Reach - Mappack by Drakostax (BP)

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Postby BluePretzel » 2013.02.22 (07:29)

REACH - A mappack about reaching the top
Playtested by both Sunset and zoasBE... thanks guys!
A'ight, so, mappack number four!
This pack was ready before Dragon 2012, and yet comes out two months later. Yay!
This is pretty much my first major mappack that doesn't follow a story of any kind, though it does follow a theme. Basically, in one way or another, the levels in Reach encourage you to stay up high; whether it's to obtain all the gold, to reach a high-up exit, or to avoid falling down. There's probably some other concept in there, but eh, I'm sure you get the point.

Most levels will involve a lot of skillful jumping, so the level of action is a bit lower than usual. I warn you, some of these jumps can be a little frustrating.
Also, difficulty is based on a full level completion - all gold, that is. Hopefully you agree with difficulties I chose :P

These maps should all be released to NUMA using my new account, Drakostax, hence the name change (yep, I pulled a Sunset and decided to change accounts).

Hope you guys enjoy!
Reach - Mappack by Drakostax (24 maps)
(35.31 KiB) Downloaded 282 times

~By me

~By UniverseZero

~By Slick265

Original sig! God this thing's old.

Also: I'm known as BluePretzel on nmaps, and BlueKraken just about everywhere else.

4 Mappacks, 1 comic:





Ncapitated- comic by BluePretzel



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Ice Cold
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Postby Leonidas » 2013.02.22 (13:39)

Well normally I don't do long mappack reviews like this but here:

Earthquake- looks well but doesn't play as good as it looks. Too precarious.
Garbage Compactor- Ummm it looks pretty clean, but its stupid how to get to the top. I don't get it
Perpetrator- fun to ninja around to the top, but that rocket can be a killer.
Rimose- this is an adventure. I actually quite liked this one.
Volucrine- eehhhhh... idk, not that good.
Arenacious- I have mixed feelings. I guess its a good concept, but it feels way too noobish.
Chalk- minimalism at its finest. well done
Evidently Not- once again, minimalism. Although this one is too easy. I have a feeling it is meant to be a filler...
Lighthouse and day- no real gameplay here.
Spindle plant-relaxing jumper. Gets boring.
The singing city- alright, good one. now get back to enemies.
Acinaciforum- tiles are weird but attractive. mines can get annoying.
Debris- I enjoyed double jumping but, just, meh...
Dont forget to land! - I tried to land. And then i slammed into that stupid mine wall.
Gravity field- FINALLY! enemies again! good idea but layout is sort of bad. lasers are too restricting
Leapfrog- this was actually really nice. It was fun trying to figure out how to get the gold
Nuciform- good but those rockets are just.. weirdly placed.
Only for the bravest- very very nice. great one
Promptly pointing you- alright things are getting fun here
Resofincular- pretty good but gausses are too much
Ringent- cool map. very fun
The kingdom with the golden rooftops- I dont get it. This better not be implying that I have to jump in between the l launchpads.
Towers of Powers- tedious to get the gold. Looks okay otherwise
Vitellary- pretty nice way to end the pack. Looked great.

Good maps, bad maps, great maps, blah maps, pretty cool map overall. An improvement.

From Streetsahead

From elhombredelsombrero (Traveleravi)

From Aidiera

Also from Aidiera

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Postby zoasBE » 2013.02.22 (16:39)

Awesome jumper pack for experienced players.

I totally disagree with Leo in many of his views, this is a great pack, very classy, and stylish, many conceptual maps in which you certainly need skills as a player, and many of the claims of Leo shown that neither he has skill or taste.

Again, awesome pack, just perfect in lenght, and with a stunning artwork/banner by the hand.

Also, I really like how you have cleaned and leaved your old BluePretzel profile, and how you have moved everything to the new Drako profile. The artwork there it's also fantastic, that new drako sig and its avatar. Cool!
I think you should put a banner for this pack also there.

This is art, finess and passion. Nice work Drako!
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Ice Cold
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Postby Leonidas » 2013.02.23 (01:05)

I do not lack style or taste zoas, I just want to offer spots for improvement. And like I said, this pack is a big improvement. I said I liked this pack. Great job, if I didn't already mention

From Streetsahead

From elhombredelsombrero (Traveleravi)

From Aidiera

Also from Aidiera

From Traveleravi

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