Glitch? Or some odd part of gameplay?

Talk about Unreality's Dronie winning N 1.4 mod, NReality, here!
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Postby blued » 2011.01.02 (14:00)

Hello, quite new to N and havent gotten very far. Using NReality atm and have understood that unless you complete an episode, none of the levels you've passed on it are saved. OK, not sure if I'll have the patience to carry through (still on 1st episode), but on lvl 4, for some mysterious reason my ninja would just die without anything obvious happening to cause that. No fall, no mines, no elevator crush, etc. He would just be walking on the ground and splat!, dead. Cant see any motivation to continue N without an explanation. Is this a bug or some odd unclarified part of gameplay? Thanks.

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Postby 乳头的早餐谷物 » 2011.01.02 (14:13)

I suspect you've run out of time.


You get ninety seconds to complete an episode, with every piece of gold you collect adding two more seconds to the timer. When the timer gets to zero, you die. Since the timer doesn't reset to ninety until you've completed an episode, if you've been too slow or haven't collected enough gold in earlier levels of an episode you can end up with too little time in which to complete a level, and so you'll have to restart the episode.
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Postby blued » 2011.01.02 (16:18)

Got it, thanks. I knew there would be a time penalty of sorts but didnt know the character would die. I was also trying to collect every gold on the level, I guess that doesnt do any good if you're short on time. :)

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Postby Spawn of Yanni » 2011.01.02 (16:46)

blued wrote:Got it, thanks. I knew there would be a time penalty of sorts but didnt know the character would die. I was also trying to collect every gold on the level, I guess that doesnt do any good if you're short on time. :)
We-eeellll... gold gives you extra time. So you need to balance out what gold to get and what gold to leave out (if it might not be worth it).
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