map = people i hate
Yeah, I know. I'm only apologetic to lordy though. I'll do better, I swear.centerƒire wrote:ladies and gentlemen, aidiera's worst critique yet
which is saying something