Here are the 100 maps that I made for Vehemence 4 and 100 additional challenges for them.
Some of you know that I always liked to play the maps in different ways possible, so you can play these maps as any, for Highscore (agd) or Speedrun, and also to try to complete the additional challenges. Then there are three ways to play them. I'm not isolating these maps from the upcoming Vehemence 4, which hopefully is published soon, if not putting them here for reference and also for the challenges that I found in them and I consider interesting.
I've underlined like this ten real challenges for you, so here is the list of all the challenges for each map:
00. Newborn God - Get all the gold but without using any of the walls.
01. Feast of Fetus - Falls to the left and use the small portion of wall without mines and get all the gold.
01. Feast of Fetus (2) - Use and operate only the central trap-door, if you want more, mix both challenges.
02. Blood Pheasant - Collect all the gold unlocking only a single locked door without calling any of the seekers.
03. Between the Walls of Sleep - Collect gold from the bottom before than the top gold.
04. Metamorphosis, A Thousand Mouths - Make the fastest no gold run.
05. Metamorphosis, The Phoenix And The Tempest - Make another no gold run here, devilish challenging.
06. Metamorphosis, Crown Of Stars - Again, make a no gold run here, hahaha.
07. The Day After The Day I Made Wishes - Get all gold in order from left to right, up and down, before getting the switch.
08. Just replace the Ninja to another Switch - Do what orders the title, and get three runs with all the gold.
09. Her Majesty's Nide - Make a no gold run and, important also getting both switches, hardish.
10. Like Rocks - Make a cool no gold speedrun riding (run over it some frames) the thwump.
11. Cornusuds, The Milk Of Amalthea - Obtain all the gold, doing only three jumps.
12. Cornusuds, Sacred Vase - Survival-ish, make an over 1200 frames run and jump more than 30 times always side to side.
13. Cornusuds, A Pine Clearing - Dodge at least three rockets in a row at the very first beginning and then complete the map.
14. Cornusuds, Januwerewolf - Blow up 10 rockets in the shortest time possible and complete the map without any gold.
15. Cornusuds, The Empty Skin - Dies as quickly as possible.
16. Drunken Elephant Circus - Complete the map without any gold and without touching any thwump as quickly as possible.
17. Hedonismia - Get the first four gold without unlocking, then complete it without more gold and without using lps.
18. Her Catalepsy - Survival-ish, survive for more than 1200f only continously jumping on both bounces, then speedrun it.
19. Traumascape - Survival-ish, survive over 900f in the rockets chamber without using the lp, then speedrun it.
20. Viscera - Record a run in which you go alive to the left floor part without using any 5-tile, that's all.
21. East Hill Stray - Speedrun to the top exit without any gold under 400f.
22. Coal Country - Speedrun the map without any gold.
23. ExcitableBiker - Make a fast no gold run but only touching and using the bounces, you must use the three.
24. Harsh Than I Expected - Collect all the left gold before the ones from right without touching any bounce-block.
25. Half Moon Scar - Survival-ish, Survive as long as possible over the initial one-ways platform, you can't jump!!!
26. Narcissists - Make two no-gold runs, one to the left, another to right, BUT DOING a whole tour to the whole structure.
27. I will fight for you until the end. - Collect all the gold but in the opposite direction, first top, middle, then bottom.
28. And I swear I'll get to you. - Survival-ish, Survive as long as possible without crossing any normal door.
29. I want to live with you! - Just replace the Ninja to the right switch and highscore the map, simply.
30. I ask God to give me back to you. - Collect all the gold mandatorily before any switch, then complete the map.
31. It will fulfill my desire. - Speedrun to the bottom switch without any gold.
32. L'ede - Obviously, make two all gold runs to both switches in the left side, just replace the Ninja to each switch.
33. Trocar - Explode five rockets as quick as possible and then speedrun the map without any gold.
34. Meconium - Make a KRANGD.. A keep rocket alive no gold demo, you know?
35. Dinner Guests - Fastest death win!!!
36. Mass Clath - Gold Evasion, complete the level with the least amount of gold possible.
37. Diamond Encrusted - Collect all gold but use the right exit to complete the map.
38. La Danse De Dementes - Replace the Ninja on Ned to the right switch and all gold the right challenge part of the map.
39. 55558ZS - Speedrun the map but collecting the trap door switch.
