Iridescence -- (50 maps by jslimb)

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Postby jslimb » 2013.01.13 (11:40)


(My account was expelled from the forum because of an unknown reason. Since I created the account again, I re-submit this mappack.)

(November, 2010)
Iridescence! I'm back here with a new mappack.
To make a lot of maps in a shorter time, I was mute for a while...

I spend about three~four months to make this mappack.
I organized the columns in an unusual way...
49 maps in 7 columns plus 1 conclusive map---
This pack contains 50 nice maps!

I'm sure I have finished a good work.

Why don't you play this now?

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Postby aids » 2013.01.13 (21:40)

jslimb wrote:(My account was expelled from the forum because of an unknown reason. Since I created the account again, I re-submit this mappack.)
Reason: Probably my incompetence. I'm terribly sorry about that. I updated the Mappack Catalog and I'll be sure to play this when I can.


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Postby jslimb » 2013.01.14 (07:02)

▲▪►▪▼◄▲ wrote:
jslimb wrote:(My account was expelled from the forum because of an unknown reason. Since I created the account again, I re-submit this mappack.)
Reason: Probably my incompetence. I'm terribly sorry about that. I updated the Mappack Catalog and I'll be sure to play this when I can.
I have another mappack to reload. Do you mind if I reload the other one?
At least I don't want to be occupying this forums too much.

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Postby 乳头的早餐谷物 » 2013.01.14 (07:03)

jslimb wrote:
▲▪►▪▼◄▲ wrote:
jslimb wrote:(My account was expelled from the forum because of an unknown reason. Since I created the account again, I re-submit this mappack.)
Reason: Probably my incompetence. I'm terribly sorry about that. I updated the Mappack Catalog and I'll be sure to play this when I can.
I have another mappack to reload. Do you mind if I reload the other one?
At least I don't want to be occupying this forums too much.
Hahaha. These forums need all the occupation they can get. Post and repost away.
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Postby zoasBE » 2013.01.15 (09:04)

jslimb wrote:I have another mappack to reload. Do you mind if I reload the other one?
At least I don't want to be occupying this forums too much.
I guess you're talking about Lethal Awesomeness, please do not worry about it and post your pack.
We want you pack!!! :)
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