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The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.23 (19:27)
by lord_day
It is done.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.23 (19:36)
by otters~1
Oh gosh. Spot reserved for extremely detailed comments later.


AGD'd 95% of first seven columns, love it. Exactly what I expected.


I have admitted defeat as far as beating the last ten maps or so, but I played them all and they're all unique and amazing. Just extremely interesting work.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.23 (19:38)
by unoriginal name
i still care

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.23 (20:20)
by Pheidippides
A new column? Great minds think alike, I suppose. Downloaded!

Edit: Finished the first two four episodes before heading to dinner. So far, so good. I might come back with some detailed commentary when I'm done.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.24 (12:06)
by Sunset
Aw shit, gonna play this after school.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.26 (22:15)
by Izzy

This reminds me that I have yet to AGD 17-3 and 19-3.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.27 (20:13)
by Losttortuga
The entire pack is great but Palace in Wonderland is one the coolest maps I have played in a long time.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.27 (20:44)
by Pheidippides
Losttortuga wrote:The entire pack is great but Palace in Wonderland is one the coolest maps I have played in a long time.
That map was a trip and a half, and it's not alone. I'm through six episodes now, and I feel like a fair few of them have been well outside the box, or at the very least quite clever. Good work, l_d.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.28 (00:56)
by mintnut
OK then l_d, any chance of a demo for 29-5? I can get up the pipes, but no idea how you're supposed to get down?

I really enjoyed the early episodes, but some of the later maps were much too difficult for my taste.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.28 (08:57)
by Seneschal
Between getting a new laptop and not playing in a long time, it turns out I've become pretty shit at this game, so I've only completed a few of these. That said, virtually all of these maps are terrific (though fuck you for making Rigged to Explode, that map is seriously irritating)

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.28 (11:22)
by lord_day
mintnut wrote:OK then l_d, any chance of a demo for 29-5? I can get up the pipes, but no idea how you're supposed to get down?

I really enjoyed the early episodes, but some of the later maps were much too difficult for my taste.
Here is small demo showing how to come down a pipe.

The ceiling's above the pipe are put at a height to help you get through them.
Also, the last two episodes are really hard, mainly for my own self satisfaction.
Seneschal wrote:Between getting a new laptop and not playing in a long time, it turns out I've become pretty shit at this game, so I've only completed a few of these. That said, virtually all of these maps are terrific (though fuck you for making Rigged to Explode, that map is seriously irritating)
If you are still struggling with Rigged to Explode, I posted a solution here.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.28 (20:53)
by Ors
Cool map pack! I have some demos for this:

$21-0: Just Passing Through:

23-0: Ceci n'est pas une map:

20-3: Spiral:

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.29 (18:48)
by lsudny
20-0: nothing special, I guess.
20-1: loved the tiles. the gameplay is also neat. faved
20-2: cool concept, but I couldn't find a good agd route.
20-3: looks fantastic and plays really cool, too.
20-4: cool gold patterns. gameplay's not bad
21-0: filler map, nothing much to it but it's alright. :P
21-1: same situation as in 20-2. looks good.
21-2: really fun to get the gold!
21-3: amazing aesthetics and great gameplay. faved
21-4: some golds were a bit awkward, but it's alright. the chaingun didn't really do much for me
22-0: odd structure, but it works well.

The list will be updated as I play the rest.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.30 (10:07)
by otters~1
people who think 21-0 is a filler map = people i hate

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.30 (10:30)
by Seneschal
lord_day wrote:
Seneschal wrote:Between getting a new laptop and not playing in a long time, it turns out I've become pretty shit at this game, so I've only completed a few of these. That said, virtually all of these maps are terrific (though fuck you for making Rigged to Explode, that map is seriously irritating)
If you are still struggling with Rigged to Explode, I posted a solution here.
Oh. Ohhhhhhhh. Ok, I'm dumb and was playing this wrong, I assumed the point was to judge the falls in such a way that you landed on the mine platforms without exploding. Your way makes a lot more sense.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.09.30 (14:42)
by Pheidippides
centerƒire wrote:people who think 21-0 is a filler map = people i hate
QFE. That one was so quirky and original. It made me smile.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.10.01 (02:02)
by zoasBE
I think I will play this through their account on NUMA. ;)

