This is going to be a large pack. A pack from deep_blue and zoas, an adventure, a great and mossy adventure. It will be presented in installments of columns from time to time, so, here is the first and second Columns. Thank you sidke for allowing me to continue publishing this adventure. Enjoy!!!
"Do you know what lives in forests? Bears, birds and other animal stuff, right? That's not our forest. Our woods are electrical, mesmerizing, they are /new/. I'm really glad to meet this epic forester, zoas. Growing up this place with him gave me shivers. The good shivers. Like when stepping on a border of a huge grove, on a soft, cool moss." - deep_blue
"I really liked that each episode had its on theme. It was interesting to find them out for each episode.
There were some nice functions and tricks in some of the maps, for example the one-ways in the centre of 00-1 which made getting the switch a bit more difficult, or the next example, 08-2 and 08-4: You have to avoid the exit switches or you won't be able to get the gold. In my opinion, you can really see the mixture of zoas's and d_b's styles. Look at 05-4 to see what I mean." - macrohenry
"Finding a pilgrim, a companion for the road has been and is still a wonderful experience. A Journey of sensations, feelings and unique moments. Each trail, each map is a small stretch of this trip. Each day of walking, each episode is a new adventure and with each new day we have a very specific mission that realize to reach the end of the road. deep_blue has everything you need, tents, medicines and ointments, sleeping bags, compass, water bottle... All the tools needed. In my case, I have the plans and details for each mission, for each day. I can only say, thank you very much friend, thanks for taking this adventure and this road to nowhere by my side. Just for the pleasure of walking." - zoasBE
"holy mother of nail lasers! it's like surfing on intergalactic dolphin while in a tornado of metal shards!" - deep_blue