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The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.13 (03:23)
by blackbelmoral
the old one was way backed up, so here is the new one.
ok, so i just had an idea. u know all the people out there in nmaps who r new? they only have 1 or 6 maps? maybe a bunch of z/1/4 snapping with tons of extra pbjects?
well, one person could go on nmaps per one new player, and helpfully criticize and make their maps better. i would create a bar for the siggie of those who join, but i need new user volunteers. also, we need helpers. plz help me, im just trying to make nmaps a better place with better mapmakers.\
a blackbelmoral/greenblack project
also: if you join, please tell me the user you are mentoring.

previous sigs by already done mentors are attached.

completed mentoring time:
avarin - matonen
(11 KiB) Downloaded 1362 times
rikaninja - anthony_s
(12.56 KiB) Downloaded 1333 times
greenblack/blackbelmoral - minimap4646
(10.71 KiB) Downloaded 33918 times

pending (still working on it!)
bioniccryonic - aperture
29403 - ?
kablizzy - ?
be_nspired - ganteka
ganteka - ?
george - ?
clovic - ?
29403 - ?
wumbla - ?
riobe - ?
squibbles - ?

Going for Gold
Rikaninja - superjumninja, Andrewninja and vampirez

please remembe to pm me when you think youve done it for long enough. i will check your work, post the userbar, and pm you.
we need new people!

due to requests on old thread:
if you are a younger mapper, and would like to be mentored, then pm anyone on the pending list (with no name by theirs) and ask for confirmation. pm me back, and at the end i will give you a userbar too!

also due to requests:
pm me when you know who youre mentoring, and ill start your time and check progress.

well, post any questions!

Old Thread

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.13 (04:13)
by Amadeus
I'll pass on the favor to another user I guess

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.13 (04:24)
by blackbelmoral
BE_nSPIRED wrote:Hey I mentored Ganteka, does that count?
sure. give me a link to one of gantekas newer maps you mentored.ill look through them.

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.13 (04:32)
by blackbelmoral
umm... i looked through there, and good juob, but since this is about now, maybe you could do a week or half a week of just finding a new n mapper on hot maps and favoriting one, and checking out new realese, just plain helping.
so, probably just a few days.
you are helping nmaps~!

new rule: if you have mentored before, and show me proof, you can finish in half the allotted time

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.13 (07:55)
by 29403
I will mentorate someone.

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.14 (00:23)
by blackbelmoral
pm me when you know who
(search the hot maps page)

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.14 (06:28)
by KlanKaos
Great idea. I'm for sure in as a mentor.

So we just search through and find a new mapper that could use some help, and help them? Sounds fun.

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.14 (16:25)
by blackbelmoral
yes. you dont even have to say your mentoring. just post helpful comments and what they did good/can improve on.

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.18 (17:34)
by Tunco
ganteka wrote:Eh.

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.18 (17:40)
by blackbelmoral

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.19 (20:17)
by squibbles
yeah, I'm in...I've done this before once I was fun. :D

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.19 (22:17)
by isaacx
i'd like a "little help" with my maps if i qualify to be.

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.19 (23:57)
by blackbelmoral
sure. pm someone on the green list and ask them.

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.02.28 (23:16)
by Rikaninja
Yup :D

I'm also mentoring; superjumninja, Andrewninja and vampirez.

But just so you know, I duit map-making myself.

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.04.19 (20:58)
by blackbelmoral
*bumps thread*

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.04.20 (00:52)
by Amadeus
I resent my tutor- may I change?

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.04.20 (01:53)
by Yoshimo
I want in! It could help to make noobs average mapmakers, and then they won't be noobs! They can even be pros if they try hard...

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.04.20 (05:14)
by DoctorAperture
hey bionic: could you mentor me?

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.04.21 (21:07)
by Yoshimo
I'd be glad to.

Also, I've never even seen a map by you, can you show me one? I want to see if you're beyond hope.

jk ^_^

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.05.03 (07:32)
by KlanKaos
Totally forgot about this. I've been mentoring joshgiscool with his race maps. The link is to his first one, then check out his two new ones as well - you can see where I've done some good =P

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.08.03 (05:55)
by fireburnsfree
I would love to join this. I have 7 maps all of which are rated, but I would love to join.

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.08.03 (07:44)
by Yoshimo
Uh... I think this is dead, but I could mentor you if that's what you're asking.

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.08.03 (18:46)
by Rhekatou

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.08.04 (17:54)
by fireburnsfree
I would love that. Now where to start?

Re: The *NEW* Mentoring Thread

Posted: 2009.08.06 (21:01)
by blackbelmoral
I think that Rhekatou had the correct link. Click on that to go to where you want to go.
Then, PM one of the people on the (supposed) finishing/working list. None of them are currently doing anything, so just PM one of the and ask them to mentor you.