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Posted: 2012.10.03 (05:53)
S-S-Stupid Metanet! It's - It's not like I like you, or a-a-anything!!


edited: the file was bugged, please dl it again.


Posted: 2012.10.04 (02:49)
by Sunset
... Baka...


Posted: 2012.10.04 (02:55)
by zoasBE
Oh it's PALEMOON and he have well made a strange pack!!

I've already downloaded it and made just a quick check at the first maps, looks so stylish and so palemoonish, but hey dude! I'm just right now freaking addicted to iOS Dynamite Jack and Super Hexagon on my new iPad. So I'll play harshly this pack as soon as possible. Looks really impressive man..
Oh, i almost forgot, thank you for making some maps again, YOU'RE WITHOUT ANY DOUBT MY FAVORITE AUTHOR EVER! O never say that but today I make it public.


Posted: 2012.10.04 (15:17)
by Vanquish
holy shit these are incredible. has loads of personality in them. i just love it. can you be my dad?


Posted: 2012.10.08 (19:32)
by LouDog004
Here's 41 agds, first passes. A few maps seem to be impossible (003, 016, 029 and 049) and there's no 007. It's 50 maps so I guess that might be intentional. Everything except for 023 was fun.


Posted: 2012.10.08 (22:40)
by otters~1
cover art is balls cool


Posted: 2012.10.09 (14:44)
LouDog004 wrote:Here's 41 agds, first passes. A few maps seem to be impossible (003, 016, 029 and 049) and there's no 007. It's 50 maps so I guess that might be intentional. Everything except for 023 was fun.

cool demo(n)s, man! All of the levels are possible., but here's the thing.

029 Entrance is indeed possible but also just badly made and i should have probably fixed it a little.

All the others have had their exits and exit switches deleted in a bizarre twist of code. I have no idea how it happened. Possibly in the process of moving them around in the ascii art the code got chopped or something, but it's strange that it only got rid of the exits.

sorry for the waste of time with those but thanks for playing loudoggy.

there is indeed no 007, i forgot how to do basic things like count i guess. lol but the good news is i guess my mistake there makes it look artsy. there were planned to be 51 but i guess it works out.


Posted: 2012.10.21 (15:56)
by aids
There's also no 47. Not that good of a mappack.
  • 000: teche - ruine 1 >> I really like the layout, even the weird trigger placement.
  • 001: teche - ruine 2 >> Ugly gold and not much fun.
  • 002: teche - ruine 3 >> Really boring. Maybe a drone or two would help.
  • 003: teche - ruine 3 >> Skipped.
  • 004: grazp victorii >> Great tiles. Glad you still got it. Blah gameplay.
  • 005: WHIZPER >> This is more of a laser map.
  • 006: VizioN >> Less than stellar.
  • 008: Gralayer, The Adaptable Patroller >> Not worth it.
  • 009: Inviolable Mech Delbor >> Static chainguns seem lazy to me. :/
  • 010: Brave Gungaibuster >> Maybe if it was a bit more expansive it would be fun.
  • 011: Dogstar X >> None of these maps so far have had any soul.
  • 012: piXelsight >> Shitty filler.
  • 013: my favorite concubine >> Whoo! Awesome lasers. Userlevel'd.
  • 014: DiVULGE >> Ugly gold and ugly map.
  • 015: Bleeding Out >> The mines ruined the lower section.
  • 016: safe >> No exit. :(
  • 017: precious >> I think this is a map where rockets would be good.
  • 018: careful >> It's a sad day when a map like this is in a PALEMOON pack.
  • 019: valuable >> While the mines suck, it's fun.
  • 020: SHADOW 13 >> Boring.
  • 021: Necrostar >> Nice tiles.
  • 022: Tormaggus >> Don't like the layout at all.
  • 023: AntiVersal >> What a terrible map.
  • 024: Atmospheric Control Section >> The gameplay needed a lot of work.
  • 025: Organism Repelling Conduit >> Filler.
  • 026: Transit Tunnel >> The gold isn't worth it.
  • 027: Gravity Stabilizer >> Cramped gameplay.
  • 028: Derelict Row >> Hmmmm, this one isn't bad, but it's not very replayable.
  • 029: Entrance >> Sucks.
  • 030: Research Floor 1 >> The right tiles look great. But why does the left side suck so much?
  • 031: Battalion Sleep Deck >> Not worth it.
  • 032: Research Floor 2 >> Aha, this map is great. Userlevel'd.
  • 033: Civilian Block >> Filler.
  • 034: Gibbet Hall >> I dunno, it didn't do much for me.
  • 035: Remains Processing >> These maps are getting worse and worse.
  • 036: Tribute >> Do not like.
  • 037: Nightmare Hall >> Good tiles, boring gameplay.
  • 038: Airflow Tech >> I like this but it's not very replayable.
  • 039: Server Room >> Interesting design but it's not fun.
  • 040: HER GELATINOUS EMBRACE >> Boring.
  • 041: sing these the choral tones >> Nice tilework.
  • 041: Subject Dormitories >> Hmmm. It's nothing special.
  • 042: Study Of Occult Items >> All of these maps feel slapped together.
  • 043: HER SERRATED HEEL >> Not impressed.
  • 044: AM I GONNADIE >> On NUMA.
  • $045: LET'S TALKABOUT YOU >> Slanted, but kinda fun. It'd be better as an opening map.
  • 046: Ritual Chamber >> I like this one a lot. Userlevel'd.
  • 048: so that even bound tongues may speak >> Boring.
  • 049: recite this and weep >> Stop making maps with no exits. :(
  • 050: DEMON SUMMONING >> Another bad filler map.
And here are some demos.
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