40. The House of Rabbits - It's possible complete the map in 90 seconds without dying and without taking any gold??
41. Kittins - Make the fastest no gold run that you can.
42. Bast - Gold Evasion, complete the level with the least amount of gold possible.
43. Purple Mountain Portrait - No jump Challenge, complete the level with the least amount of jumps possible.
44. Organ Drowner - All gold in the top part of the map, for that replace the Ninja to the top Exit Switch on Ned.
45. Supervillain - Complete the map with all gold without the chaingun not even loads.
46. Muscle Skunk - Collect all the gold in the map religiously before the Exit Switch, then complete it.
47. Skeleton Clothes - Complete the map with all gold without drawing even once the Seeker.
48. Shoppes - Run for over 5000f, agd and complete it, and not stop moving even for a moment. Most close-calls run wins!
49. No Masks at the Table - Survival-ish, make at least 10 close-calls with the Seeker, all gold the map and complete it.
50. Smorgasbord: Let's Eat! - Speedrun the right switch with no golds.
51. The Grownups - Gold Evasion, complete the level with the least amount of gold possible.
52. La Danse Des Empoisonnees - Get all the gold and complete the map without touching any bounceblock and neither launchpad.
53. The Man Who Loves Quilts - Death Run. Die with a mine inside the lower square in the shortest time possible.
54. A Taste of Their Own Medicine - Speedrun the map but without going over the structure, making the turn.
55. (Vengeance Delight) - Speedrun the left Exit.
56. Happy Birthday Mr. Scoliosis - Unlock all the switches in the map and get all the gold completing the map.
57. MR. VODKALOVER - Speedrun the map without using the bottom launchpad and with the least amount of gold possible.
58. Cobblestone Tributaries - Make a cool No Gold Run.
59. Choked to Death on Your Own Shit - Death Run. Die with a mine in top (above the one-ways line) as fast as possible.
60. Farewell Guests - Do what you want, you are the guest.
61. Hey Sunset look, I've made a map!! - Complete the map with no gold and without touching any bounceblock.
62. The Serpent and the Swamp - All gold the map without unlocking any locked door switch.
63. The Smurfs - All gold the map without touching any bounceblock.
64. The entrance to The Tumulus - No Gold Run!!
65. The Prayer - Make a demo in which you ride in the four thwumps.
66. A Piano in The Vault - Collect all the gold and take all the switches, then complete the map.
67. Druids - Only the most experienced players can complete this map without getting any gold.
68. Hours Occult - Uhmmmmmm.
69. Arboreous Appetites - Do the challenges and collect the gold in the following order, from right to left.
70. Monks and Celts - Get inside the left square, collecting the gold and completing the map.
71. Element - Make at least four completely different runs, locking and un-locking drones, cheating, playing with switches..
72. Forgive Me - Complete the map with no gold and without un-locking the bottom gauss.
73. Esperanza - Collect the gold line near the floorguard in a row and make a double bb sideward jump in the same run.
74. Unfinished Tales - Make at least three completely different speedruns, to the right, to the left, and surprise me.
75. GO . GO ! - Survive as long as possible in Ned but without collecting any gold and without escaping from the structure.
76. One Hundred Percent No Feeble Cheering - A real challenge, make the fastest No Gold Run that you can!!
77. Balloon Party - Collect all the gold possible religiously before the locked door switch.
78. Nettohunden - Speedrun to the right switch, also, if you want make a no gold run.
79. Get My Rope - Survival-ish, Get into the Exit room at beginning without making the first seeker escape and survive there.
80. Mic the Microphone - Learning something, make a fbf run here.
81. Lavender Harmony - Get into the 2x2 square on top then collect all the gold and complete the map.
82. The Little Toy Shop - Collect all the gold required before the exit switch, then finish the map.
83. This Monster in Me - All gold the map but the only one-ways platforms you can tread or pass through, are the bottom ones.
84. Aviators - Go over the map to make both thwumps move without any gold, then complete the map.
85. Assertive Fluttershy - All gold the map without touching any bounceblock nor any thwump.
86. Cawtion - Survival-ish, Survive as long as possible in the left semi-octagon at first.
87. Cyberpunk Colt - Survival-ish, Survive only on moving between the two small triangles, simply.
88. Elspongie - I have no idea, surprise me with some trick.
89. Midwives of Discord - Get all the gold and make a cool survival over 4000f.
90. Graphene - Make a No Gold Run, BUT without touching any bounceblock, launchpad or the right wall.
91. A Professional Copy - I think there is nothing different than trying to complete this shit.
92. Neu KatalYst - Make an only switches run (no gold) without using any launchpad.
93. AcousticBrony and Prince - No Gold Run, obviously.
94. Thanks DW - What is the highest exit door at which you can get without jumping?
95. Friendship in Tartarus - Beat the drone somehow.
96. Elliptisoar - Get all the gold without touching the central bounceblock and without crossing any normal door.
97. I Know You're in There - Make an agd and a speedrun, in both you must cheat the one-ways somehow.
98. Get a SuperMegaPropulsion to Heaven - Gold Evasion, complete the level with the least amount of gold possible.
99. Arrivederci - And finally, collect all the gold required before the exit switch and complete the map.
Cheers, enjoy!!!