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.11.03 (06:04)
by aids
Sooo many bad maps.
  • 20-0: Elephant Man (RoundTrip) >> The single golds were bad.
  • 20-1: Blam! >> I think a laser would be better than a gauss.
  • 20-2: Are you stable on the Vertigo? >> It's not that good for routing.
  • 20-3: Spiral >> Filler.
  • 20-4: Gold Wisps >> Cool looking gold but I don't like the tiles.
  • 21-0: Just Passing Through >> I'm sad that the drones aren't used better.
  • 21-1: Ice-ist >> I don't think that the guass work.
  • 21-2: Particles falling from a Gravity Beam >> Terrible gold placement.
  • 21-3: The Box Pt.2 Combustial Touch >> I don't like the bottom section.
  • 21-4: How to avoid chainguns. >> I love the mintnut-esque aspects of it. Userlevel'd.
  • 22-0: Arterial Clog >> Messy map. Not worth it.
  • 22-1: A Trip (Journey two Mountains) >> Why is there so much gold? This sucks.
  • 22-2: Super Hieroglyphics and Charged >> Bad mines and pretty boring.
  • 22-3: Astralevel (Out of place or Outer Space?) >> This looked great but didn't play as well.
  • 22-4: Palace in Wonderland >> This map is a joke. Good name though.
  • 23-0: Ceci n'est pas une map >> Too much gold but this is a fun map.
  • 23-1: Water/Totem/Bones (Omen) >> Faved for the gold patterns, but the gauss weren't used well. Userlevel'd.
  • 23-2: Armitage Shanks >> Horrible gold placement except for the bottom v.
  • 23-3: the Outline >> Uncreative and not worth it.
  • 23-4: Avoid the Orbit >> The gold placement was a major bummer.
  • 24-0: The Greasy Pole (Observational Incompetence) >> Not worth it.
  • 24-1: Illegal Ninja On The Electric Railway >> Horribly made.
  • 24-2: End Asleep >> It's like a shitty ChrisE map. No personality or flair.
  • 24-3: EggLift >> Yikes. What a boring and uncreative map.
  • 24-4: Cutting Teeth >> Lazy filler map.
  • 25-0: Progressively Hidden Land Mines >> Aha, some personality. Poor gameplay though.
  • 25-1: lloowe >> I'm not sure what this is, but it's okay.
  • 25-2: Happiest with Nothing >> Fuck you, this could have been great.
  • 25-3: Start (2) >> A little blacksonish. The right drone is pointless and the bottom could have been better.
  • 25-4: The Courage to Charge Head O >> Yawn.
  • 26-0: eYEBROW >> Skipped.
  • 26-1: Crimewave (Last Step's A Doozy) >> I'm really sad that this one wasn't like how I wanted it to be.
  • 26-2: The Courageous Few >> Stupid layout. Skippe.d
  • 26-3: 4 Tiles >> These are getting progressively worse.
  • 26-4: Your Place and Pai n >> What a joke.
  • 27-0: Spin >> Fantastic map ruined by chainguns.
  • 27-1: Polterchrist >> It's cheatable but it might be slower to cheat it. Userlevel'd.
  • 27-2: Rockets >> Doesn't feel worth it to AGD. Boring map.
  • 27-3: The Box Pt.1 Industrial Rush >> I think lasers would have been better.
  • 27-4: The Phantom Menace (finale) >> On NUMA, good map.
  • 28-0: Pre/SWARM/pare >> Too many gauss.
  • 28-1: Magic Map >> Skipped. Too many enemies.
  • 28-2: Rigged to Explode! >> No.
  • 28-3: Impossible >> Skipped.
  • 28-4: Square Lock >> Skipped.
  • 29-0: On Orbiting Three Planets >> Nope.
  • 29-1: Twisted Stairs >> I'll be really sad if this isn't beatable.
  • 29-2: Lasers >> Skipped.
  • 29-3: from Rock >> Fuck off. These are shit.
  • 29-4: Agonising Descent >> The descent just isn't worth it. It was so good too.
  • 29-5: Bigger Picture >> Maps like this simply don't work in N because N doesn't' have savestates. It's not worth it.
A few demos included.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.11.03 (15:47)
by Pheidippides
A large portion of this column is clever, well-made, and very stylish. Even the more difficult maps were at least very sound in their execution, and I was proud to complete a few of them. I had several favorites here: 20-1, 20-2, 21-0, 21-3, 23-4, 24-4, 25-3, 26-2, 27-3, and 28-1 to name a few, but I enjoyed many others.

Great job here, l_d.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.11.03 (20:36)
by otters~1
ladies and gentlemen, aidiera's worst critique yet

which is saying something

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.11.04 (13:17)
by aids
centerƒire wrote:ladies and gentlemen, aidiera's worst critique yet

which is saying something
Yeah, I know. I'm only apologetic to lordy though. I'll do better, I swear.

Re: The Conclusive Column

Posted: 2012.11.04 (14:17)
by 乳头的早餐谷物
wait this is what your apology was for come on