
Talk about Unreality's Dronie winning N 1.4 mod, NReality, here!
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Richard Richards
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Postby Equilibrium » 2011.11.20 (16:50)

That level is a complete mind-fuck for my eyes, please help me to understand how to get the switches!!!
Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows. There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.

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Postby golf » 2011.11.21 (16:01)

To get these switches you need to have enough speed to squeeze your head into the half-tile space where the switch is (and this is where the name of the map, Squeazles, comes from). You need to walljump from side to side up the shafts, and time your last one to be pretty close to the top of the vertical wall before the slope. It does take some work to do it consistently, and even then you probably won't be getting it every time.
[16:24] <@golfkid> I'm pretty sure I will literally scream if I die on the last column of 78-4 at this point
[16:25] <trance> Oh, yeah. That level.
[16:29] <@golfkid> lol
[16:30] <@golfkid> It looks so simple
[16:30] <@golfkid> But it says "NO! I will rape your sanity!"

My Accomplishments:
Completed N; Completed Nreality on 4/11/08
598 top 20 scores in N 1.4 as of 6/28/14 (498 level scores, 100 episode scores, 2nd position in top 20 rankings); reached 100 on 12/14/2008; 300 (half of all possible :D) on 11/9/2009; 400 on 12/2/2011; max of 598 on 2/3/2013; tied for 0th in top 20 rankings on 2/26-27/13

4 current v1.4 0ths (9th position in 0th rankings); First v1.4 0th: 63-3 at 1:20 pm, 3/24/2008

current level score: 71079.200 (6th position all time); 60k seconds on v1.4 6/17/08; 12th to 70k at 11:30pm EST, 12/24/2011; 6th to 71k at 5:50 pm EST, 9/29/2012

current episode score: 34276.650 (4th position all time); 100k seconds total level score (Metanet and NReality) on 2/4/08

participation and contest winner images


[quote="ska on my 129-1 innovation"]I thought about that but couldn't chimeny fast enough when trying. Congrats[/quote]

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Postby Paradox » 2011.11.21 (19:00)

this map is bullshit, a fucking-bullshit-challenge shouln't be in a story, it should be numa exclusive willard

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Postby Paradox » 2011.11.21 (19:28)

its still bullshit but i beat it

with 24.199 seconds left

you just need to get in the middle of the 2 type tiles at the top

for the first one - do 5 wall jumps - starting from the lowest E tile
2nd - 6 wall jumps - starting from near the top half of the 2nd E tile
3rd - 6 wall jumps - starting from the lowest E tile
last - 6 wall jumps - starting from the bottom of the 3rd E tile

all jumps alternating left to right or vice versa

after the final wall jump you still need to hold the direction towards to oppisite wall so you DONT hit the 2 type tiles

when i say E tile i mean the grid square that is occupied by any tile, so the lowest E tile is the very bottom grid square that contains a tile

Also, the next two levels are easy, with about 30 seconds worth of time to collect in them, but 129-4, ive only tried it a few times, & only managed to get half way, its not something you will beat in 10 tries willard

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