casual converses

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Postby Sunset » 2013.06.28 (20:29)

i made a map pack
casual converses.txt
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Postby DaggaFork » 2013.06.28 (20:53)

begin joirney (no internet part two):
easy, fun gameplay. didn't like the tiles, didn't like the gold at the bottom. liked the gold by gauss and twump, liked rocket.

cool ranch quiet talk:
medium. the gold and rocket were really well placed. 4 tiles in the corners were a perfect addition. overall fun map.

high in the sky, there's no minibar (no internet part five):
-. a bit awkward to move around in. gold was well placed nonetheless.

nowhere, kansas (no internet part three):
medium. gold was fantastic, chaingun+floorguard was also great. exit key was awkward, but thats the point so i dont mind it. good layout and interesting tiles. good stuff.

put down your hands:
medium/difficult. this level was really awesome. i enjoyed every aspect, and the tiles were beautiful.

some tunnels that may lead somewhere (no internet part six):
-. didn't like the lack of gold. good idea and pretty fun overall.

the roof of the speeding train (no internet part four):
medium. fantastic map, drone was perfect the mines were perfect the gold was awesome the tiles were fun and the idea was well executed. my favourite in the pack.

there's no internet so i'm making a map:
lovely tiles. fun gameplay. good gold. fun map.

where it's dark:
too grand and open and slow for me. gold had an idea behind it but it wasn
t particularly exciting. not one of the highlights!

won't you come with me today:
your numa map. definitely a good choice. my other favourite. fun everything.

where the huskies go:
haha that was amazing. fun to figure out!

fun pack!

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Postby aids » 2015.01.31 (10:29)

Time to play catch up.
  • begin journey (no internet part two) >> The launchpads are funny, but it's scattered.
  • cool ranch quiet talk >> Awesome! I love this. The rocket and the gausses work very well together. Userlevel'd.
  • high in the sky, there's no minibar (no internet part five) >> Pretty pattern but poor enemy choices.
  • nowhere, kansas (no internet part three) >> Mehhhh. Didn't like the floorguard/chaingun combo.
  • put down your hands >> Yuch. The jump puzzles were clever but it wasn't worth completing.
  • some tunnels that may lead somewhere (no internet part six) >> They didn't. :c
  • the roof of the speeding train (no internet part four) >> It wasn't a "bad" idea, just unfinished.
  • there's no internet so i'm making a map >> Oooh, the gold near the gauss was great. The rest needed work.
  • where it's dark >> Nice challenge. But that's it.
  • where the huskies go >> Damn you.
  • won't you come with me today >> Remember this from NUMA. Interesting.
Have some demos.



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