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Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.17 (12:48)
by Traveleravi
This was a project that was very fun. I enjoyed every bit of making this. I really like how the connected maps look and I think that each map is fun to play. It was also fun to submit maps without anyone knowing who I was.

I would like to thank everyone who helped. Everyone who collaborated with me. Everyone who gave me advice, and everyone who tried to guess who I was. :)
I would like to acknowledge zoas for being the only person to figure out who I was.

Please download and enjoy trying to beat Conectado.
(85.3 KiB) Downloaded 418 times
These are the links to the connected episode pictures:

00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

And here is the entire connected mappack picture. Please click on it to see a bigger picture:




Re: Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.17 (13:06)
by meanapple
aww shit dude really?
I knew it from the beginning !

Re: Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.17 (13:19)
by lsudny
Called it.

the mysterious nature of this account failed as always.

Re: Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.17 (14:15)
by Leonidas
OMG OMG OMG OMG FALLING OFF MY CHAIR RIGHT NOW LOL I KNEWIT KNEW IT KNEW IT OMG!!!!!! Actually I didn't, I actually trusted you as the one of the only people besides suds and a couple others who could help me figure this out... :( JK THAT WAS AWESOME OMGOMGOMGOMG Sorry for spam I am just freaking out lol XD

Will play later today probably.

Re: Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.17 (18:11)
by Harvey
Didn't even know you were an alt. Silly me...

Re: Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.17 (18:38)
by Leonidas

K I played some of the maps that I haven't already played. I really like the special unique ones like 05-1 and 08-3. Here are some random notes:

~~~Lol thumbnail has pink ninjas XD I use the pink flavor too, not because I want to be girly, I just think it looks cool when you play.
!!!Please alert my other friends like zoas and R3d_ninja and trance and rose and streetsahead, etc. And on your trav maps mention it. More people than you think have been secretly trying to work out who you are, we were all like in the CIA haha ;) Especially R3d_N1nj4... please alert him also
~You said "aight"... only you say that, I even pointed it out in the map.
~You call me leo, which is cool, but usually people stick to leonidas or (stupidly) 123.
~!!!You connected maps! I should've known from your dragon maps and such!
~You seemed to be very interested, constantly, in "helping" with figuring out elhombre...
~You "were there" when elhombre got kicked out of #n

~~~!!!I guessed many times that he was you! I should've stuck with it, but you convinced me it wasn't you, even though it should have been obvious, lol!

SIDENOTE:Zoas you are amazing, good job figuring it out ;)

~~~Be proud of yourself, this is an amazing feat. No offense, but I didn't know you had the capability to do this! Besides your dragon maps, I always think of you as a fun bite-size mapmaker that makes cool math maps and such. I definitely know that I couldn't do something like this, and I'm sure others agree!

~~~This has been a fun idea from the beginning, I always like mysteries. Good job!

Now that that is over,
is your new secret username " ~n~ " ?

Re: Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.17 (19:54)
by Traveleravi
XD Maybe I should be a spy.

Re: Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.17 (21:08)
by zoasBE
tas' podrido.

EDIT: tas' vuelto a podrir.

Re: Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.17 (21:44)
by Leonidas
What? I don't know what that means zoas, and neither does google translate. Some thing about rotting?

Re: Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.17 (21:46)
by zoasBE

Re: Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.18 (00:48)
by Leonidas
Are you mad at trav? I thought you already knew it was him...

Re: Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.18 (05:46)
by Vanquish
you sneaky mother fucker. :D hahahaha!
i knew it was you!
remember i even said so!!!
no i didnt know it was you, in fact i dont think i even suspected you
those maps look pretty awesome, especially the 'conectado' at the bottom
good job on fooling everyone, except zoas who somehow figured it out.

Re: Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.18 (08:27)
by zoasBE
123leonidas321 wrote:Are you mad at trav? I thought you already knew it was him...
wait, what??? LOL

Re: Conectado by elhombredelsombrero

Posted: 2013.02.18 (09:51)
by Traveleravi
:) You guys are awesome!

Thanks for playing my maps. Don't forget to download them.