N Reality Special features
Posted: 2008.12.11 (10:37)
How can you add special features to N Reality such as making the screen background change colour?
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You can't waste time when you're helping out someone for a good cause. That's just tomfoolery.Rikaninja wrote:I don't beleive you wasted all your time making so mant links! And don't you think that's a magor info ovaload?
Well you see, when i make a post, I always put in a lot of effort, to try and make it worthwhile. You should try putting in effort. Any at all.Rikaninja wrote:I don't beleive you wasted all your time making so mant links! And don't you think that's a magor info ovaload?
I don't know about you, but the links in Condog's post are the basics.Rikaninja wrote:Someone ought to tell him the basics first ;/
What? No! No? No! What?!superjumninja wrote:Does anybody realise that I can still read all your comments that you post about me?
Sarcasm really has it's toll here doesn't it gloomp! Oh well, superjumninja I think you should know by now how to do it. I can tell you on skype if you still don't get. But I was pretty sure you knew how to code before this topic came about ;[gloomp wrote:What? No! No? No! What?!superjumninja wrote:Does anybody realise that I can still read all your comments that you post about me?
Wait, what? Really? No! No, no? No way, no, what?! No!
is it possible to link to individual posts in the new foums? because if it is, condog's reply should be passed around the common cold. I personally know nothing about N Reality modding, so thank you Condog.Condog wrote:In that case, here is a list of helpful links:
Nexx's Image Map Tutorial
Motherlode on the Moon
Nreality Rotational Laser
N+ Forcefiled Drone
Motherlode Secured (Alarm Drone)
Small Room (tile drone)
I wanna be the guy (Jump settings)
L4byrinth (area trigger)
Motherlode Guarded (Chase A1 2)
Forum [?] (Custom Icon)
Drain me up (Greedy Drone)
Bahahaha (TextDrone)
Left & Right (OneWay On/Off + Rotate)
Ceiling Guard
Cloud Chamber (SpecialTrigger+ChaseAI)
My PlayGround (AI Pathing Objects)
BooBoo Cave (Custom Path)
Play And Stop (Triggered Objects)
Rocky Drone + Rocky Chaser Drone
Ghost Drone
Big Drone!!!!
These should tell you everything you need to know.